Dishing Out Freebies

Tomorrow morning I already have a new post scheduled featuring a brand new photo from the play People Are Funny,  it is an awesome shot that I know you are going to enjoy.

Now on my other sites I have posted a new questionnaire as I prepare for the 8th annual spanking interview with Dana Specht. The same premise goes for all of the previous years that I have done an interview,  for filling out the questionnaire I give you a free spanking video. As always,  many of your thoughts and ideas will be used in the interview as many of you are already aware.

Now I’m going to be traveling all day tomorrow,  and while you will get a new post in the morning,  I will quickly put this post up for a few hours in the interim just in case anyone wants a free spanking video. So far for all of the dozens of free videos I have given out,  virtually everyone this go around wants the Ten video. 🙂

Just keep in mind that if you request a free spanking video,  I’m not going to be home until Midnight EST tomorrow,  I lose some hours in the journey. However,  I will be up for the next five hours or so and I will have a few hours in the morning before I leave for the day.

There are three movies that you can choose from,  just click on each one below for a description,  and if you decide to fill the form in three times for all the films,  at least give a tad more than yes – no – yes – yes – no 🙂

Amber Grey  –  Schoolgirl Blues

The Cheeky Babysitter

Ten  –  The Sassy P.A

Streetcar Sundays – 75

I’m also in the process of giving away some free spanking movies,  so if you want one you can take part in filling out the short survey for a free spanking film. CLICK HERE

I’m here in Vegas right now but I have got up absurdly early today so I will drop my weekly Men Are Like Streetcars spanking pic a day late this week. Because I am on vacation,  I actually had some time to do some searching while sat in the sun  (shade :))  and I came up with around 20 new finds across the board,  so there are lots of new material to share. In fact I just did a quick count and I still have 94 Streetcar pics that I have yet to post. Now there might be some doubles in there,  and some may have been posted and I forgot to move them to the posted folder,  but an ultra conservative guess would say that there is still around 80 new spanking pics in that folder alone.

Make sure that you come back on Wednesday as well because I also have some cracking new spanking pics from various plays.

This weeks Men Are Like Streetcars spanking photo comes from Negaunee,  MI in 1959. Now you will see a difference in this photo in that the third character is a woman and not a guy. The reason for this is that this spanking scene is from a rehearsal for the play and not from the play itself. It does say it under the photo but there are times when capturing a screenshot that you have to decide on two factors, do you want to include more info or have a clearer photo. In this case it was easy for me to just tell you it was a spanking rehearsal as the photo is so good.

This will be added to my ever growing MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS spanking folder.

Streetcar Sundays – 74

It has been a while but next week I return to Shadowlane for their annual party. Two years ago our family was dealing with our mom’s terminal illness and last year I was waiting for my green card renewal,  so I haven’t been to the Shadowlane party since 2013.

I’m going to have my audio recorder with me in the hopes that I can snag an interview or two,  but I’m not going to be filming this go around. It’s funny really that the party is just a few days away,  right at the time in my life where I don’t even think about spanking anymore. That will be a topic that I will write about shortly,  but at one time in my life I thought about spanking 24/7,  but now weeks can go by when I don’t think about it a single time.

Anyway.  this weeks MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS spanking photo is from 1956 from the great state of Pennsylvania. This will be added to the Streetcars folder which you can access by clicking on the highlighted text.

Windsor’s Sunday Candids – 63

What’s this? The 4th post in a week by Windsor,  what is going on?

As I noted earlier,  I’m trying my hardest to get back to posting on a more frequent basis,  even if it means 1 comment per 4,000 visitors  🙂

Back when I first moved to America in the 1980’s I lived in New Jersey,  and on occasional weekends we would go down to a nightclub in Neptune,  NJ. I forget the name of it,  but anyone from that area will know what it is/was called.

So in honor of my first foray into the world of the USA,  here is a photo from Neptune,  NJ from 1961.

This will be added to my WINDSOR’S SENIOR SUPERLATIVES folder.

Potpourri Whuppin’s

As you can see I am starting to get back to posting on a regular schedule. In a few weeks time I am going to the Shadowlane party and I am going to be doing some audio interviews while I am there. Right now I have had my first person sign up,  have another that I need to confirm,  and hopefully a couple more after that.

As I am doing this to promote people,  almost exclusively the people who are going to sign up are Female tops and spanking models,  though I am going to work overtime to try and get a male interview as well. It is my sincere hope that I can get Dr. Lectr sat down for an interview,  but that guy is always super busy making sure everyone else has a good time.

Today I have a potpourri of whipping pics,  vintage of course,  along with a photo of Elizabeth Taylor getting the ruler on her hand. I hope that you enjoy them. If you follow me frequently you will know that I post some of these photos in groups just to get them out there,  I’m sure someone will enjoy them.

100 Years Ago

Okay,  so you can’t see much from the photo,  but it is a spanking photo and I like to share my finds even when they are really bad to look at visually. This photo is from 1917 and if you look closely you will see that two women are getting spanked  (possibly 3). How and why is left totally up to your imagination.

Streetcar Sundays – 73

So I have decided to go to the annual Shadowlane party this year. Now my plan had been to make one more video but I’m not ready for that yet,  but I will have my audio recorder with me so hopefully I can make a few audio interviews while I am there. The new video I will probably do in February.

This week’s MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS spanking photo comes from Indian River,  NY in 1960. Looks like that bottom is nicely arched up for some attention.

Streetcar Sundays – 72

Before I say anything else,  let me point out that this blog has been going for over ten years now and I anticipate doing it for another ten years. There is so much that I have that I want to share that it would be impossible not to do that before I closed up shop. Point being though,  I don’t ever envision not having this blog.

There is no denying that my interest has waned over the last couple of years,  not with blogging but with spanking in general. I once said to a good friend that everything that I ever wanted from the spanking scene I got,  in fact I got it ten fold. Being an older person you fully appreciate every opportunity that the Internet has provided,  I’ve done virtually everything I ever wanted to do,  and I got to do it to a point that I felt spoiled. There are still powerful scenes that drive me crazy and I can repeat them until the day I die,  but I have to admit that I have become a little selfish in doing only the things that I enjoy doing.

It would be fair to say that I am a bit of a loner,  but spanking parties bring out the best in me. For the most part my enjoyment comes from welcoming people into the scene. There are many people out there,  and I dare say many who read this blog who have never been to a party as of yet. They want to,  but they can’t take that final step to get them over the hump. A lot of it comes down to individual personalities,  and for a lot of people that would stem from overcoming shyness.

That is one area that I think I shine in because I think that we are all equals,  nobody is above anybody in the scene. I find it an honor to welcome people into the scene. If you have read me for a long time you will know that I refuse to take part in award shows. There is nothing that I have against them,  in fact many of my friends love them,  but I sit on the other side of the fence on that topic. All that stems from is my upbringing and my personality,  I refuse to put myself on a pedestal. I’m not better than anyone,  what I do appeals to a small fraction of our society and those are the people that I aim to please.

That brings me onto an article that JimC raised for me. Now I’m not going to link the article because in it someone mentions a friend of mine and what she went through,  and that is a topic that angers me. However,  there is a line from the article that really struck a bell for me,  and that line was  “Playing to an empty house”.

Now what is playing to an empty house?

The discussion in question was about the longevity of spanking blogs. One theory as to why blogs come and go,  and one that I can understand,  is the feeling that you are blogging to an empty house. Now I’ve mentioned this many times before and this is the reason why I never did the love our lurkers community event. Whenever I write or post something,  I don’t do it to get feedback. If what I write or post moves someone to the point that they feel they want to comment on it,  then those are the comments that are like gold to me. One term that I love is the phrase  “Posting for cookies”. That is something that I try to avoid at all costs. In fact when my mother passed away a couple of years ago I turned the comment section off when I wrote about it,  because I knew that plates and plates of cookies would arrive,  lol.

Why do I mention this though if comments aren’t that important to me? Well it is quite simple,  there are interests outside of spanking that appeal to me. If I find what I am doing is not appealing to the people I am posting it for,  then my interests tend to gravitate to doing things that give me enjoyment as well.

You have probably read that I watch next to no television,  save for one or two shows  (Hint: Game of Thrones tonight). With that said though,  I have just recently purchased a subscription to Netflix and oh my word,  what the heck was I waiting for? I find myself binge watching TV shows from all over the world. I’m currently obsessed with watching Japanese and Korean dramas,  and once I have had my fill with those there are others from Thailand,  China and Brazil just waiting for me. So I will be quite frank with you,  part of the reason that this blog has not been updated frequently as of late is two fold. Firstly,  my time is somewhat limited,  but secondly,  and perhaps more importantly,  I have been using my spare time to educate my mind. So in one sense,  playing to an empty house really doesn’t bother me,  mostly because I want people to comment only if what I say or post has inspired them in some way. Secondly though,  in a sense playing to an empty house does affect me. I get my 90 minutes of an evening and I sit there and internally say to myself,  do I spend that time blogging,  or do I watch another episode of that awesome Japanese show that I am watching? Catch 22 really. With that said,  this blog will always remain open and I will continue to share with you the awesome collection of rare photos that I have. Hopefully what I said makes sense to you all.

Right,  onto the photo for this week. It is a recent find and will be added to my MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS spanking folder. This one is from 1960 and took place in Portage,  Indiana. I love the look on her face,  which should be a nice treat for all of the fans of spanking faces!!

Happy Birthday America

Way back when in 1776,  Great Britain and America decided to call it a tie so that the British could try and impose their will elsewhere  🙂  It is also Republic Day in the Philippines so if you are visiting this site from there,  happy independence day to you as well. Ironic really that those two countries share independence day when you consider the leadership of both countries.

So today I am going to give you a bunch of pictures that probably wouldn’t get posted in any theme,  what I do is throw a bunch together to purge the archive somewhat.

Now if you follow me on social media,  and I don’t mean  ‘creepazoid stalker’  follow me,  but if you are friends with me elsewhere you will know that I have become somewhat of a hermit. It is hard to explain really,  I had started to go back to Fetlife,  but the last two national parties have raised debates. As a person watching from the sidelines,  you see the same old voices chipping in with their $5’s worth,  and it just presents a negative vibe that nobody enjoys. Actually,  I shouldn’t generalize,  it presents a negative vibe that proceeds to chase me away.

The current political climate has also destroyed Facebook. I have two Facebook accounts and I haven’t been to either of them in months. It no longer appears to be Facebook,  it is more like Hatebook where everyone has a platform to post their favorite negative topic ad nauseam.


Now I had just written this long post which followed the theme that I started to write above,  but I deleted it all. You are here for the pics,  right,  and I don’t want to disappoint my audience. If you want to keep up with me I am still active on Twitter. CLICK FOR MY TWITTER ACCOUNT.

Streetcar Sundays – 71

It just dawned on me that this is the 71st photo in the series,  that is a crazy amount and I have just as many still to post. Hopefully everyone still finds them as enjoyable. As you can see I am trying to pick the pace up again for posting,  there was a period there where I would go weeks without a post,  but I am getting back towards the old rhythm.

This weeks MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS pic goes back to 1953 and it is from Warrensburg,  NY. It’s funny actually,  but I have another one from Warrensburg in 1953,  but it must be from a different state. Still,  it is kind of neat that two different towns of the same name featured the same spanking in the same year.