Tag Archives: Outdoors

Scraping The Bottom Of The Barrel

During a search yesterday I found one new pic and it made me think, maybe I should post another 6 pack of spanking pics that are of extremely poor quality. I mean I literally have a ton of these types of pics where you can barely even make out the spanking.

Normally I try to keep my posts to a maximum of three images per post. It is my belief that any more than that and the individual pictures lose their appeal and get lost in the shuffle. Each to their own, that is just my opinion as a viewer aside from my view as a poster.

Here’s the thing though, and it is something that I have often said, nobody can judge what the appeal of any given spanking pic can do for someone. The six pics that I am posting today I may well see as being of poor quality, but for someone out there it might trigger an emotion that they are able to keep for a long time afterwards. It is one reason why I try my hardest not to crop out just the spanking portion of an image, I would rather post the entire thing because I know for many people, myself included, the exterior of the image is just as important as the spanking part is as well.

Anyway, enough pontificating for one post, you aren’t here to listen to me blather on, are you? LOL.

The first image is the one that I found yesterday that made me think of doing this post today.

Second up, a rather annoying image where the spanker and most of the spankee are cut out of the picture πŸ™‚

For the third image, considering that it was 1926, the image isn’t that bad.

The next image seems to have a shadow and lighting problem, plus it isn’t really a very good spanking pose. Oh shoot, I even left some identifying information on the image name, that’s not like me, I’ll have to do better.

This next image isn’t that bad really, I did well cleaning it up. However, it isn’t exactly the clearest picture one is ever likely to see.

The last image actually raises some questions. To be honest with you this image could just as easily be a male spanking a male as it could be a female spanking a female. Regardless, on this blog we don’t judge anyone. Each to their own. Back in the 1950s crossdressing in Southern Democratic states was frequent. This was done either as some type of initiation process or, many times it was done for variety stage performances. I haven’t done the percentages but it had a very high occurrence of happening, especially in States south of the Mason-Dixon line.

So this might be two men in drag, I really don’t know, nor do I care that much. In fact if I’m not mistaken I even have a spanking image from a play where a guy is playing the role of the spanked girl in the play which would normally be portrayed by a female. The play in question is “Introducing Susan” and having just had a quick look, I actually have two images where the role of the spanked girl is being played by a crossdressing male.

One final note on that, as you are probably all aware by now my photos get purged and used elsewhere frequently. A little while back I had one of my personal images lifted and posted elsewhere. Now how do I know that it was lifted from my blog? That’s easy, the image was a personal pic of two friends of mine who gave me permission to post their pic for your enjoyment.

Here’s the funny part though, the image was reposted as two pin-up girls having some spanking fun. The reason this made me laugh? In that image the person doing the spanking is none other than the husband of the woman he is spanking πŸ™‚ He was so convincing as a pin-up that he was misgendered on this other blog. For the record he is a heterosexual male who is comfortable with his own sexuality.

The Picnic Table

Today I was organizing some of my photos and I stumbled upon this one. Immediately it reminded me of the third chapter to the MOTHER SPANKS DAUGHTER – PART 3 series that I had written. In that episode the boyfriend spanks his girlfriend’s best friend and then spanks his girlfriend on the picnic bench.


Paddled On The Spot

Whatever the frivolous reason was, can you imagine a world where playful spankings were conducted on the spot by consenting adults?

Okay, so the real reason for this Saturday post is that I am trying something out. In the near future I will delve deeper into this, but I am trying out new ways to get some interaction on the blog. The easiest way to do this is to use the ready made comment section. So here we go, this link will take you right to the comment box! Click below.


F/M Friday 62

As you can see I am trying to get back into the swing of things. I even looked for some new pics last night, that was the first time in months that I started looking for new material. This was the old fashioned way as well, going through books page by page. There was only one birthday spanking pic that I found, but it was better than nothing.

Anyway, it looks like band practice has upped it a level, it appears someone wasn’t playing the drum correctly.

Windsor Wednesday Classic – 267

Take me home, country roads!! Or perhaps “Cowboy take me away” by The Chicks.

Okay, so you are going to need to get your monocle’s out for this one, lol. It isn’t the clearest picture in the world, but you can let your imagination run free.

How great is this, huh, a cowboy giving a spanking on the porch. While I’m perhaps not one who really cares to read a story like this, I can’t help but find the whole thing appealing from a historical standpoint. A spanking on the porch by a cowboy. It conjures up images of a trip to the woodshed, or perhaps a Texas style belt whoopin’.

Like I said, the picture isn’t very clear, but hopefully your minds are enough to create your own scenario here.

Windsor Wednesday Classic – 266

A switch in time spanks nine!!

In a short while I will give you all an update on the blog. It isn’t over by any means, I’m just taking a bit of an extended break for now. In a nutshell I have lost interest in spanking, can you believe that? A lifelong obsession just disappeared.

Something happened a while back that turned me off of the scene, but who knew at that point that it would also lead to me not even thinking about spanking for days at a time?

In a short while I will give you a full update but do keep in mind this, I still have reams and reams of spanking pics that have barely been seen before, and I fully intend on providing those to you. Hopefully in years to come many new spanking blogs will arrive and my site can provide a foundation where they can build their own sites off of the back of my hard work. Something that I have been providing for years as it is.

Anyway, I will update you all very soon on how I will progress from here.

Windsor Wednesday Classic – 264

Can you imagine if this image had made a mainstream publication back in the 1940s or 1950s? Depending of course on when the picture was taken. I’m thinking 1950s because a flared skirt was more popular in the 1940s whereas the pencil skirt became popular in the 1950s.

The 1950s were also the time where it was more common for a person to be curvaceous, so a photo like this in a 1950s magazine would have probably set the magazine on fire. Of course the image never made a magazine, it is simply from someone’s personal collection that is now being sold to the highest bidder, but it is always interesting to visit olden times.

I mean it’s not exactly a great spanking pic, certainly not with what the guy was holding. Now, if he was holding a big old paddle then it might be a different story πŸ™‚ In fact I am pretty good at photoshop, maybe I will create an image from this one πŸ˜‰

Letters To The Editor

There wasn’t anything that I had planned to post for today, but as I was sorting files I figured why not share some clippings that are unlucky ever to get posted unless I make a conscious effort to do so.

So again, no need for me to blather on, you can all read πŸ™‚ Do the clippings represent real life? Debatable in my opinion, but back then nobody had any spanking magazines to send their fantasies to πŸ™‚

F/M Friday 61

Imagine there’s no spanking!!

This image was one that I posted way back in 2009, but the copy that I originally posted was dreadfully poor. Thankfully it was recently uploaded to Ebay and as you can see here, it is a crystal clear image.

I have no idea who is paddling John Lennon here, nor do I care much. Click on the image itself for the full sized pic and I will add this to my F/M COLLECTION folder.