Birthday Bonanza 1 – Birthday Spankings

Yes, the day that I have posted about for a while now has arrived. Today I turned 60 years old!! As noted yesterday I will keep all posts short for the next 20 days as I know that you are here for the photos, but this is it, I am officially an old man now.

I ask for nothing, only that you enjoy the next 20 days where I will be sharing 60 spanking pics in honor of my 60th birthday. As I haven’t been active in the scene for four years, if you want to give or get 60 swats as an excuse then by all means use me as one, lol. Now, on with the show.

(*Thanks for the message, Beginninganew, it was so good to hear from you after all these years, I really appreciate it.)

The first image is a genuine birthday spanking, and not only that, but the lady doing the spanking is a tennis coach!! I am sure over the years that you have all read about the female spanker who was a tennis coach, it is quite the staple of spanking stories. Well here is the proof in the pudding, an actual tennis coach giving a birthday spanking.

All pics will be added to my WINDSOR’S BIRTHDAY SPANKINGS folder.

Next up we have two more classics. While I have no proof that this is an actual birthday spanking, I am taking an educated guess based on the fact that we are getting a double spanking. Yes, the same lady is being spanked in both images. Like I said, I have no proof, for all I know she might have forgot to pick up the mail, lol, but I am sure that you will agree that the images make a great addition to the opening post of my birthday bonanza theme.


5 thoughts on “Birthday Bonanza 1 – Birthday Spankings

  1. Love the theme.congratulations on your birthday I have 10 years on you,but it was a milestone anyway.thanks for all you share enjoy your day.this one is a real favorite for my favorites otk I love how she fits into the lap of the spanker and birthday spanking expressions by both spanker and spanker really add to the merriment.

  2. Jim,

    Isn’t it a wonderful image? I only wish I knew for certain that it was a birthday spanking, but I feel sure that it is. The middle pic is also one of my favorites.


  3. Yes,I was going to write on that one first,but I got distracted and is a fabulous picture and I agree it is one of my favorites as well.I guess I liked the birthday one better because she just seemed to fit better and I always enjoy seeing the faces of spanker and spanker enjoying their respective positions.thanks have a great day.

  4. Happy birthday to you! And thank you for celebrating with your readers by putting all this effort into your posts. May you have a wonderful year!

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