Category Archives: Pixie

Shadowlane, The Little Horror, and Webmaster Madness.

My party ticket is in hand, it’s official, I’m going to Shadowlane’s 30th anniversary party this year!! After my last post I received several emails and notifications on various forums letting me know that a whole host of people I know are going. Hope to see you there and be sure to come up and say hi, I don’t bite (ain’t got no teeth to bite anyway :-)) and despite my rough exterior I am pretty friendly. Just don’t piss me off!!

Tomorrow I am going to make another post in regards to The Little Horror (my affectionate nickname for Pixie). As you all know, she is going to be doing her annual Cause for Paws charity event in a couple of months time, and along with Lily Anna and Juliet Valentina I have volunteered my services to help her out any way I can. I will fill you in more tomorrow, but I have volunteered to help coordinate the auction of spanking items. So with the resources that I have acquired, I will be reaching out to spanking vendors and try to round up as many items as I can that we can use to auction off for the charity, it should be a lot of fun.

This last part is for webmasters only, so for the most of you, you will probably want to stop reading now 🙂

In a short while I will be making a post regarding promoting websites using your blog, and as you all know I have been aggressively flogging Hot Movies for a long time now. Let me give you an idea of what I am talking about, right now I have 371 active members that have signed up to Hot Movies, which means any time that any of those members make a purchase, I get commission from the sale. Want to get an idea of the sales it is generating? As it stands right now I have made sales for 48 straight days!!! Here is a screen shot of June’s sales, and as you can see I earned enough money to pay for my Shadowlane ticket and pretty much my hotel room just from one month. That’s over $300 for June alone, and so far for July I have earned nearly $100.

We are talking stupid money here and if you don’t get on board you are missing out on a whole lot. Now you have to practice patience, you aren’t going to earn that amount in one month. The way Hot Movies works is that the more people you get to sign up, the better the sales get each month. It may take you six months to build a good network, but once you do you should be rolling in it. The best part of all of it is that you can market whatever you want. If you go to my SPANKING PICS site right now you will see that I have put a panty video up and created a few panty galleries as well to market some panty films. Here are the four panty links that I created.

So if you want in on it, click the pretty girl below and get started. You won’t be disappointed and it is by far my best webmaster referral site by a long shot.

Just 11 Days To The Party

This weekend I have started to plan my itinerary for the Weekend a week from Thursday. Already I can see it is going to be a busy weekend and I have lots planned. To start with, my long planned goal of making my own videos is going to get kick started at the party and I have some great girls lined up to shoot with. The first video I am going to do is an all pajama spanking video and so far I only have one scene written, though the other scenes will be pretty basic. The format for this video will be simple, all Male/Female OTK hand spanking with the usual progression of pajamas, panties and bare bottom. The other video I haven’t created the format yet, but I will have the girls in casual attire, preferably summer type dresses.

As you can no doubt imagine, I am pretty excited about this whole set up, even if the whole production will cost me about a grand. The DVD’s will be sold directly from this website and I will also upload them to Hotmovies for pay per view streaming, but the good part is, after this party I will be able to attend spanking parties in the future and have my own material to vend. Now who are the models going to be you may ask? Well the order follows in the order that I got the girls on board.

Clearly no video I make would be complete without my good mate, and the young lady who suggested I appear in videos in the first place, Miss Amber Pixie Wells.


Also confirmed is another good friend of mine, and an absolute cutie to boot, Miss Amber Grey from Texas.


Are we done yet? Oh goodness no, we are just getting started. The delightful Sarah Gregory will not only be shooting her own stuff at the party, but her and I will also trade some content for each others projects.


And the last name I can give you at the moment is one of the brattiest girls I know, man alive can this girl go. I have a hard enough time spanking her whilst trying to stifle giggles because she is so darn talkative. The one and only, Lily Anna.


Now there are some P’s and Q’s that I need to cover first with the relevant parties, namely video producers, website owners and significant others, but I feel pretty confident that everything will go smoothly. There is one other girl that I have on board, however, this one is not confirmed yet as we need to get clearance first, however, she is someone you all know and will be the only girl on this list that I have NOT spanked to date. As soon as it is safe to do so I will let you know who that person is.

Another thing that I am doing at the party is restarting The Spanking Zone interview series, only this time the interviews will be done in person and on camera. Due to time I have no idea how many of these I will get done, but I am hoping to get a few in. Only yesterday did I start to email people about this idea, and the first person I got on board was a sheer delight, the famous disciplinarian, Miss Dana Specht.


The interviews will not be the longest thing in the world, heck, we are at a spanking party after all, but I thought it would be cool to get some proper interviews done while I am there. If you have never visited Dana Specht’s Website before then now might be a good time to do so, simply click on her name in blue above to be taken directly there. Now the interviews are pretty much going to focus on each individuals products, but if any of you have a question that you would like me to ask Dana, feel free to leave your suggestion and I will ask her on camera what it is that you want to know.

Finally, as you all know, last year in November I declared that I would be unveiling Richard Windsor 2.0 in November of 2010, my original goal being to drop 50lbs in a year. Well at the Weekend I hope I can reveal Richard Windsor 1.8!! My current weight loss is 38lbs (2st 10lbs for my British friends) and I am going to work especially hard this week to drop 2 more pounds so that I can go to the party at 40lbs less than I was last year :-). I also changed the overall goal as well now, why stop at 50lbs, eh? 😉

Picture 008

I get to spank Pixie in today’s update.


In this scene, Pixie gets to play her favorite schoolgirl role, one where she is the naughty student who has taken the forbidden book of dark magic from the academy library. As is her want, and as you will read when I finally complete my story about my first visit, the genuine brat that our Pixie really is, she seems to take great joy in finding the hottest, hairiest, and most uncomfortable costumes her bratty little mind can come up with for me to wear!! 🙂 Richard Windsor has donned the costume of Harrid the groundskeeper. Yes, buried beneath that mass of hair that had me sweating like a roasted pig lays yours truly, Richard Windsor.

Try as I might, reasoning with the bratty schoolgirl doesn’t seem to work as I attempt to get back the book of dark magic. Realizing that her first attempt at using one of the spells made Fluffy the cat disappear, she tries the same spell to make old Harrid disappear. A nice plan in theory, except this spell not only didn’t make Harrid disappear, it also turned him into a not so gentle giant. This first part is a good old fashioned hand spanking and features some fabulous special effects, just look at how red her bottom gets :-). In the second part next week, Pixie attempts to end her spanking with yet another spell, except the poor thing hasn’t quite mastered the book of dark magic as of yet, and only proceeds to put a mean looking leather strap into Harrid’s raised hand, stay tuned for that delicious OTK strapping.