Tag Archives: Christmas

The Richard Windsor Spanking Files – Part 9

So I should be on my way home from Vegas right now, hopefully with a few well spanked bottoms under my hand đŸ˜‰ You should have new pics by the end of the week.

The Richard Windsor Spanking Files – Part 6

So if all went to plan, I would have made my special spanking film last night. These posts were created last week prior to my leaving so I can only hope that it went well đŸ™‚ Here is the sixth set of my personal spanking pics, with many more to come.

The Richard Windsor Spanking Files – Part 2

Munchkin makes her first spanking appearance in this set, and she isn’t in the corner…. not yet anyway đŸ™‚ In this set you will also see my long term friends, Sarah Thorne, plus the following girls, Audrey Knight, Leia Anne Woods, Erica Corvina, Kay, Naughty Freckles, Sarah Gregory, Miss Chief and Cookie. There is even an appearance by a vanilla friend of mine whose bottom I remember swatting a couple of times back in 1987, can you spot who she is?

4th Year Anniversary

First of all guys, I just want to thank you all for your wonderful comments on the 2010 Christmas Show, hearing feedback like that makes the show so worth doing and I was really pleased that it was received so well. My thanks of course to all of the guests who took the time to send in a recording, I was delighted by the response as everyone bar two people responded to my request, so the strike rate was really good. The show is in the post below this one, but at the bottom of this post the show is reposted in case you missed it.

So yes, Christmas Eve brings up the 4 year anniversary of this blog, and what better way to welcome the day than to share with you some pictures of Richard Windsor playing Santa Claus. Sometimes I consider myself the luckiest guy on the planet đŸ™‚

During the week I am going to be sharing my year in review, and this year has been a very fruitful one for me. In fact I think it is safe to say that I have spanked more girls this year than I ever have before. I even have material on hand now where I can start to sell my own content on DVD and online, with a lot more promised for 2011. Speaking of which, I will be spending the day today and tomorrow editing the footage and building my clips4sale store.

Anyway, I won’t take up too much of your time today as I know we are all busy. But as it is my anniversary today, here is a collection of my own personal pics where I get to play Santa and I spank a bevy of pretty girls. I have used them before for promotional purposes, and now I’m using them for ego purposes đŸ™‚ Merry Christmas Everyone!!


It Will Soon Be Christmas

And like last year I am happy to announce that once more I will be putting on a special Christmas Radio Show. This year I will have more people joining in, some from last year as well as a few new people joining in this year, some good names for you all. In fact I have sent an email to someone who I have personally been a fan of for quite a while now, and with my fingers firmly crossed I hope to get a reply.

The pisser is that I had just ordered a new microphone that arrived today, but was unfortunately damaged upon arrival. I’m assured that I will get a replacement by Monday so I will still be on schedule to get the Christmas show up next weekend. If you missed last years show you can click the link below and listen to it. This years will be better though as I now have better recording equipment. Now I am away this weekend at a private party, but I have reached into my pre blog archive and over the next few days I will pre-post a real life story in 3 parts while I am away. The story is about meeting someone for the first time, and having just rekindled a friendship with that person I figured it would be a good time to post it. Now be warned though, it is a good girl set of spankings and will probably appeal more to the ladies than it will the guys. Part 1 should be posted tomorrow.

The 2009 Christmas Show

Another Christmas Show Coming

It’s funny you know, I went to get the links for last years Christmas show and what did I end up doing? I clicked play and now I am listening to it again đŸ™‚

So I am going to put another one together for this year as well, and I will try and outdo last years with a lot more personal messages this time around. The premise is simple, I ask a group of spankos to record a Christmas greeting and I add them to a radio show style of podcast. Now I already have a stack of people lined up, but there will be a few spots left for personal greetings. You can guess what happens, you record a message and I provide a link under the show to your website for you. Last years show was extremely popular and if you missed it, it is available to listen to right here, just click the links below for parts 1 and 2 of last years show. So give it a listen and let me know what you think.

Part 1



Part 2


Out Of Time

My goal to have written something substantial before I left for my trip never materialized. Never mind though, while I am going to be down in Georgia for a long weekend and I won’t be taking my laptop with me, I can quickly rustle up something here and also let you know where you can find other things that I have posted.

First of all of course, the new site, PANTY SPANKINGS, has taken off like hot cakes, just as I expected it would. The site is preposted to update every 2 or 3 days for the rest of the month, so keep on checking in there. I will try and add an extra predated post during the time I am away so that you have lots to look at. Go have a look at it, I think you will enjoy the new site and it has become very popular in a short time.


Tonight I will add another plethora of galleries to the SPANKING GALLERIES SITE. Just recently I have started to post frequently on the galleries site so that is worth checking out as well. Unfortunately the girl below doesn’t feature on there, but damn is this a hot looking pic!!

I’m not done yet, not by a long shot. The other two sites that I run have also been updated in advance and have posts scheduled already for the next few weeks. I was a busy little beaver this past weekend. There are new sets for you to view already so just pay a visit to SPANKING PICS AND VIDEOS and also take a trip to OLD SPANKING PICS for new pictures sets that will automatically update.

So what is in store this weekend? Well, it is time for our annual Southern Spanking Conference and this year we are heading down to Savannah, Georgia. If I am not mistaken this is our fifth annual event and we normally go to the Smokey Mountains in Tennessee. The very first year there was only three tops staying at the main cabin, but this year the numbers are fairly equal, I believe it is 8 tops and 12 bottoms. It sounds askew, however, you have to remember that the girls need a break from time to time.

Now for the last few months I haven’t been a very good friend to the people I am close to, in fact it is fair to say that I haven’t spoken to anyone from the SSC group for at least the last three months save for the people who went to Shadowlane. Despite that though, arrangements changed and at the last minute I was able to offer a spot in my room to a person I have roomed with before. Am I delighted by that? You can bet your bottom dollar I am. This girl happens to be one of the sweetest girls out there and when we were rooming together at FMS one year, we happened to have one of those scenes at 4am on the last day that was spontaneous and is one of the favorite scenes I have done. If you want to know who I am rooming with just follow this link, you will get to read a story about a naughty girl in her drop seat pajamas, a pair of nylon panties that is a story within itself, and a sturdy wooden spoon. It is a really great tale and has always been one of my favorite scenes.

I haven’t been much of a Prince lately, but I do at least get to spend some quality time with my Princess once more, even if she will spend most of it either over my lap or with her nose planted firmly in the cornerÂ đŸ™‚ We will see if she wants to have a further discussion on Tetra-amelia.

The state of the Spanking Universe address

First of all a big thank you to everyone for your comments regarding the Christmas special, and an even bigger thank you to all of the contributors to the show. I’m glad to hear so many people liked it as it took me about 6 hours in total to put together.

Now then, as you all know, the Spanking Universe was deleted by blogger, which pissed me off to no end I don’t mind telling you. But as I told you all before, I couldn’t let a good idea like that fade into obscurity. Even though it only ran for two months, some blogs were getting upwards of five thousand hits from the Universe in those two short months, and I had hardly even started with it.

Now then, I see that other bloggers have decided to either copy the Universe itself, or even go as far as to use the address bar icon on their own pages that Pixie had created specifically for the Spanking Universe. Other people have offered me their help and several people have also said that they would host the Universe for me on their own sites. With all the good intentions aside, I have devoted so many hours into creating that website for the benefit of the community, that I’m not willing to pass on all of my efforts to someone else after having put so much hard work into this project. This was a project that I created and I am determined to see it through until the end. My goal, and it isn’t an unreasonable one, is to create a site that sends blogs up to five thousand visitors a month. I certainly have the resources to do that through my own sites, and through my determination working with other sites. The spanking universe is coming back, and it is coming back sooner than you might think.

What I have done is I have gone and purchased a new website and this will be called http://thespankinguniverse.com. The page is currently parked at godaddy, and as it is rather late right now I will start working on it tomorrow. Now being that I will have to host the new site here on my main site, I have to wait a few days for the website codes to link up to themselves, so right now my goal is going to be for a release date in the new year, and hopefully that date will be January the 1st itself. Even when everything is linked together, I still have to go through the painstaking task of emailing everyone yet again with the new address for the website. It was good to have the trial run on blogger though, because now I am more prepared for how to operate it. Give it 6 months and I think the project will double in size from what it was on blogger.

Don’t know about you, but I have missed the Spanking Universe already as it was my first stop each day and I am having withdrawal symptoms. Not enough symptoms though that I am willing to let someone else take the credit for all of the hard work that I put in, in the first place đŸ˜‰ So watch this space and I will announce the launch of the new Spanking Universe within a week or so.

Now then, to keep in the spirit of Christmas, here is a re-run of all of my past Christmas spanking videos that are posted on Spanking Tube.

Did you know?

That Richard Windsor was really Santa Claus!!!

The Christmas show is COMPLETE!!! The bloody thing is 1 hour and 20 minutes long so I will post it in 2 parts. Check back tomorrow for the very first radio show, both parts will be posted. I have to listen to it first to make sure I didn’t miss anything, I had to pieces together about 80 sections and I know darn well I must have skipped something, lol. Added bonus, here is a sneak peek of what is to come. This part won’t be used though, because it was pointed out to me that it is 2009, not 2010 as I stated in the audio, lol.

So did I tell you I was really Santa Claus? Well, these young ladies certainly made my naughty list!!!