Tag Archives: birthday spanking

Happy Spanksgiving – Read All About It

It hasn’t escaped my attention that for the last few months my posting schedule has been very poor. It’s funny actually, when looking back the same thing happened last year and then it exploded in December. Mind you, I was in Japan last year so I had more time on my hands. Will the heavy posting resume this year? I’m really not too sure to be honest with you, my vanilla project is taking a lot of my time and my focus is also totally on that. In fact it would be fair to say that I was questioning myself this week, wondering whether this is the beginning of the end of the blog.

My commitment had always been to continue until at least December 2021 and that hasn’t changed, that will be 15 years of blogging when we get to that point. Maybe things will change, I don’t know what the future holds. Because I have so much material to share it is possible that we might even go for 20 years đŸ™‚

The active scene is pretty dead to me right now, for the most part that is because of my travel plans. Before I get too old to do it anymore I want to see as much of the world as I can, and over the next three years I plan to travel extensively. I already have two trips to Asia planned, obviously I still have to go to England to collect my brothers ashes, and I also have two big European trips planned. It’s the main focus of my life right now, it far outweighs any thoughts of spanking and is actually something that is really positive in my life. I need to stay positive because I feel like I’m a powder keg ready to explode, and that is a side of me that I never want to show. So I eliminate all negative forces and focus solely on the positive.

My strong belief is that when I collect my brother’s ashes then my life will start to head in the right direction again. It is like I can’t close the door just yet and it needs to be closed, my mental health depends on it!!

Anyway, enough jibber jabber fool. Today I looked into my archive and I dug up a bunch of ancient newspaper articles to share with you for a happy spanksgiving. Enjoy, and don’t forget to be kind to each other. Be thankful for what you have!! If you click on each image then it should open to a much larger version for your entertainment.

Windsor Wednesday Classic – 192

Today I have a great find for you that I will add to my PLAYFUL SPANKINGS folder. What is really cool about this spanking photo is that it was actually a prize winner, genuinely!! This isn’t a Billy Bullshit tale that you are likely to find elsewhere, this picture won third place in the picture of the year contest!! Imagine the humiliation, having a photo of you being spanked entered into a photo contest! Okay, so I don’t know if images were entered, or if it was taken by the photography team and they decided on the best ones, but as I mentioned, it did indeed get third place!!

As for the actual picture itself, I just love it. None of this ‘chest on the thigh’ bent over pose, this is a full on, hands on the ground, bent over the knee spanking position. Then we also have that rarity in old spanking finds, you can see the hand in motion delivering a spank. The only let down, and this is a usual one, is the guy looking right at the camera instead of the target that he should be focused on. What a great find though, eh? Expect no less from me though, I always try to find you unique and original content.

57 Years Old Today

The day has finally arrived, my 57th birthday. Where have all of the years gone? Holy smokes I am just 3 years from being 60!! Realistically it isn’t much more than just another day for me. Obviously you all know my family situation by now, and I stopped going out socially years ago so there won’t be any celebration there either. In fact I even removed my date of birth from all of my social media platforms, my website is the only place that I posted it.

It was something that gave me a good reason to do what I do best, and that is to use the time to share some photos with you all. If you are spanking someone today, then by all means feel free to give them 57 spanks in my honor, that would make me happy. Aside from that, enjoy the new BIRTHDAY SPANKING photo for today, rest assured it is a genuine birthday spanking.

Be sure to come back tomorrow for an awesome MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS photo. It is one of seven recent Streetcars finds and I believe that all of them are new to the spanking community. In fact a funny story, I had been searching books for a stupid amount of hours and I finally got to the final collection for one grouping. The actual total of books had to be over 1000 that I searched. Anyway, on the final set I found the seventh Streetcars pic which delighted me, because up until that point I hadn’t seen one for hundreds of books. Even better that it is a rehearsal spanking in front of three others guys, the photo quite tickled me.

Anyway, comments are off. I’m not seeking an emotional support network here. I just want to give you all a great picture.

F/M Friday 17

So how many of you are checking out DANA SPECHT’S NEW BLOG? My goal here is just to direct traffic over to her site until people bookmark it for themselves. The site is being updated frequently with new trailers and images from all of her films, just pick a film from the right hand lists to watch a two-three minute trailer. If you watch them all then you might just get a mini movie out of it. We are not only talking about Dana’s recent films, but we are also talking about the first spanking films that she ever made for Nu-West. Here is AN EXAMPLE of one of the older films. I even made a film with Dana and Sarah where Dana and I play Brother and Sister in a MF/F MOVIE. Check it out and be sure to bookmark the page so that it is in your list of places to visit.

After today there will be just one more BIRTHDAY SPANKING pic for this year. Tomorrow I turn 57 years old and I have a great M/F birthday spanking image that I have saved for my actual birthday. In fact if the truth be known, when I found the pic recently I thought to myself, what can I do to lead up to posting that pic on Saturday? That is when I decided to try and trim some of my unposted birthday spanking images by posting them all week. So make sure that you come back tomorrow for a great vintage birthday spanking pic, and of course come back on Sunday because I will have another top of the shelf MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS spanking pic.

I guess the moral of the story is to come back every day. The goal that I set myself for this blog is to post brand new spanking material as much as I can. There may be the odd one that slips through that I miss, or I might post a different version of known spanking pics, but I try to keep this site as fresh as possible and give you something new to look at. I mean eventually all of my pics are going to be taken and used elsewhere anyway, but for that first run experience then this is the place where you will find a lot of these images getting their debut in the spanking community. In fact this week I have had a very good week in the spanking department, I even found a spanking pic for the play “DEAR RUTH“, the link you see is to the stills that I found for the photo shoot for the movie version starring Mona Freeman from five years ago.

Right, enough of me babbling, I will save some for tomorrow. The F/M COLLECTION pic for today is the only one that I have in my folder that has the name ‘birthday’ attached to it. Chances are I wouldn’t have noted it down if it wasn’t actually a genuine birthday spanking. So here we have three ladies using what appears to be a belt on the young man who is celebrating his birthday. I wonder whose idea it was to use a belt, and I wonder if it was an implement he was already familiar with?

Double The Birthday Spanks

In just two days time I will be turning 57 years old, fifty bloody seven eh? Obviously I don’t want to get all philosophical or anything, but there is a reason that I saved up to start my own Youtube channel. All members of my family have passed away at a relatively young age, and coincidentally my mom would have turned 82 today if she was still around. We never know just how long we have in this world, so I saved up my money to travel to a few places around the world, film my journey and hopefully turn a Youtube channel into a source of financial stability. I’m not looking to become rich and famous, I’m just looking to earn enough money to live on. By the end of 2021 I should know whether or not there is enough progress to make this the last job that I ever have.

If it doesn’t work out and I end up pissing my savings away, well, I would rather go down with a fight than always regretting not giving it a shot. There is no indication yet as to which way this is going to go. My New York project will start next week and by the end of the summer it should give me some understanding as to what I can expect moving forward. It is something that I am excited about and very hopeful that it will be a success.

Anyway, I promised you a weeks worth of birthday spanking pictures, right? Well we will get onto them in just a second.

Please check out DANA SPECHT’S BLOG and bookmark the page. The blog is being updated frequently and click on any link on the right hand side to see a whole bunch of trailers for her movies. All of Dana’s movies can now be downloaded directly from her site, with new titles being added every week. One of the latest titles is SARAH’S SPRING BREAK SPANKINGS, this was a film that I shot with Dana and Sarah a while back in which I play Dana’s brother. In the very first scene I was behind the camera when Dana gave Sarah 500 spanks, and let me tell you, after 50 I almost started to feel sorry for Sarah….. almost!! It was a scorcher though. Both Dana and I spank her each one more time before Sarah goes over both of our laps simultaneously for a double spanking. Click the link above to check out the trailer.

The double spanking is a great segue into the birthday spanking pics for today, and that is double birthday spankings!! Both of these images will be added to my WINDSOR’S BIRTHDAY SPANKINGS album as first run spanking finds, you rarely get sloppy seconds spanking pics on my site. Both images are genuine birthday spanking images, there is no need to create a BS story, the story is already provided. By the way, is it just me, or does that Dr. Pepper can in the second image look way too big? đŸ™‚

Birthday Jeans

A wise choice of attire when you know that you are likely to get a birthday spanking!!

Sorry about missing a post yesterday guys, I got caught up with my vanilla projects. I did have a laugh on Sunday evening though. While doing a sweep trying to find spanking pics I found what I thought was going to be a new play to report, but then I researched the characters in the play and all they had done was simply rename the play, All American Family. The pic wasn’t as good as the one that I posted from the same play LAST SUNDAY, but new finds are new finds.

The image below is a genuine birthday spanking, or should I say a staged birthday spanking. This will be added to my WINDSOR’S BIRTHDAY SPANKINGS folder.

Saturday Spanks

The countdown to turning 57 has begun, just seven days left. Last night I did a quick two hour search of books and found not so much as a sausage. Sometimes that happens, you can search for ages and find nothing. I guess it is like fishing really, right? Can’t complain though, because I have found some great new pics so far overall, which means you have to come back tomorrow for the weekly MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS photo. I have busted my hump lately looking for pics so I am so excited to share my new finds with you all. My goal today is to try and finish the swing state that I have been searching for seven days now, and then perhaps move onto a really big state that will take me a good couple of weeks to search.

The reason that I am posting daily to lead up to my birthday is quite simple, I’m trying to get rid of some pics that I have had sitting on my hard drive for years. If I don’t find a time to post them then they will never get posted. It could end up that I post every day for the rest of the year. Anyway, this is a genuine birthday spanking from 1947, not a made up one, so I hope that you enjoy it. The photo will of course be added to my WINDSOR’S BIRTHDAY SPANKINGS folder. Below the image is my latest vanilla video.

F/M Friday 16

We will stick with the birthday spanking theme in our F/M COLLECTION pic for this week. Before that though, let me update you on my searches during this quarantine. Just to give you an idea of the volume of work that I have undertaken, a deep search of 1950s books from only one state has so far taken me 6 days, and I am only a little past halfway yet. This is the 4th state that I am on, though in fairness the first three were super small so I expected to finish them quickly. The big states though will probably take 10-14 days to finish each one, and that is only if I can devote a lot of hours to the project.

The project might take 18 months to finish (and that is just for the 1950s) but I am determined to get through it. So far in the four states I have found 6 Streetcars pics, 3 Little Acorns, and then a bunch of single plays and just random spanking pics. The return for the hours I have put in is small, but as you will soon all see, the results that I did find are outstanding. These are all new pics to me and I have one of the largest private collections out there, so they have to be good if I like them, right?

Double The Fun

Why have one birthday spanking when you can get two for the price of one? Yes, this is a genuine birthday spanking, not a made up one đŸ™‚

As I mentioned on Tuesday, next Saturday is my 57th birthday, and I have removed all notifications from my social media that it is my birthday. The only place you will know that it is, is because I am posting it on my site. I have a collection of birthday spanking pics that I have yet to post, and other than one awesome one, I’m just not sure when I will get to post them. So why not take the decision out of my hands and post one a day, barring my usual Friday, Sunday and Wednesday posts. Actually, I have an F/M student paddles teacher birthday pic that I could post tomorrow.

Next Wednesday I’m not certain if I will post the really good spanking pic, or actually, maybe I will post that one on my actual birthday instead. I have what I think is a new mainstream spanking pic, it isn’t one that shows up on any Google search as a spanking pic, so I think that it might be a new movie discovery. Even searching the name of the actress doesn’t bring up the pic, so I want to post that one next Wednesday if I can.

Finally I will have a new MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS pic for this Sunday. Out of the six recent discoveries, it isn’t even the best in terms of quality (though it is still excellent) out of them all, but I simply love it. Just wait until Sunday, if it doesn’t give you a good spanking vibe then I will be shocked đŸ˜‰

Now then, here is my latest entry to be added to my WINDSOR’S BIRTHDAY SPANKINGS album.

Broom Spanking

Before I start the post for today, let me just send a reminder out that Dana Specht has a new SPANKING BLOG where you can find trailers for all of her spanking videos, along with other regular updates. Just look in the upper right sections of her blog and click each one to view the trailer for each particular film, and of course be sure to bookmark the site so that you don’t rely on me to post the updates, you can find them right on her very own site.

Today is an unusual subject, but it also happens to be the one that was the very first birthday spanking that I witnessed in the USA.

A week from Saturday it will be my 57th birthday and I have to be honest with you, since my brother died the day has become pretty meaningless. In fact on all of my social media platforms I have actively removed any mention as to when my birthday is. Every year, both for my birthday and my brother’s birthday, we would hop on a video call and laugh ourselves silly for a couple of hours. When he died two years ago, I arranged for his funeral to take place on what would have been his 57th birthday, and that was the last time that I got to address him before we finalized the service. It is only the second hardest thing that I have had to do, mainly because I had to read his eulogy as the last thing that I could do for him, so I had a purpose to help me through. The hardest thing I ever did was talking to my Mom just a few hours before she died, something that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

This isn’t a morbid post though, I’m just pointing out that birthdays are just blah to me now, they don’t really mean anything. So with that in mind, why not spend the time between now and next Saturday unloading some of my collection of birthday spanking pics? Obviously I will keep posting my regular weekly features, but in-between them I will post some birthday spanking pics that are just normal in their quality. Speaking of my regular features though, make sure you come back tomorrow and on Sunday. Tomorrow I will have an awesome outdoor spanking, and then on Sunday I have a new MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS pic. At least I think it is a Streetcars pic, unfortunately the play wasn’t mentioned in the book, or in the year before or the year after, but it has all of the hallmarks of a Streetcars pic. It is only remarkable in the sense that it features probably the most spankable butt I have ever seen in a Men Are Like Streetcars pic đŸ™‚

So birthday spankings with a broom. Well let’s be honest, it is nothing more than a symbolic display that is not designed to hurt at all, but I also have to tell the truth. I’m not going to claim some magical fantasy land spanking that was the first one that I ever say in the States, nope, it was given to a 21 year old camp counselor by the director of the camp, a girl who would later become my romantic partner in the summer of 1985 when I was 22 years old. Perhaps there was a subliminal message in what I witnessed that day.

The first three photos feature four spankings, each given with a broom. And of course while I can’t claim that every image in this post is a birthday spanking, the groundwork was laid to suggest that other than the couple at the cabin, it is probably true that the rest of the images are indeed BIRTHDAY SPANKINGS. These three pictures I have not posted before so they should be new to the vast majority of you. You can click on each one for the full sized version.

To make the post complete, and of course to make it easier for someone to create their own Birthday Broom Spankings folder, here is the rest of my collection of broom spankings that I have posted over the years.