Old Time Postcards

Before I start today, if you look to the right you will see that I have reconfigured all of my links. The links now are arranged by the amount of traffic each blog sends to this site. There are lots of new links and expired links have now been removed.

Now today I am going to focus on some finds that I recently made, but do be aware that they are all F/M related postcards. However, each card came with a written message that I think you will all find really enjoyable. If the past is anything to go by though, there will be complaints about this, but this blog is about spanking and as this is related I am going to make a change to the normal focus of this blog for today.

Here is the first card. This message on this postcard reads “Are there any of your friends taken like this? Love from Auntie Flo“. Now what do you suppose is on Auntie Flo’s mind? Is it just a curious question? Has “Master J Male” just been to visit his Auntie and this postcard will serve as a reminder? Or is Master Male on his way for a visit with his Auntie and he has an appointment with her? (leave a comment with your thoughts)


Picture number 2, and more questions are abound. This card was sent to Jeff from Alexandra and the message reads.. “Dear Jeff, This is how they do it here. When the strap gets lost. The school opens here on Monday, the children are sassy. I hope you are having a good time and good start at the fishing. Love from Alexandra

So again, just who is Alexandra to Jeff, and why the discussion about spanking? Is she a cousin who is informing him how they do things down there,  or perhaps an Aunt who is informing him. More importantly,  just what do you think was the question that Jeff asked to prompt such a response? Answers on a postcard please 🙂


This is the most intriguing of all the cards. There is nothing in the message to suggest anything untoward,  but why send Mrs. Antell a postcard featuring a spanking on the front? Perhaps someone can read the name at the bottom to see who it is from,  but this is what the  message says. “Dear Daisy. Many thanks for invitation on Saturday. I would like to come and you come and have ‘Some Lunch’. Fish without any bones. What weather,  gust everything these days. Well cheerio until Saturday, ? wants to come too if possible“. The card is possibly signed by James Rich.


This next one is short and sweet,  it is up to you to decide who sent this card to Master Fitch Gilben. The simple message reads “How do you like this card“?


Yet again, more questions than answers in this next postcard. This one is sent from Steven to Miss Annie Bailey and the message reads “Does this remind you of your younger days“? But what do YOU think that he means by that?


And finally, the last postcard from this collection. This time it is a warning to a girl,  though I am unable to read who it is from. The message is for a certain Miss Avis Duncan. “My dear cousin,  please make sure that you don’t get in the position the boy on the face of this card is in on Thanksgiving


Feel free to add your comments below and let me know what you think of these postcards,  you can also fill in the missing blanks if you so desire.

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