That’s A Lot Of Birthday Spankings

Earlier this year I shared what I think is perhaps one of the best spanking finds that I have made, the birthday spanking of Eilene Janssen on the set of The Search for Bridey Murphy. Well now I can one up that with some additional information, but I will keep it short so as not to bore you all half to death đŸ™‚

Yesterday I decided to search the newspaper archive, just in case there was an additional image or angle some place, and while all I found was the exact image, it did clear up one question for me. Eilene wasn’t getting spanked on a petticoat, she was indeed wearing old fashioned bloomers.

Now, is the article factually correct? Did everyone in the cast really take turns spanking her? That’s an awful lot of spanking!! In fact there were 39 other cast members, not to mention the production team!! 18 spanks plus one to grow on, times 39…. damn, that’s like 741 spanks, and all on her panties as well.

Perhaps, just perhaps, the newspaper is taking literary license, or maybe not, maybe Eilene did in fact get 39 spankings that day. I will let you decide that. I will add this to the BIRTHDAY SPANKINGS folder.

6 thoughts on “That’s A Lot Of Birthday Spankings

  1. I really enjoy that her skirt is up while getting spanked.I would love to give her some birthday spanks as well.her expression and his are outstanding.great find and commentary.Thanks.

  2. Mick,
    If the story is correct then this was the first spanking, so I would say pleasure….. at the moment đŸ˜‰

  3. Theo,

    Absolutely one of my favorite finds. I’m not sure if it beats the Chrissie Evert lookalike birthday spanking picture, but it is definitely worthy of the top 5 best finds ever.


  4. Jimc,

    I loved the original image that I found, and as I was on the newspaper archive I figured I would see if I could find any additional images. It is the same picture, but the story is slightly different đŸ˜‰


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