Category Archives: Comics

Spanking Comics For Saturday

Before we go anywhere,  I have to point you in the right direction where you will find more spanking comics that you can ever dream of. Not only that,  but each comic has the full story behind them and normally two,  three or four different versions of the same comic.


If you love spanking comics then please visit the site above because you won’t be disappointed. Now Web-Ed over at CSR has such a large archive that I can’t be arsed to go through it all,  but there is a 99% chance that everything I am posting here he has already. What my hope is,  is that I have a different version that can either enhance or replace what is already up. In fact to hell with it,  I’m going to try and find each post and link it to each comic so that you can go to his site and read the background stories to each.

Campus Love

Looking at it,  wherever I found these pics it looks like they were lifter directly from CSR as the copies I have seem to be the same as CSR’s. Click Here for the full story and additional pics from this comic.

Campus1 CAMPUS2

If you know the source of this one then please feel free and let me know


Certainly no improvement in this one. CLICK THIS LINK for the full Combat Casey story.


This one seems to be the same copy,  however,  because there are a number of Smiling Jack spanking comics it is worth including because CSR has them all. CLICK HERE


Next up is Mandrake the Magician. CSR has THE SAME PIC,  however,  the one I have here is a bumper sized one (Click for the full size) so hopefully he can grab the spanking frame for his collection.


I’m actually going to keep it at six as the last two are exact copies that are on CSR,  which leads me to believe that they came from there. Actually,  I promised you eight so let me have a look in my comic folder for two more. Here are a couple that came from a deep search on Ebay so they should be brand new.

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Bumper Sized Comics

Did you know that I still haven’t played for 15 months now? I did play in skits that I was involved in,  but I haven’t had a one to one in over a year. It’s actually through choice as well,  it’s not like I haven’t had plenty of opportunities to play. My genuine belief is that it all comes down to one thing,  I have been so blessed in our chosen lifestyle that I think that I have reached the pinnacle for everything I ever wanted. There is no denying that the last few parties have been a struggle for me,  my tolerance for the bullshit factor is so below zero that I think I am in Russia,  lol.

I’m not a total hermit though,  even though I left Fetlife months ago there are still a few people who keep in touch with me. In fact the reason that I thought of writing this was because just this week Pixie made plans to come and visit me at my new apartment. That’s also the reason for stating that it was 15 months ago when I played the last time (coincidentally with Pixie) because if she thinks that she is leaving my place able to drive comfortably,  she is going to be sorely mistaken.

A few weeks ago I learned that my Mom has cancer,  and while I am not fully aware of the extent yet,  being that it is the Colon and it has reached the liver and lungs we are dealing with a rather advanced stage one fears.

Then there are spanking friends that I have both on my real Facebook,  and my alternate Facebook for spanking friends who are not open about what they do. It’s funny that some of my friends don’t even go to spanking parties anymore,  but we remain friends away from the scene. You will find that,  over time people come and go,  but there are some people who you were just made to be friends with.

Anyway,  in a week or two Pixie is going to receive a fire engine red bottom,  and maybe that will get me back in the game a bit. Spanking is still a huge part of my life,  but there are others things that are important as well. Now,  onto the Saturday spanking cartoons. As I mentioned last week,  if you want your fill of spanking cartoons then click the two links below. I’m sure all of my entries this week are already in Web-Ed’s archives,  but these are supersized pics that I hope can be additions to his collection. Click the pics for the supersized version.



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Mixed Bag Of Spanking Comics

Yet another week where I try to clear some of the stuff in my miscellaneous folder,  this week I have rounded up just some of the spanking cartoons I have. If you are a lover of spanking cartoons then you should check out Web-Ed’s massive collections of spanking comic pages and art. I bring you rare stage spankings,  Web-Ed is the guy who provides the Internet and other spanking blogs with rare spanking art.



This first picture has long been a favorite of mine,  so much so that I once had it printed on a T-Shirt. I’m not sure if Alan Lawrence is the artist or not. I thought that it was a Leonardo drawing but quite honestly I don’t know,  maybe they are one and the same.

I often wondered who the girl was. Is she a daughter coming home late,  a misbehaving wife after a dinner date,  or perhaps a niece learning the new rules of the house.

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The Saturday Gazette

Is your newspaper devoid of interesting stories on a Saturday? Never fear good people,  Richard Windsor is here to deliver a spanking edition of the Saturday Gazette. We have news,  entertainment,  books,  comics and a wanted poster.

In The News

In light of Ariana Grande’s  “I hate America”  comments this week and doughnut licking exploits,  there have been renewed calls for the old patent of the spanking machine to be acted upon. The court of public opinion has spoken loudly and deemed that Ariana could use the full benefit of a switching as depicted below. The switching will not cease until she has completed the Star Spangled Banner.


In local news a haughty young miss laid down the law this week that she was old enough to do as she pleases. Our observant cameraman was able to catch the response of the Mother to this statement. Her response went along the lines of  “Under my house you will follow my rules”  and she reinforced her maternal duties upon her daughters frilly,  panty clad fanny. I guess the old saying is true,  NOBODY is ever too old for a spanking!!



This week we have a review of Shirley Temple’s  “Kiss and Tell”,  along with a movie poster of an upcoming attraction.

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This weeks recommendation is by renowned noir author,  Curt Aldrich. A tale of the loves of a gas station attendant.


Weekly Comics

The 1940’s were a simple time,  a time where one could spank a female and soon she would be madly in love.



Have you seen this girl? She is wanted for trespassing and defacing public property. If caught she will be presented to the courts in picture number one,  yet another girl in need of a switching!!


I hope that this brightens up your Saturday. If I get time I will pre-post an edition for next Saturday as well. It won’t be a regular feature though as my time is limited,  but it might give other bloggers an idea to run their own weekly gazette. Also known as riding on ones coattails 🙂

Feel free to comment below,  it is all good fun.

Saturday Comic

Now I don’t have a date for this comic,  but it appears quite clearly to be one from the 1920’s. The artist is Ray Hoppman and the comic is entitled  “Make-a-comic”

I just posted another 1920’s comic over on my vintage spanking blog.


Thanks to everyone who took part in the recent post where I gave away some free streaming videos. In just two weeks Dana Specht and I will be conducting our sixth interview,  and all of the feedback that you guys have given,  Dana has access to view them all. Our next interview  “Six of the best”  should be the best one yet.

There is still time to get free videos if you want them,  the survey results will be released in the interview that we make,  as well as questions and thoughts taken from them.


I know that the last time I did this the videos ended up on the pirate sites,  but whatever. I’m giving them away anyway.

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Saturday Cartoons

I’m going through the process of sorting out my expansive miscellaneous folders so that I can group up spanking pics that wouldn’t ordinarily get posted. In fact some of the pics in the folders I have had around ten years.

Each blog has its own little forte so it is worth noting that if you are a lover of Cartoon/comic spanking then you should go to The Chicago Spanking Review for the largest collection of pics of this sort. The Web-Ed over there spends as much time researching his topics as I do with my Windsor’s Spanking Finds collection.

Tomorrow will be the usual Streetcar Sunday’s post,  but a little heads up for you,  Harry is going to be posting a bumper Men Are Like Streetcars post on SPANK STATEMENT tomorrow. If you have seen Harry’s work before he is like the master of stage spanking. He has only been posting for a little while now but his collection trumps mine is a big way. There are still pics that I find that he doesn’t have,  and as I said to him during the week,  while he may not have directly given me the pics that I have found,  he is certainly responsible to putting me in the right directions with his excellent descriptions of plays and authors.

The fact that he is also posting is especially pleasing for me as I have felt for the longest time that I was feeding other spanking sites their material with little acknowledgement of my doing so. Well with Harry now posting we can share supplying the spanking community with rare pics and for some strange reason that makes me want to share even more from my collection 🙂 All of the pics below were garnered from Ebay.

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The Sunday Comics

It has been a while since I went through some of my folders on my external drive,  believe it or not but I have 75,000 picture files in the spanking folder,  enough pics to post for a lifetime, lol. The problem with that is that I have no idea where anything is,  so I start clicking on random folders kind of like a pot luck game. There are 25,000 files in the vintage folder alone.

Anyway,  when I was a kid,  come Sunday morning and Dad would always bring home the comics. Of course for me back then that always meant a plethora of spanking pics to find,  and almost every comic had at least one. So I thought for a change I would post a collection of comic book spanking pics for you. Many of these may have been seen on different blogs over the years,  I had to have found them somewhere,  but they are not labelled so where exactly they came from I don’t know. One of my hobbies is finding spanking pics so there is also a chance that I found these on mainstream sites. Anyway,  please enjoy the Sunday comics. They aren’t in any order,  they are posted as they are uploaded to my site. (Click each pic for the full sized version)

Happy Easter

I am back from my jaunt down to visit for the weekend. The pair of us worked from 5.30pm on Friday until 3.30am,  then from 8.30am until 5.30pm on Saturday. Virtually an entire 24 hours with a 5 hour sleep break editing video footage. The funny part is,  all we did was prepare the video footage,  she still has to edit it together which will take her another day to do. I have a new found admiration for video editors.

Starting tomorrow I will have a new weekly feature on my Spanking Pics site. It is a weekly round up of websites that do not run an affiliate program therefore do not get as much promotion as those who do. The first three websites on the weekly round up are Amateur Spankings,  Janus and Dana Specht. Be sure to check out the site tomorrow night for pics and updates.

As for me now,  I am about to watch Manchester United play QPR followed by Arsenal versus Manchester City,  so it is going to be a lazy day in the Windsor household 🙂

Old Time Postcards

Before I start today, if you look to the right you will see that I have reconfigured all of my links. The links now are arranged by the amount of traffic each blog sends to this site. There are lots of new links and expired links have now been removed.

Now today I am going to focus on some finds that I recently made, but do be aware that they are all F/M related postcards. However, each card came with a written message that I think you will all find really enjoyable. If the past is anything to go by though, there will be complaints about this, but this blog is about spanking and as this is related I am going to make a change to the normal focus of this blog for today.

Here is the first card. This message on this postcard reads “Are there any of your friends taken like this? Love from Auntie Flo“. Now what do you suppose is on Auntie Flo’s mind? Is it just a curious question? Has “Master J Male” just been to visit his Auntie and this postcard will serve as a reminder? Or is Master Male on his way for a visit with his Auntie and he has an appointment with her? (leave a comment with your thoughts)


Picture number 2, and more questions are abound. This card was sent to Jeff from Alexandra and the message reads.. “Dear Jeff, This is how they do it here. When the strap gets lost. The school opens here on Monday, the children are sassy. I hope you are having a good time and good start at the fishing. Love from Alexandra

So again, just who is Alexandra to Jeff, and why the discussion about spanking? Is she a cousin who is informing him how they do things down there,  or perhaps an Aunt who is informing him. More importantly,  just what do you think was the question that Jeff asked to prompt such a response? Answers on a postcard please 🙂


This is the most intriguing of all the cards. There is nothing in the message to suggest anything untoward,  but why send Mrs. Antell a postcard featuring a spanking on the front? Perhaps someone can read the name at the bottom to see who it is from,  but this is what the  message says. “Dear Daisy. Many thanks for invitation on Saturday. I would like to come and you come and have ‘Some Lunch’. Fish without any bones. What weather,  gust everything these days. Well cheerio until Saturday, ? wants to come too if possible“. The card is possibly signed by James Rich.


This next one is short and sweet,  it is up to you to decide who sent this card to Master Fitch Gilben. The simple message reads “How do you like this card“?


Yet again, more questions than answers in this next postcard. This one is sent from Steven to Miss Annie Bailey and the message reads “Does this remind you of your younger days“? But what do YOU think that he means by that?


And finally, the last postcard from this collection. This time it is a warning to a girl,  though I am unable to read who it is from. The message is for a certain Miss Avis Duncan. “My dear cousin,  please make sure that you don’t get in the position the boy on the face of this card is in on Thanksgiving


Feel free to add your comments below and let me know what you think of these postcards,  you can also fill in the missing blanks if you so desire.

Good Girl Art

This was something that I promised you yesterday. Dave Wolfe had posted a series of pics featuring the artist, Dean Yeagle. Now I love the work of Dean Yeagle, so much so that I am going to have a tattoo done featuring one of his drawings, which may happen next weekend.

At the moment I am writing a full length story which I hope to self publish, it is based on the “Laura’s Birthday Spanking” short story that I wrote. I have expanded the beginning and I anticipate a story which will be about 40,000 words in length. The basis of the story is already in my mind, but if you feel like adding a certain spanking or different characters into the story then fill out the survey at the bottom of  THIS LINK. Like I said, I know the direction I am taking, but I will also incorporate other ideas into the story.

Now then, I have a stack of Dean Yeagle drawings to choose from and I may even make a few posts of the coming months. None of these drawings have any spanking in them, but there is a certain innocence that gives me spanking thoughts. Indeed, Mandy may well be an inspiration for the Laura spanking story. Here are some pics that at the very least put spanking thoughts in my mind, even if Mandy is a good girl 😉

This first pic is perhaps the favorite for my next tattoo. I might redesign the clothes she is wearing, but this is the closest that I know of Dean Yeagle drawing a spanking pic. The color is enhanced slightly, but that sure looks like a spanked bottom that Mandy is cooling off on the ice.

As I mentioned, there was no Dean Yeagle spanking pic that I could find, but if you ask me, there is always a hint of it somewhere in these pics. Perhaps that is because I am viewing them with spanking colored glasses. I mean, seriously, what girl wears dropseat jammies if she isn’t getting a spanking? Or perhaps has just had one.

Mandy can pout with the best of them, would this get her out of a spanking though?

Mandy has also been known to wear outfits from time to time, here she is as a schoolgirl and a naughty cheerleader.

I can think of many stories for this next pic alone. Is this the babysitter who is making too much noise? Perhaps the girl next door, or who knows, maybe her Uncle is fed up with the racket.

Now if I had a choice of a tattoo, this one would come close to it. It was what first drew me to Dean Yeagle, me being the old Houndog an all. Unfortunately this tattoo wouldn’t be practical, but I can assure you that this pup would be begging if confronted with this image 😉

I know this isn’t normally what I would post, but Dave Wolfe inspired this post so please visit his blog to see his own wonderful drawings. I wonder if I could commission a drawing of Richard Windsor spanking Mandy 😉