F/M Friday 45

The only question that I have is where did she get the belt from? Do you suppose that it was hanging on a hook behind a door? The young lady certainly seems determined and has got her swing on. One of the observers seems surprised while the other seems to be fully enjoying the spanking/whuppin’. Click on the image for the full sized version.

4 thoughts on “F/M Friday 45

  1. I met a young guy at a wedding a few years back who claimed his family tied a person to a tree, male or female on the 18th birthday and whupped them with a belt 18 times. He was talking about his whole family, cousins, aunts and uncles and such! Oh, they whupped them bare bottom. So maybe this is a pic of a family like that with its’ own birthday traditions! Could get pretty painful in your forties and fifties! lol!

  2. Fatherjim,

    Especially with the belt 🙂 There is of course the Polish tradition of 18 birthday spanks with the belt as witnessed in many only videos.


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