Tag Archives: f/f

I’m A Plank!

Yesterday I told you about how my blog has halved in number regarding the amount of daily visitors that I get, and a reader left a comment offering perhaps a reason for this. So this morning I took a deep dive into my statistics to see if I could find the metric that has caused such a drop in numbers and I found it, and it should be of no surprise to anyone, it’s all my own doing, lol πŸ™‚

Back on October the 22nd last year I changed the format of the blog. I had run the blog on a custom made theme that I built over ten years ago. Last year I decided that it was time to change the format of the blog as I felt that the old theme was rather clunky, so I opted instead for a ready made theme provided by WordPress. Something that I felt was cleaner and easier to navigate and something that was more suited for Mobile users. My old theme rarely supported a mobile version whereas this new version completely supports it.

Well guess what, starting on October the 22nd of 2022 (funny how that happens, eh ;)) it drastically affected the number of daily visitors to the site.

What was the metric in question? It was SEARCH ENGINES!!

Starting on 10/22/22 every hit from DuckDuckGo was eliminated, as in I no longer get any referrals from DuckDuckGo whatsoever. But the biggest impact was through Google search, I lost roughly 200 hits a day from Google search alone. That pretty much accounts for why my numbers went from 600 visitors a day to 300 visitors a day.

The only plus side to this is that eventually I will start to build up the Google search hits once again, it’s just going to take some time. So that is the bottom line, the drop in viewership is my own damn fault because I changed the theme of this blog from my custom built one to a generic pre-made theme.

So, in honor of me being a complete and utter plank, here is a plank spanking for you, haha.

Windsor Wednesday Classic – 257

To be honest with you, I haven’t done much searching for spanking pics lately. Every now and then I will raid Ebay for any latest offerings, but I have taken a break from spending hours upon hours searching for new material.

With that said however, I still have a plethora of newspaper clippings that I procured during my most recent subscription to a newspaper archive. I probably have around 50 or 60 new clippings to go along with a similar number that I have sat on for years that I have yet to post. In fact I am considering joining another newspaper archive that is perhaps not as well known, but they have a substantial archive to troll through.

Last year I also joined a genealogy website where I found a couple of dozen playful spanking pics. The moral problem that I have there though is that these images come from family collections, and it just doesn’t feel right to share them. It is a real dilemna because there is one pic in particular that I would love to share. It features a serviceman who has come home and he is spanking what one would assume is his love interest. It is from the 1940s and what makes the image really unique is that it is a mixed race spanking, something that is extremely rare from the time frame. It is a delightful image.

Anyway, here is another image from the vast collection of newspaper clippings that I possess. This one is set in the play “Damsels in Distress” and is featured at a Methodist church. There have been many stories written online regarding spankings set in a church, and in fact in my MOTHER SPANKS DAUGHTER – THE BEST FRIEND episode of my mother spanks series I briefly touch on the topic that the church pastor himself owns a spanking paddle.

Anyway, enjoy this week’s new spanking pic. This will be added to the other 6 Damsels in Distress spanking pics that I have already posted in my STAGE SPANKINGS folder.

Windsor Wednesday Classic – 256

For some reason I am in a bit of a story writing mood at the moment. Someone has been requesting a part 2 for a while so I might just slap something together. My last two stories were both over 6,000 words long, but the follow up story is likely to be much shorter than that, probably around 3,000 words tops.

On the subject of stories, please do me a favor. Don’t submit inappropriate stories in my comment section, they will never be approved. This is an adult blog and you can post your spanking “Memories” elsewhere. If someone wants to submit a story to be shared on the blog then of course I would be happy to entertain them, but they simply have to be between adults.

This is a spanking blog and I do whatever I can to make this space an escape for people to leave the real world for a short while. I don’t talk about religion, I’m quite open about being an Atheist but I don’t need to cram my views down everyone’s throat. People of all religions are welcome here and I would never want anyone to feel uncomfortable. My personal beliefs have no bearing on spanking as a whole, unless we are talking about straps or paddles kept at the back of the church for Christian domestic discipline purposes, lol. I don’t think that I have written a story like that yet, but I wouldn’t rule it out. I don’t care what religion you are, you are all welcome in my world.

Likewise, I don’t talk about politics on my spanking blog. If you need to know I am a Liberal, probably closer to the center than I am to the left, but there is no denying that I used to be left leaning. Once again, that is irrelevant when it comes to my spanking blog, I really don’t care what your political views are, you are all welcome here. Perhaps in another forum I would engage vociferously with my political opinions, but not here. This is a spanking blog, and while perhaps some of my political views may be expressed within the confines of a spanking story, that is simply because of how I view the world. I’m not talking anything overt or deliberately put in to stir the pot, but my world view is Liberalism so therefore it is only natural that it would be reflected in my writings.

I’m not sure if I talked about it before, but there was only one incident that I can remember that concerned politics where I may have written about it on my spanking blog before. It was an incident where I turned down a session because of something that was said to me. It was one of those situations where I was absolutely furious that I had to turn down the playtime because I was really looking forward to it.

The situation concerned someone who I met at a spanking party years ago who I seemed to hit it off with regarding a potential play date. She even put on the works for the date, a plaid skirt, nylon panties and stockings. Then as we walked into the elevator she said, and I quote “You know that Obama is a Muslim terrorist, right”?

I just couldn’t do it, I couldn’t ignore what had just been said to me.

I’m one of those people who would bend over backwards to never intentionally say anything harmful or malicious towards another person, but I simply could not play with this person after they said that, AND we were heading to my room when it happened, lol. So I was just as honest as I could be and I told her that I couldn’t play with anyone who held those views.

Thankfully, and it really could have gone tits up while we were AT a spanking party, but it didn’t bother her in the least. She accepted my opinion and went her own way. My inner guilt hoping that she felt the same way that I did, that she would not play with someone like me who held the views that I did.

I’m also as stubborn as fuck in that I don’t believe in second chances, so there wasn’t even a chance for me to reevaluate the situation. This is probably because of my upbringing, but if you fuck me over once you will never get a second chance to do it again, ever. What is it that George Bush once famously said?

β€œThere’s an old saying in Tennessee β€” I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee β€” that says, fool me once, shame on β€” shame on you. Fool me β€” you can’t get fooled again.”

Pete Townshend eat your heart out πŸ™‚

Anyway, here is this week’s spanking pic for you, I’ve blabbered on long enough. This image looks like it is the 1920s judging by the bathing costumes. Nothing like a spanking on a wet bottom.

The Top Ten Of 2022

It is a week later than I would normally make this annual post, but here is the top ten most popular posts on this website in 2022. The list is made up solely of posts that were made in 2022 and are arranged by how many hits each post got.

1: Her Best Friend’s Dad

This happens every year that I post a new story without fail. Each and every year the new story, or stories, will dominate the top spot by a country mile, and this year is no exception. This story contains a playful birthday spanking that is just the start of three spankings by her best friend’s father. The last spanking brings her to tears. READ MORE…

2: An Expensive Spanking

Due to the many retakes that the spanking scene in Public Deb No. 1 required, it cost the studio $16,000 for George Murphy to spank Brenda Joyce. READ MORE…

3: Windsor Wednesday Classic 237

A nice old school spanking from the 1950’s. Is there anything better than seeing a woman in stockings and suspenders along with a pair of full coverage nylon panties? READ MORE…

4: F/M Friday 40

It is a strange occurrence, especially as for 16 years my blog has been almost exclusively an M/F and an F/F spanking site all of those years. But, outside of the stories which account for a massive amount of this site’s traffic, the top page that is viewed on the website is the F/M COLLECTION page. Again, it’s not even close, that page dominates the folder views. This image is a cartoon and it depicts a young man who doesn’t seem to mind the spanking very much at all. READ MORE…

5: Group Spanking

This was one of my favorite images of the year. Now I can’t say if it was the favorite, once I am finished with this post I will review all images from the year and if need be I will post my personal favorite at the bottom of the post. I don’t know why, but this French finishing school drawing really caught my eye. A picture is worth a thousand words. READ MORE…

6: Sexy Shrew Getting Tamed

Hubba-Hubba, can I change my mind? Maybe this was my favorite pic of the year πŸ™‚ Can you just imagine how much her bottom is going to sting for ‘Biting’? It is one of those pictures that remind me that spanking used to be a fun activity, back in the days when the spanking was the main focus rather than the spitefulness and ugliness. READ MORE…

7: Cartoon Knickers

This is a drawing that is over 200 years old, and yet this 1799 art piece still makes the top ten of a spanking blog 223 years later πŸ™‚ It’s perhaps not the best image on the market, but enough people liked it for it to appear as the 7th most viewed image on the site last year. READ MORE…Β 

8: Six Of The Best Spanking Comics/Cartoons

There seems to be a bit of a theme here, viewers tend to enjoy spanking artwork!! Maybe I need to find some more older pieces of art. I’m pretty sure in my folders I have some regionalized drawings from old books that would have barely been seen in the spanking world before. I will take a dig through the folders and see what I can come up with. Had this post been made in the early part of 2022 rather than in December, then it would have almost certainly finished in second or third place for the most viewed posts of the year. READ MORE…

9: Excellent Spanking Video

Once again, yet another shining example of what I love about the spanking world. This is the type of spanking that we used to get back in the late 80s/early 90s, extending into the 2000s. Over the years I think that the spanking focused has changed more towards an erotic projection, not completely of course, but there are far more ‘Exposure’ videos nowadays than there ever was before. It also seems that spanking is being included in secondary fetishes more nowadays. Now I’m not saying that there is anything wrong with that at all, just from a personally standpoint a traditional (genital free) over the knee spanking video are the types of videos that I crave to see. Check this one out, it is a classic OTK spanking. READ MORE…

10: F/M Friday 46

As noted in number 4 on this list, the F/M spanking Friday’s post that I occasionally make on this website are very popular indeed. Thankfully for those of you who enjoy F/M spanking I still have tons of unseen spanking images that I have collected the last couple of years, certainly images most of you would have never seen before. READ MORE…

Now then, that was the list of what you guys liked in 2022, now I am going to review the images of the year and see whether I have a favorite or not to add to this list that never made the top ten. I’ll tell you one thing, that sexy shrew pic is going to be hard to beat πŸ˜‰

Okay, I went through the new images posted throughout the year and the Sexy Shrew in position number 6 would have definitely been my favorite spanking find of the year. If I was to select one that never made the list then it would probably have to be this one, an image that is just begging for a story to be written about it.

Merry Christmas Everyone

The title simply reflects the posting date of December the 25th, if you celebrate a different holiday or no holiday at all, I wish you all well.

Yesterday was the 16th anniversary of this blog but to be honest with you I couldn’t be arsed to write my usual yearly summary. Dwindling viewership, limited interaction and lack of enthusiasm prevented me from posting, but perhaps I will give the yearly update later in the week.

As it is Christmas there may be many of you out there all alone, so maybe a good spanking story with whet your whistle and provide you with some entertainment. I’m actually thinking of subscribing to Dreams of Spanking because I do love a good audio story. Pandora has an F/FFF one entitled “Aunt Gillian’s Hairbrush” that I have wanted to listen to for a while now.

I could buy the clip on clips4sale, but why not pay a few extra bucks and view the whole site instead. I’m sure that there are other audios that I would enjoy listening to. Anyway, here is my list of stories and I will be back soon with some rare spanking pictures.

Windsor Wednesday Classic – 251

As I have turned the corner and I am now closer to 60 than I am to 59, I wrote a nice big piece yesterday in relation to age in the spanking world. I’m probably going to post it tomorrow after I revise it tonight. There is still this feeling that I have that there are angry people out there sat on a chair with their arms folded, faces looking like they are a bulldog chewing a wasp, just waiting to intentionally misrepresent my words.

The article is still going to be posted, I just want to make sure that I minimize the chance to quote me out of context first. The life of a spanking blogger, eh? I remember really looking forward to turning 40, but as you will read tomorrow, I’m not looking forward as much to turning 60 πŸ˜‰

My Wednesday Classic this week follows on from Sunday’s post with yet another VARIOUS STAGE PLAY from the production of Little Acorns. In fact, this is one of those plays where I also have a handful of really poor images from this play that will never get their own post on my blog. So what I have done today is also include an additional 5 spanking pics from Little Acorns to go along with the main image.

Windsor Sunday Candid’s – 136

This morning I began to write a long article in regards to spanking blogs and websites, and how over time things in the scene have evolved. The problem is though, I’m watching the World Cup and I am getting easily distracted, lol. So I have saved that post as a draft and I will pick it up during the week when I can concentrate on what I am trying to say.

For now I will just concentrate on doing what I do best, posting rare spanking photos. I doubt if anyone wants to hear me waffle on about random nonsense anyway, but I thought that I would talk about how things have changed over the last 20 years.

Today I will post an image that will be added to my VARIOUS STAGE PLAYS folder and this spanking is taking place in the play “Little Acorns”. I do have a confession to make though, I have reversed the image to make it look like it is a right handed spanking. In terms of fairness I have included the original image underneath it, but I don’t know, I just wasn’t feeling the left handed spanking today, haha, it’s like American’s or British people whenever they try to drive in the other countries on the opposite side of the road πŸ™‚

I now fully expect someone to start wagging their self righteous finger and begin trashing me on Fetlife and Twitter as being “Anti-leftist”. Nothing like the safety of your own computer screen to elevate ones standing in the community with some good ol’ fashioned virtue signaling. πŸ˜‰

And here is the original.

A 100 Year Old Spanking Machine

Yes, it’s true, here is an image from 1922 that I recently discovered over on Ebay. Now I actually missed the auction for this picture, I happened to find this in the sold listings, but I am so glad that I went looking.

Now I’m no engineer, but, the concept to me from 100 years ago seems to have little difference to spanking machines that were made in the modern day. In this one it appears that someone turns the handle, which in turn pulls the paddle back and then at some point the paddle is released to deliver a swat. There is a pole going up the middle, but I don’t think that it has any bearing on the actual spanking device. It looks to me that it is purely there to balance the structure and is also used to hold the spanking mechanism itself.

The only question that I have, and maybe you structural engineers can help me out here, do you think that the person cranking the handle does a full turn to draw the paddle back and then releases the handle? Or, do you think that as they crank the handle there is a trigger point where the handle snaps free and is picked back up on the next rotation?

It does seem to be to be the former, only because I see a block on the spindle which would indicate a stop point when the handle is released.

Spanking machines have been on the minds of people for a long time. From the cartoon depictions of yesteryear, to the early rudimentary devices such as this one, to the many stories written about spanking machines. In fact I even have a SPANKING MACHINE STORY that I wrote myself. They have filled the fantasy mind of spankos for a long time now.

Be sure to click on the image for the full sized version, it is a large picture.

Isn’t this a great little find though? An actual spanking machine from 1922. This will be added to my WINDSOR’S SPANKING FINDS album.

Windsor Wednesday Classic – 245

Almost five whole years of Wednesday classics continues today with an image from the play “Susie and the F.B.I”. This is the sixth image that I have posted from this play and you can find the other five in this folder right here VARIOUS SCHOOL PLAYS. I have to admit, I do love the armless sofa that the spanking is taking place on, and you also see a stagehand peeking around the corner, lol. Not to mention the old fashioned record player on the table, just one of the reasons that I love to leave the full pictures as I find them and not just crop out the spanking part.

Sixth Former Getting A Public Caning

Okay, so it is for charity and all in good fun, but a bit of clickbait in the title never goes amiss πŸ˜‰ The title is true though, the sixth former is indeed bent over for a public caning, and she certainly has the posture for it. Now did her teacher actually cane her? I will leave that to the king of the bloviating Olympics to dissect that for you.

That’s nine days in a row now that I have brought you something brand spanking new, I have to be getting towards a new record soon!! Like I told you all though, the past week to ten days I have been a complete collecting machine, finding pics that it is quite likely no spanko has seen before the day that I shared them. Trust me, I have a bucket load still to come. In fact just this past week I joined a British Genealogy website and I found another half a dozen spanking pics on there, but my guess is that there are hundred’s to find, it’s just that they aren’t tagged so it might be nigh on impossible to find them.

I will add the first pic to my PLAYFUL SPANKINGS folder. Don’t be afraid to leave a comment either, I always love to hear that people are enjoying the images, it provides me with the inspiration to keep on posting.

Keep coming back every day because I have bucketloads of new spanking pics still to share. You will get to see their first run in the spanking world.

Here is an additional pic of lesser value, but this is a part of my goal to try and share with you everything that I have. Not quite a cane in the second pic, it looks more like a yardstick or pointer.