Windsor Wednesday Classic – 144

Ordinarily on a Wednesday I reserve the day to post a classic picture from my collection,  and I normally do it later in the day. There is one simple reason for this,  I’m giving some protection to the work that I produce for you all. By posting later in the day it reduces the chance that another website/Tumblr site is going to steal my audience by posting my findings on the very same day that I post them.

So for today a few things will change. First of all I am posting super early,  like 2am New York time,  secondly,  I’m not really giving you classics this week. I’m going to save my Grade A material for a week from now and play catch up with some of my other findings. The photos presented today are distorted or abstract in one way or another,  and to be honest the likelihood that I would ever post them as their own separate post in the future is very minimal. That’s mainly because I discover new material all the time and photos like these always get bumped down the list. So for today I will give you three vintage photos early,  and if they are pilfered straight away then at least it isn’t my best work that is being taken.

There is a reason for the early post today of course,  and that reason is because it is my birthday tomorrow. Yep,  I turn 56 bloody years old tomorrow,  holy smokes. As I do every year,  I always share something a little special with you all to celebrate my birthday,  so I wanted to get a post up early today so that I can also share an early post with you tomorrow. Now what I am going to do for you for my birthday I haven’t worked out just yet. Most of my movies I have stored online so I might give everyone access rights to one of my movies,  or perhaps I will delve into my personal archive and share photos of mine that I have yet to share. I will think of something though,  and I am sure that you will all be happy with it.

Before we get to the spanking photos,  here are two more photos from my trip to Japan in November. It won’t be long before I head back there for another visit so I’m also getting pretty excited about that. The first photo is from Yoyogi Park,  and the second photo is a statue of the loyal dog,  Hachiko. If you are not aware as to why Hachiko is the most famous dog in Japan,  then you should READ THIS,. Every day for 9 years the dog would leave its house and loyally wait for its owner for hours each day to return home from work,  not knowing that his owner had passed away many years previously. It is quite a moving story.

And now onto the second rate spanking photos. While they are not classics in the true sense of the word,  hopefully they will reach you all in some way or another. They are still spanking photos after all.

Streetcar Sundays – 107

Today I watched this interesting video on Youtube on Kawaii culture. The video is RIGHT HERE if you want to watch it  (turn on the subtitles). What is interesting is that while the direct translation is  ‘Cute’,  the broader definition is more of a concept rather than a physical trait. The underlying tone kind of applies to all of us really,  and that is to be true to ones self. It is an interesting video so it is worth checking out.

Speaking of being true to ones self,  I will make no apologies in announcing that I will be returning to Japan later this year to watch the band that I love over there. They are releasing an album in July so I am fully expecting them to do a winter tour to promote the new material,  and as soon as they announce that tour I will book a trip to Japan and my trip will also include 5-7 days in Taiwan. I’m really stoked about it.

When Japanese artists release albums they generally do so as three separate deals,  either the CD,  or a CD plus a DVD of a live performance,  or the ultimate first edition Blu Ray which is stacked. I’m not that much of a fan so I will go with the CD/DVD package. Now they haven’t announced what the live show is that is included on the DVD,  but I have a sneaking suspicion that the concert footage in the video below is what will be released. This concert was a special one off where they performed most of the tracks from the new album and the crowd just looks insane. You have no idea what it feels like to stand in the middle of people going crazy like you see in the video below. The trip isn’t just about seeing the band,  I will also be staying in Osaka and Hiroshima,  but it is a big part of the trip.

I lap this up and it is a wonderful hobby to have. In the video below they actually combine footage,  the crowd in the second song are actually jumping up and down to a different song called Beautiful Sa,  and the last song that they are performing is called Orchestra and not the one being dubbed over it. The blond haired girl is the captain of the group and she is normally a very stoic girl. While it is not unusual for any of the girls to cry during a performance,  it is rare for the captain to do so. So I really want to see what caused her to cry to a point that the audience had to sing her lines for her.

To be honest I can go to Japan any time that I want to,  so if July comes and they don’t announce a winter tour then I will go to Japan in August instead. There is a huge festival going on called Summer Sonic. While the girls from BiSH are also performing this event,  it is loaded from top to bottom with some awesome acts,  mostly on the Saturday.

This week is also my birthday,  in fact it is going to be the first birthday that I have had since my last family member passed away,  so it is going to be a strange time. I’m going to do something special on Thursday,  I’m just not sure exactly what yet. I always love giving away stuff so it will probably be a streaming video or something. I’ve got a few days to go before I fully decide but I do like to share the love.

The Streetcars image this week required a lot of attention by myself to make it presentable. The image was so dark that I had to try a whole host of filters to lighten the image to where it was visible. I think that you will agree that I did a reasonable job with it. When you consider that this production from 1952 had two performances,  plus the pose for this shot,  and lord knows how many rehearsals,  I would imagine that Barbara spent an awfully long time in the OTK bottoms up spanking position. Well,  it is the 1950’s after all,  I’m sure that she had more practice than we will ever know.

This will be added to my MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS spanking folder. Click on the image itself for the full sized version.

Flashback To 40 Years Ago

Picture lovers should be in for a treat today as I take you back to the era of 1978-1985. Now I don’t have the exact dates of these images,  though I am sure that I could get them, but the magazine that they are from covers the dates named above. BTW,  if you ever find my Wikipedia page,  I am not,  nor have I ever been involved in the publication of Swish spanking magazine. I’m not that old,  I only turn 56 next week  🙂

*Disclaimer  –  And I hate that I have to add one,  but most of what is written below is supposed to be tongue in cheek,  some literary licence so that people can have a bit of a laugh.

First up,  imagine Richard Windsor spanking his girlfriend in 1979. Yes,  a spanking did indeed happen that year,  and the photo below is a pretty good example of the panties my girlfriend at the time was wearing. Perhaps not as see through,  but the style and covering is pretty spot on. If I had my wish then every single spanking that takes place would at the very least start on a pair of nylon panties just like these ones seen here.

Now once that the seat of those panties have been thoroughly warmed,  we need to take the next step and that is lowering them to the appropriate place. This guy here has the right idea,  just clear of the stocking tops so that the access is clear for those necessary thigh spanks that all girls seem to need. Always change it up to keep them on their toes.

On my LATEST STORY there is a feedback section at the bottom where people can suggest the next phase of the story. Of course there are a good dozen suggestions that involve Mrs. Ferris spanking Tim,  however,  there are also a few suggestions that Tim spank Mrs. Ferris instead. Perhaps this image can give you an idea of how that spanking would look. She is too tall for him,  so instead of OTK our young man here has gone for a bent over spanking in a standing position.

You here many a tale of the old spanking leg lock,  but you know personally I am quite the fan of kicking legs. So how about a compromise,  why not try and adopt the body lock instead!! Look at it,  in my estimation this position seems just as effective as the leg lock,  the guy is in total control. My apologies to any spankee’s whose top adopts this method,  the suggestion is purely unintentional  🙂

Notice how I said in picture two that the guy had positioned the panties to the right place? The more that you spank a girl the more wise she becomes. Notice how our spanked maid here put her frilly knickers on first and then put her stockings on over them? That way they can only go down so far and protect those ever so tender thighs.

Why,  it just so happens to be Friday!! I think that Friday night is an awesome night for spankings,  so what are you all waiting for? Get to spanking those bottoms right now,  it’s maintenance spanking time!!

Windsor Wednesday Classic – 143

If you go through my archive looking for post number 142 in this series,  you won’t find it in a post title,  you will only find it within the body of the post. The Windsor Wednesday classic for last week was this post… THERE’S NO SPANKING IN BASEBALL.

Over the next couple of days I am probably going to write an important piece on my current  (self imposed btw)  standing in the spanking world. Before saying anything else,  this blog isn’t going anywhere,  I already have enough material to post for another ten years  🙂

The thing is though I have gone through some changes over the last few years and my spanking desire has dissipated to a point that I barely even think about it anymore. That isn’t to say that I’m not still excited by the thought,  it just isn’t frequent and I haven’t even played for the last two years. A lot of it I understand,  in the last ten years I have lost both of my brothers and my Mother as well,  and my focus in life has changed. I actually think for the better as well to be honest with you,  I’m taking care of bucket list items before it is my time to go,  and long ago I stopped fighting things that I can’t control. I’m only in control of how I act,  how I respond and how I present myself,  for better or worse,  those are the only things that I can control. Right now I am very content with where I am. The last year almost destroyed me,  some days I was in a very dark place,  but I’ve pulled through it by setting goals for myself. There are still days that suck and I get a little overwhelmed,  but they no longer suck in a dark way.

Anyway,  more on that coming up shortly.

Today I am going to give you a world class over the knee spanking picture!! This picture was original sent to me a few years ago by will@gotham56 so the full credit goes to him for the discovery.

Now like I do myself whenever I post a rare find,  I always provide the information that fellow collectors need to find a copy of the image themselves for a couple of reasons. Firstly they may have different software than I do,  or different resources where they may be able to find a better copy of the photo. And secondly,  if collectors don’t like my presentation of my find,  then I lead them to where they can find the image so that they can satisfy whatever the criteria is that is important to them. Should a question arise when the images are posted elsewhere,  we are then able to go onto that site and provide the historical information that is required/requested. My photos are labelled as such that if anyone needs additional information then I can go back to the location where I found the images and get additional information if required.

Anyway,  that was a long assed way of saying that will@gotham56’s original image that he sent to me is the bottom photo of the two copies here,  and the information that he provided allowed for me to find a different version of the same spanking photo in a larger size which is the first photo that you see. The image is from San Leandro,  CA in 1966.

This image will be added to my SENIOR SUPERLATIVES folder.

Streetcar Sundays – 106

A day late and a dollar short as always. Took a few days off from posting to refresh the mind,  I didn’t get much feedback on part 2 of the MOTHER SPANKS SERIES. I’m probably going to make the story into a book to put on Amazon with six chapters or so,  it will be free for Kindle unlimited readers and a nominal fee otherwise. Of course if there is more interest shown then I will happily write for free,  but if the interest isn’t there then to heck with it,  I will make a few bucks on the side  🙂

Please also remember that my VINTAGE SPANKING site is back up and running. Unless I take a few days off here and there I will be updating the vintage site daily. The difference between the two sites is going to be this,  on the vintage site I will be posting already known vintage photos,  even if some of them are on the rare side,  and on my main site  (this site)  I will continue to post my rare,  unique finds. So if anyone wants to piggyback off of my hard work you will now be able to do so from two sites  🙂

This weeks MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS spanking photo is from Leechburg,  PA in 1951.

This Is The Life

I’m going to do something a little unique on this blog today,  and that is to post a well known,  seen many times before spanking pic. Obviously there is a little Windsor twist,  but I wouldn’t be unique otherwise.

Normally I try my best on this blog to bring you nothing but brand new material that has rarely been seen in the spanking world before outside of avid collectors. Or I may post my own photos or stories etc,  but I try my darnedest to be original in my presentation. Of course many of my finds serve to make other spanking blogs/photo sites popular,  which is fine,  that’s part of why I bring my collection to you all,  for it to be shared. The only times that I get annoyed is when I’m not linked back,  or,  the photos fall into that mysterious category  “I have no idea where these came from”. The reason for the annoyance is that while I am providing the material for other sites to become popular,  when there is no link back what the snafflers are actually doing is denying their audience the wealth of material that is on this site. That one really gets to me as it comes across as pretty selfish. There are sites that became very successful that virtually lifted every single photo that I have found and posted,  and they then took the plaudits off of the back of my work with barely a mention anywhere as to where that work was created.

Anyway,  enough of that,  I get myself wound up from time to time over the lack of respect and courtesy sometimes. In fact I am making this post today instead of writing my  “State Of The Spanking Union”  address,  lol. My plan was to write about where I currently am,  what my future plans are,  and probably most importantly,  how I gave my last fuck years ago. Something happened a few years ago where someone texted a spiteful comment to me,  and that was the last time that I was to tolerate being treated in a disrespectful manner. My approach has cost me many friends over the last few years as I don’t meet their expectations of who they want me to be,  so the address should be fun reading for you all. It isn’t something that I regret either,  I’ve lost my entire family now,  all that I have left is to enjoy the rest of my life with the people who want to enjoy it and share it with me,  I have not a single fuck left to give,  my life is all about happiness and pleasure moving forward. Perhaps I will have that post up tomorrow.

So my photo from today,  while it is not a new find,  this  ‘version’  of the photo should be. The reason that I say this is because yesterday I was looking through my vast archives for a private video that Pixie and I made in 2011,  and while I have yet to find the video,  I opened up one of my envelopes and realized that I had actually purchased this particular photo many years ago.

So again,  it isn’t new,  but,  I was able to scan the photo and make a copy that is 2724 x 2167 in size. So what you need to do is click on the image below for it to open up,  then right click on the image and save it to your computer. If you are like me and you like to analyze photos,  this copy will allow you to blow it up to full size and examine every pixel in high quality. For the record,  I also have other spanking photos that I have purchased.

Remember to click on the image above for the full sized version. From there you can find your favorite portions of the image to view. For me personally,  that is the defined posture of  Susanna Foster as she awaits her birthday spanking from Donald O’Connor.

Another item that I find particularly appealing in old spanking photos,  especially when there is an audience present,  and that is the looks on the faces of the women who are watching the spanking. This is one of those little tidbits that I like to study in depth. Many times people will cut out of the image the observers to the spanking,  which is a personal pet peeve of mine,  but it is hence why I like to find my own photos,  I want the whole story told.

When I see the faces of the three girls here who are watching the spanking,  well I could pretty much write a story on that alone  🙂

There’s No Spanking In Baseball

Today we have a wonderful photo that is directly tied to the title of this post. To save on the length of the title this is the Windsor Wednesday Classic – 142 version of my normal Wednesday post.

Before the image and story though,  over on my CLIPS4SALE STORE I put together the complete collection of the four spanking films that I did with Sarah Gregory and made them into one 60 minute video for $19.99. I will also be doing the same with my Amber Grey collection as well as putting together other segments. If all goes well I hope to make one final movie later this year.

Click here to go directly to the new collection —–> THE SARAH GREGORY AND RICHARD WINDSOR COLLECTION.

Now on to a wonderful historic spanking photo for this week. You may ask why the title of this post is so named,  well,  let me enlighten you as to why.

Over on eBay today I found a new spanking photo featuring a Female Baseball player from the 1940’s. Now I did some research on it and the photo comes from the 1946 AAGPBL  (All-American Girls Professional Baseball League)  Kenosha Comets team which were one of the teams featured in the film,  A League Of Their Own.

There is no indication as to who the spanker is,  and it will be hard to take a guess at this point even though I can access the faces of the players  (It is possibly Betty Fabac but that is purely a guess). It could be a friend for all we know. The person getting spanked however,  presumably for untying someone’s shoes,  is Margaret  “Poncho”  Villa who played for the Kenosha Comets for 5 seasons. It is worth pointing out that A League Of Their Own was set in 1943 and this image is from 1946.

Ordinarily I would link to the sale on eBay as an attempt to help the person selling it,  but in this instance it probably isn’t even worth it. The bidding on the photo is already at $34 as I am sure that it has the interest of baseball collectors everywhere. Below is the cropped version of the image,  followed by Marge’s baseball player profile image and then the full version of the image in its untouched form.

This will be added to my PLAYFUL SPANKINGS folder.

Behind The Story

Before I get started on my prose today,  I just want to tell you about a book that I picked up last week.

At the party,  Violette De St-Sienne was selling her new book. As I am a firm believer in supporting people’s efforts in the spanking community I went ahead and picked a copy up. Now I haven’t read it as of yet,  but I did want to let you know about it so that you can check it out. If you go to THIS PAGE on Amazon you can have a look inside of the book.

On Twitter a couple of days ago I made a random tweet and for some reason it started getting likes all over the place. It was only 45 likes,  but for a male spanker on Twitter that is quite a lot. In fact I am going to guess that it is the most likes I have ever got for a Tweet.

The reason that I made the tweet was based on MY LATEST STORY. There was some self-evaluation based on the fact that after spending 6-8 hours writing the story,  it only got two replies. The thing is I think that I get it though,  I only know one way to write and that is how spanking pertains to me,  it isn’t the same for everyone.

Spanking story sites seem to be a thing of the past,  there are a couple of traditional ones out there and then some where sexual activity is the primary focus of the story. Of course there are bloggers like myself who also write stories,  and I have mentioned it many times before,  the stories alone on my website account for 25% of all traffic. That is quite a high number considering that I don’t write many stories,  and most people come to my website to look at the latest finds that I am bringing to the spanking world. The stories though,  even the ones that I wrote back in 2007 are read frequently.

The main story site that I know of is THE LIBRARY OF SPANKING FICTION. This site is frequently updated and I have even donated a couple of stories for them to sell in compendiums to raise money for their site along with other authors.

Now I’m treading on dangerous ground here,  because there is always the likelihood that someone will misinterpret what I am saying,  but there are trends that I observe that make me understand that people have their own writing styles and I am no different than that.

One time it was said to me that nobody can tell if they will or will not like a spanking story in a few seconds. Now I disagree with that wholeheartedly,  in fact if in the synopsis it is indicated that the story involves the cane,  then I won’t even open it. That’s quite funny really considering that everyone and their mother seems to want to ask me to cane them,  but I get zero interest from reading a story involving a caning,  literally zero. Likewise,  if I start to read a story and it begins  “In 1874”,  I’m out of there. While I can read a story from the 1930’s or 40’s,  I predominantly want the stories that I read to be from the 1950’s onwards. If I’m not mistaken,  I only wrote one single fiction story that involved the cane,  and that was INTO A FARAWAY PLACE.

There are a lot of authors who stick to their chosen format,  and I’m one of them so this isn’t a criticism. Some of them always use the same implement,  even if other implements are involved. I’m a hand man myself so I understand it,  for many others they always have to have the cane used,  or the hairbrush or the strap. Likewise for some there is no variation when it comes to the bare bottom,  every spanking in every story has to be on the bare from the get go for some people.

So this is where I think that I sometimes fall short,  my stories almost always use the same formula. The formula is based upon fact however,  these were the spankings that I either witnessed growing up,  or saw in comic books or in mainstream movies,  and indeed they also reflect how I play. Virtually every story that I have written on this site has been of the M/F genre,  combining that with my REAL LIFE STORIES and my site is almost exclusively M/F to be honest. It is a formula that I have rarely deviated from since I started writing stories. On my site there is one,  just a single one that involves an F/M spanking,  and even that is mostly F/F. That story is THE FLY ON THE WALL. Then to break the M/F genre once more and try to promote a little diversity,  the last two stories that I have written were F/F stories. Again though,  those are the only two F/F fiction stories I believe.

In the LATEST STORY I took some of the reader suggestions into account and tried to incorporate a lot of what was suggested to me. Obviously I couldn’t do everything asked,  but I did use the opportunity to build some character development and include some of the things that readers wanted. So in regards to the spanking itself,  even though the story was F/F,  I also include flashback spankings that covered every genre,  M/F,  F/F,  F/M and even M/M memories.

Going back to the root of the topic though,  the formula that I use is almost always the same. I focus solely on spanking,  predominantly spankings with the hand,  and almost always the spankings are given over the panties.

When you ask for feedback on what people want to read,  you will be amazed at the passion that people have when it comes to their preferences. Obviously the main one,  and there are times when people actually complain,  but the main one is that people want and expect is the spanking to be on the bare bottom. A person has to write how they feel about something for themselves though. Starting from when I was growing up at an early age I never once witnessed a bare bottom spanking,  at the very worst it was given on the panties or underwear,  and that was at worst. Every single comic book that I read the female got it on the panties  (POST HERE)  save for the ones that wore shorts,  and on television it was never on the bare.

It is a part of me just like the spanking itself is,  and I know that this sounds stupid,  but if a spanking is given on the bare bottom then it doesn’t register as a genuine spanking to me. I’m pretty weird,  aren’t I?  I mean that in all honesty and sincerity though,  the most genuine spankings that I watch are normally the ones that are the opening spanking scene in a spanking movie. It is something that I just cannot help,  it is something that I have felt for as long as I have had an interest in spanking. It started at an early age and the seeds were sewn long,  long ago as to what spanking means to me in terms of one being genuine. This is something that is DEEPLY ingrained in me.

Having had many a discussion with fellow spankos in person,  I am by far not alone when it comes to open displays of genitalia in spanking films. For me it is a complete turn off and I switch the movie off the moment it becomes a vagina show. Thankfully there is a small network of people who agree with me on this one which is comforting. Now I’m not knocking the practice,  I want people to produce whatever sells for them,  I’m just speaking from a personal level that it has the opposite effect on me.

The bottom line is that I have tried my hardest to change things up whenever I write a spanking story,  but there is a formula that is set in my mind as to how I want to represent spanking and what it actually means to me. When people leave suggestions in the story recommendations I do try my hardest to take them into account. I’m afraid that I will never write a spanking story that starts on the bare from the get go,  but suggestions such as  “Ankle socks”  do it for someone,  or the mother has to straighten her skirt first,  and many such quips like this that people really want in a spanking story that makes a spanking work for them,  then those I can include in the story quite easily.

Let me make one addendum to this prose though. From a personal level I have always thought that panties should be worn under pajamas,  however,  if a spanking is given and the pajamas are taken down and the spankee is not wearing panties,  then for some unknown reason that spanking does come across as being genuine to me. Maybe it is because I find pajama spankings to be so freaking hot that the simple fact that a person is wearing pajamas circumvents my usual inability to see a bare bottom spanking,  if they have on pajama bottoms then it doesn’t matter to me if it then goes to bare bottom,  I’m perfectly fine with that.

Streetcar Sundays – 105

Before I begin with today’s post I just want to make you all aware of something. Yesterday I spent a lot of time rebuilding my VINTAGE SITE so that the vast archive on there is now visible to everyone. Moving forward this will mean that the Vintage site will have daily posts being made to it,  so bear with me promoting it for a few weeks to get it back to where it once was. There will be a daily picture along with snippets to cross link with this site. Click on THE FOLLOWING LINK to see my offering for today. The image today is a guy sat on a picnic table in the 1970’s with a girl on his lap getting spanked,  only she is in the diaper position on his lap,  quite unique if I say so myself. Bookmark the site for daily posts.

I hope that everyone enjoyed my latest story,  MOTHER SPANKS DAUGHTER – THE BEST FRIEND. As the feedback to the story was garnered from a single,  solitary reply,  I think that what I am going to do moving forward will be to create something that has been a goal of mine for a while now. That would be to write all of the subsequent chapters and then make it into a mini novel to put on Amazon Kindle. Right now I have around 9,000 words so far in this story and ultimately I would want to be around 50,000 words to sell the book. A lot of work goes into writing,  for example on Friday I spent roughly six to eight hours writing this chapter of the story,  and I think that if I was to put them on Kindle then it might provide me with the motivation I need to keep producing stories. I envision a scenario where I will always give the first chapter for free,  but the full novel will go to Kindle unlimited. More on that later though.

My MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS photo this week comes from Foxcroft,  ME in 1966. A little late for a Men Are Like Streetcars spanking pic, most of them happened in the early to mid 50’s,  but nonetheless there were still a few productions putting out the play.

Mother Spanks Daughter – The Best Friend

This is probably one of the longest short stories that I have written and it took me the best part of the day to complete and edit. Even then it is only 6,250 words long,  but it felt like I wrote 30,000 words. You have the opportunity to leave feedback if you want. At the end of part one of this story I left a form for users to submit their ideas as to what they wanted to see in part 2. Many of you will see that I have included some of those ideas as best as I can. Once you read the story,  if you feel like leaving feedback or making a suggestion for part 3 then I will welcome it all,  whether positive or negative.

You can read PART 1  <—– by clicking on the highlighted text.

There are always bits of real life that are added to stories and the reason that I chose the year 1986 was because of a film that came out in 1983. 1986 was chosen because it was the year before I moved to America. In the 1983 film,  Joysticks,  Joe Don Baker tells his fully grown daughter,  Corinne Bohrer,  that she is not to old for a spanking. It was really hot and it spoke to me of a different time. So before the story,  know that a quick one liner gave me some inspiration,  and when you picture the scene described,  here is an image from the same film of the type of panties that girls wore in the 1980’s. Now onto the story,  I hope that you like it. To avoid any confusion Brittney and Bri are the same person,  likewise Elaine and Lainey are also the same person.

Before you read the story does include a lot of memories of spankings since past,  these include M/F,  F/F,  F/M and M/M. If that is not going to interest you then just look at the panty covered spankable bottoms below and move on  🙂

Mother Spanks Daughter  –  The Best Friend

Back in 1986 it was a different time, especially in Texas. It was long before a more liberal movement started to emerge regarding the use of corporal punishment, indeed, in this particular town if you weren’t subject to spankings growing up then you were one of the unusual ones. Sparing the rod and spoiling the child was as common as hot dinners.

The fact that Elaine’s mom still spanked her at 18,  going on 19,  wasn’t entirely unheard of at all,  especially considering that Mrs. Ferris had received her last strapping at the hands of her own mother when she was 20 years old. The old premise was more common than not,  as long as you are living under this roof you will follow my rules,  and the consequences for breaking those rules would be carried out the old fashioned way.

It wasn’t the same for everyone,  it had been four years since the F bomb had dropped out of Bri’s mouth. Four years since she was last staring at the carpet as the Paternal hand stopped the spanking to draw the last remaining piece of protection down over an already well spanked bottom,  and four years since she had to carry her father’s strap to the shed with him in tow to enforce to his charge that it would be the last time she ever dropped the F bomb in his house.

Even to this day she remembers walking to the shed with tears running down her cheeks,  hoping against all hope that nobody in the neighborhood was looking out of their window as she did the walk of shame. Fourteen well placed swings of the belt later on her bare bottom had her dancing all over the shed and promising that she will never again utter a curse word. She wasn’t just promising her dad,  she was also promising herself.

Four years had passed,  and even though she was about to turn 19,  she also knew that if she ever dared mutter so much as a single curse word in front of her Father then she knew exactly where she would end up,  that much was a guarantee. The strap still hung in his room,  even though it hadn’t been used at all for nearly three whole years,  and Bri would only have to glance at it sideways for her stomach to start flipping knots. It’s not like the spankings themselves weren’t something to be afraid of anyway,  but when the strap came into play and either herself,  her brother or her sister had to carry it to the shed with their father walking behind them,  the whole process took on a whole new psychological torment. Just the mere thought of carrying the strap that was going to be applied to her own bottom would make her go weak at the knees,  and even now just catching a glimpse of it would make her blush a deep red.

The fact that Elaine still got spanked was never really spoken about,  but Bri was fully aware,  just as she was aware of all of her other friends who were still subject to some parental discipline,  so it wasn’t unusual in that aspect. So when she called Elaine’s house two days later to make plans and her mom informed her that she was grounded for breaking curfew,  it was with a sympathetic nod that Bri mentally accepted that she was grounded on a spanked bottom. With her birthday just two weeks away to the day she very meekly asked how long Elaine was grounded for. Mrs. Ferris was as astute as a fox and she knew the reason behind the question,  so she simply replied “As long as I come to an understanding with Elaine,  she will be able to attend your birthday plans,  Brittney”

Once the phone was placed on the receiver Brittney let out an audible sigh of relief. Her birthday was on a Sunday so that meant a Sunday brunch with her family,  church,  and then a rather conservative gathering with extended family members. It’s not that Bri would complain about any of that,  but she did want to spend the day before her birthday with Lainey and a few other friends. There was no guarantee that Elaine was going to be at church today,  but past history in any family where discipline was involved would generally mean that going to church would be the one social outing that was accepted and allowed. Bri was hoping deep down that she would at the very least get to briefly speak with Elaine later that day at church,  even if that was in the presence of both sets of families in a cordial environment.

It is worth pointing out that the discipline of the time was common place,  nobody considered it unusual and it wasn’t conducted in a spiteful manner. Each family had a lot of love involved with them and the belief was that the installation of traditional family values helped to steer a young ward into the right direction in life. Most practitioners of discipline were themselves once a recipient of the same set of traditional family values,  and they were all deemed valuable members of society. Whilst it wouldn’t be commonplace,  it also wouldn’t be completely unheard of for a girl in her early 20’s to get a good strapping in the barn should she consider herself a bit too big for her britches. There were many different variants of old horse straps and bridles which continued to serve a purpose long after they stopped being used on the horse in many a barn across this quiet town.

Punishments were almost exclusively conducted within the same family,  it would be very rare for it to take place outside of the home,  though of course paddling was still employed with gusto. In fact most of the kids growing up had also heard of the rumor that the church minister himself was the owner of a school paddle in his office,  a rumor that grew into an urban legend.

Twenty five to thirty years ago the urban legend was more than just a rumor,  the most trusted member of the community was indeed a man whose services were required by many families. Christian discipline was,  and in fact still is,  thought of as a necessary component in a family’s life,  and in the 1950’s it wasn’t unusual for the minister himself to spare the rod at the request of a parent,  normally in their presence. It became a practice that slowly disappeared over the years to a point that it only became a rumor,  and then became an urban legend. Nobody knew if it was really true,  except perhaps for the older folks who grew up during those formative years,  and they were not people who would ever entertain discussing such a topic.

Yes,  while in this small town everybody seemed to know their neighbor’s business,  there were in fact some secrets that were never spoken about. There wasn’t a single person who ever admitted that they were once paddled or spanked by the minister,  and there was likely to be the same amount of people who would never confess that their  “Have to meet with the minister”  proclamations over the subsequent years were far from being meetings to discuss the latest church fundraiser. The legend started thirty years ago,  the secrets of many an adult remains until this current day.

Elaine and her mom were ready in their Sunday dress to make their way to church. Elaine was very mindful of her situation and she would never want to disrespect her mom,  so she was a little apprehensive when she clasped her hands in front of her as she looked at the floor and meekly asked her mom a question in a little more than a whisper. “Mom,  I know that I am grounded until next week, but would it be okay if I ask Brittney what she wants to do for her birthday”?

Mrs. Ferris was a strict mother,  but she was also a warm,  loving person who valued friendships. She had no intention of restricting Elaine from speaking with Bri at church,  and in fact she appreciated that Elaine had respected her enough to ask for her permission first. With a warm smile she said that she could,  but also warning her not to abuse her freedom at church today. A very happy Elaine suppressed her happiness and politely replied  “Yes,  Mama”

Tim was also going to be at church today with his own family,  but unlike the two girls who wanted to talk with each other,  Tim on the other hand was decidedly in favor of minding his p’s and q’s. His goal was to wait for Elaine to call him and if he was able to make eye contact with her at church for a quick smile then he would see that as a victory. It was mostly based on his desire not to get Elaine in any more trouble than she was already in,  even though the process was a bit of a foreign concept to him that he didn’t fully understand.

The environment that Tim grew up in was vastly different to that of his girlfriend and Brittney,  he grew up in a very progressive family who did not believe in corporal punishment. His experiences in that field he could count on one hand,  well,  after overhearing Lainey getting spanked he had now started on the second hand. He was aware of friends getting paddled at school,  and while his parents did not allow that for him it actually wasn’t even something he had ever given more than a second thought to. He had only ever been spanked once in his life and that was during a sleepover by his best friend’s mom. He had often wondered if his friend’s mom had told his parents about it,  he certainly hadn’t. Tim was embarrassed about the whole affair and the only reason that he wouldn’t tell his parents was through the fear of disappointing them.

He could only look back at the incident with some humor. Despite being in the unusual position of staring at a carpet for the first time in his life,  he distinctly remembers a joke that he made to himself as his friend’s mom pulled his pj bottoms down. The silly joke being that if he hadn’t worn underwear then he would have had his bare bottom showing. The joke was fleeting of course,  it was soon replaced by the unbearable sound and feel of a maternal hand landing on its upended target. Tim would have sworn that it went on for half an hour,  but it lasted less than a minute as he howled and squirmed with all his might. He then had to watch through tear stained eyes as his friend got the same treatment,  though it was significantly longer and harder than what he himself had got.

Then there was the time that his friend,  TJ,  had got the belt from his dad the previous night before. The reason that this was memorable was because TJ quite happily pulled his shorts down to show all of his friends what his bottom looked like as if it were some type of trophy. Tim sat there in awe at the slightly faded red lines that seemed to adorn every inch of his friend’s hind end. He had also seen another friend very briefly dance a merry tune as his dad swung the belt,  but in that instance he was petrified and ran away as fast as he could after watching the thick leather belt land two times.

The most memorable spanking that he was a witness to was one that was forever etched in his mind that had happened many years ago. It was the only time that he had ever witnessed a full on spanking to that day,  and he wasn’t likely to ever forget it.

Tim was with a group of friends when one of their gang,  Micheal,  gleefully joined them. The reason for his joy was quite apparent very quickly as he announced with a tremendous amount of satisfaction that Kimberly,  his older sister,  was going to get a spanking. Tim had a huge crush on Kimberly and as his friends started to leave he hung back slyly before slowly scooting off,  his intended destination being the Smith household. It seemed like a no loss situation,  he could amble around the property and if he was caught he had an easy out,  he was just looking for his friend Michael.

Upon arriving at the house it didn’t take very long at all for him to hear that something was about to happen. All he had expected was to hear the sounds of his crush getting a spanking,  he had no idea at that time that where the spanking was due to take place was in the basement where the laundry machine was. He discovered that by listening to the scolding that was taking place and following the sound of the single voice that he could hear. When he arrived at the final location where the voice had led him to,  his mouth flew wide open as he crouched down and realized that one of the small windows to the basement would allow him a birds eye view to the scene that was just about to commence.

He had missed the part where Kimberly was pulled over her mother’s lap,  he also missed the pulling down of the white shorts that now sat puddled at her ankles. He joined the proceedings as Kimberly’s hand was firmly planted on her bottom trying to protect the seat of her way too thin sky blue nylon panties. He kneeled there peeking in through the edge of the window as the battle of the loose hand commenced. Kimberly’s mother won that battle easily and soon the offending hand was tucked under Kimberly’s own body being held there solidly by the hand of her mother,  which was also tucked under her body holding on to Kimberly’s only defense.

What happened next is something that Tim will never forget. Apparently out of nowhere,  as if Kimberly’s mother had pulled off some kind of magic trick,  a stout wooden backed hairbrush was in her hand and it was heading down as fast as lightning upon Kimberly’s barely covered fanny. Tim kneeled there in awe as the hairbrush rained down at a steady,  rhythmic pace covered every single inch of Kimberly’s bottom. He could not forget Kimberly frantic attempts to avoid the smack of the brush as her legs kicked wildly and her pleas of forgiveness got louder by the second. His eyes transfixed on the thin nylon rippling at every smack that the brush landed upon them,  and how her frantic gyrations would cause those panties to ride up and up until the hard backed brush was striking nothing but bare skin as the spanking progressed,  repeating the same pattern of covering every inch of the scarlet bottom several times over before all was said and done.

The very instant that the brush stopped descending on the well spanked fanny,  and a tearful Kimberly started to stand up,  Tim scarpered like Carl Lewis out of fear that one of them would look up and catch him spying on the spanking.

When Tim overheard his girlfriend being spanked it was the image of this particular spanking that kept running through his mind as he tried to picture Elaine getting spanked. Man,  he remembered every time he ran into Kimberly from that day forward whenever he was with Michael,  he could barely look her in the eye. However,  whenever she left them alone his eyes were transfixed and never left the bottom that he had watched getting a spanking. It was perhaps his best day ever when Kimberly left for college,  he no longer had to blush at the mere sight of her.

He was sheltered in his life from spankings,  but the sight of Kimberly getting spanked and the sound of Lainey getting spanked were two events that he could quite happily relive in his mind until the cows came home.

Everyone was at church two days after the event in their Sunday best,  once the service was over it was time for the families to socialize and catch up with one another. Tim stood close by his parents and their time at the post service gathering was going to be very short,  perhaps only ten minutes had passed before they were all in the family car heading home. That was the only time that Tim actually saw Elaine during the service,  as he was leaving,  but she didn’t see him. Elaine had seen the back of Tim’s head in the church but their eyes had not met.

As the church service attendees milled around talking to one another,  Elaine and Brittney pulled off one of their best stealth modes as they expertly inched their way step by step closer to each other. Like skilled tacticians they had soon maneuvered themselves from a small gathering into a place where there was just the two of them. They talked as quietly as they could and Brittney tried to offer up some comfort to her friend. “I’m sorry your grounded,  Lainey” she said in her best pouty face.

While Elaine had no intentions of passing the buck for her own lack of responsibilities,  she did make it known in a backhanded manner that she did have some displeasure with her friend. “If we hadn’t have stopped off for Pizza I wouldn’t be” she replied in the most non accusatory manner that she could muster.

Brittney looked like she had been stabbed with a needle. “I’m sorry” she pleaded with her friend.

Elaine let it pass and soon they were on to the fun subject of talking about the plans for the Saturday,  the day before Brittney’s birthday. The first port of call would be for Tim to pick up Bri,  and then the two of them could drive over to pick up Lainey before the three of them headed to the mall. Later that afternoon they would all meet up with other friends for an impromptu picnic in the park. The two of them didn’t have long left with their brief conversation as most of the church goers appeared to be wrapping up,  so Bri asked Elaine  “Does everything sound good”?

Lainey smiled as she was delighted to have something to look forward to,  but the little devil inside of her still wanted to pass some of the blame onto her friend for her current predicament. So before they broke up she teased Bri. “It sounds great,  Bri,  there’s just one question that we haven’t answered yet”

Bri perked up,  trying to think about what she may have missed,  before asking  “Which question is that,  Lainey”?

The devilish grin widened  “We haven’t decided who is going to give you your birthday spankings yet”

Bri chuckled and playfully punched her friend on the arm as she replied  “Uh,  like,  nobody,  HELLO”

Elaine winked as she stepped back towards the oncoming parents  “Alright,  I’ll ask my mom to spank you on Saturday morning then”

“The heck you will” a playfully alarmed Brittney said as she chased after her friend. Just before they met with their respective parents Bri grabbed Elaine’s arm and whispered in her ear  “Don’t you dare,  brat, I’m warning you”

The parents arrived and Elaine greeted her mom,  full of joy. “Hi Mom,  thanks for letting Brittney and I discuss her birthday plans in two weeks’ time,  I’ll be sure that you get a chance to wish her a happy birthday before we leave for the day”

Brittney blushed and grew feisty,  not only did her friend get the upper hand on this day,  but as she was also grounded for the next ten days she couldn’t even get a measure of revenge on her in any way possible. If looks could kill.

That night Brittney sat on her bed,  pained that she couldn’t call her best friend. Not just because of what had transpired,  but also because it was going to be an awfully long ten days not speaking with the person who she normally spoke with several times a week. However,  the elephant in the room still took over her thoughts,  much to her despair. The first thought of course being  ‘I’m glad the brat got spanked’,  but those thoughts were quickly replaced by what Elaine had suggested.

Mrs. Ferris wouldn’t spank her she thought, then quickly corrected herself with a silent laugh, actually, she probably would. She even went one step further by admitting to herself that she probably deserved a spanking anyway for the small part that she had in Elaine being grounded in the first place. Brittney quickly shook her head,  trying to erase the foolish thoughts that were swimming around in her mind. The seed had been planted though,  and try as she might it was unavoidable that she would picture a vision of herself lying over the lap of her best friend’s mom while they all laughed. The same vision was sure to appear several times over the coming week.

Day after day had passed and Bri desperately wanted to speak with Lainey. It wasn’t through any fear at all,  it was just the apprehensiveness of the unknown,  did Elaine actually say something to her mom? That question was burning Brittney up. The funny part was though,  Brittney acted as if she had no say in the matter. After all, she was an adult and she could flat out say no and move on if she wanted to. Unfortunately for her though that wasn’t how her mind worked,  she just needed to know whether Elaine’s mom planned to spank her or not for her birthday,  she just accepted it.

Elaine had virtually forgotten all about that playful conversation until the Thursday that she was no longer grounded when she went downstairs for breakfast,  two days before the Saturday in question. Elaine reached the kitchen and kissed her mom on the cheek as her mom stirred the scrambled eggs. As she headed to the table Mrs. Ferris said to her daughter that Brittney had called several times that morning already and that she wanted Elaine to call her back. As Elaine sat down at the table she jokingly announced  “She’s just worried because I told her that you were going to give her a birthday spanking” she said as she laughed.

Mrs. Ferris spoke as a matter of fact “That girl doesn’t need a birthday to get a spanking”

Elaine’s eyes bulged at what her mom said,  and she gleefully continued  “I agree mom,  so you will give her a spanking then”?

Mrs. Ferris grasped the wooden spoon that she was cooking the eggs with and playfully waved it in the air “Like she was my own daughter” before breaking out in a laugh.

It was only a playful suggestion by Elaine,  she really didn’t think about what she had said for the week prior to that morning,  and even just now it was no more than a flippant remark. She had no earthly idea that for ten days straight Brittney had pictured the scene in her head several times a day. When the two of them finally got on the phone Brittney was dying to ask Elaine if she had said anything to her mom,  it was only when the conversation was coming to an end that the topic even come up,  and it was at Elaine’s doing,  not Brittney’s. They finally confirmed their plans for Saturday and as Elaine stated that she would see her friend on Saturday morning she was sure to teasingly add  “Oh,  and mom was waving a wooden spoon this morning saying something about how you need a spanking,  just so that you know”

A thrill of excitement washed over Brittney’s body as her mouth opened,  before she spoke loudly back to her friend “There is NO WAY your mom is going to use a wooden spoon to spank me”

Elaine made a clicking sound with her mouth and finished with  “You had better be nice to her then”

Come the Saturday morning a completely unaware Tim drove over to Bri’s house to pick her up. He watched as she came down the driveway,  her ponytail bouncing behind her tied in a white ribbon,  her knee length blue summer dress flapping in the wind,  tied at the waist with a white sash. The whole ensemble complimented by her white shoes and white ankle socks that had a few rows of ruffles at the top. Thankfully she had Tim with her for the ride to keep her mind active.

When they arrived at Elaine’s everyone took their shoes off and sat at the table as Mrs. Ferris served lemonade. It became apparent to Bri pretty quickly that it had all been a ruse,  a prank played with her as the victim,  she was sure that she had nothing to worry about based on how everyone was acting. The conversation itself was somewhat mundane as they were all discussing the different things that they may do that day.

The table that they were all sat at was against the back garden window with Mrs. Ferris sat with her back to the window,  Brittney was on her left and Tim on her right with her daughter sat opposite her. As the conversation wound down the three friends all stood up to say their goodbyes,  but Elaine moved her chair a few feet away from the table. She smiled at her mom and said that they are all going to get going now,  she then turned to Bri and with a big smile added “Once Bri’s had her birthday spankings of course”

Brittney’s face blushed a deep red as she turned to face Mrs. Ferris,  and while the feeling was nowhere even close to the feeling that she used to have when she would carry her father’s strap to be used on her,  a spanking is still a spanking. She was genuinely embarrassed and wished for any potential spanking to be over with as soon as was humanly possible. Mrs. Ferris stood up from her chair and chuckled at the blushing girl  “19 today is it,  we had better get started then”

Brittney simply retorted  “Yes,  Ma’am”  as if getting spanked by your best friend’s mom was a normal everyday occurrence.

Elaine eased past Brittney and sat in the chair that her friend had just vacated while a bemused Tim sat back down as well,  completely oblivious to the back story of what was about to occur. I mean,  birthday spankings happen,  he just wasn’t expecting one to happen right now.

Mrs. Ferris sat down in the chair that her daughter had so thoughtfully moved out for her,  straightened out her skirt and then beckoned the birthday girl over. Brittney’s face was the color of a ripe tomato as she looked at the wagging finger calling her,  and without hesitation she moved forward and put herself face down over Mrs. Ferris’ lap like she had done so many times before growing up.

Mrs. Ferris put one hand on the small of Bri’s back as Bri gently grasped the bottom rung of the chair with both hands,  quite happy to let her ponytail fall over and cover her face to conceal her acute embarrassment. As she peered at Tim’s socks out of the corner of her eye she quickly bolted upright as she felt Mrs. Ferris flip the back of her dress high up onto her back,  her hand flew back and she yelled  “JESUS”

With the expertise of a seasoned pro,  Mrs. Ferris caught the flailing hand and securely tucked it into her side all in one motion,  and without hesitation unleashed eight very sound smacks upon the flimsy light blue nylon material covering Brittney’s fanny. A chorus of sounds accompanied each smack “Ohh, Oww, Ouch, Ow, No, Oww, Ouch, Oww”

Mrs. Ferris stopped as Brittney gyrated her bottom,  trying for all her might to eliminate that wicked sting permeating from it. With a very stern tone of voice Mrs. Ferris stated “We DO NOT take the lord’s name in vain in this house,  do you understand me”?

A well chastised young lady was quick to apologize  “Yes,  I’m sorry,  Mrs. Ferris,  you just,  err,  surprised me. I didn’t expect you to do that”

Almost rhetorically Mrs. Ferris responded  “You didn’t expect me to pull your dress up,  what type of spanking would that be”?

It was second nature to Mrs. Ferris,  it wasn’t even a flippant comment,  it was a genuine statement. Having been the recipient on many an occasion herself growing up,  she was fully aware that the exposure of ones panties in front of a group of other people was almost as bad of a punishment as the spanking itself was,  so it was a perfectly natural thing to do.

Taking the role of educator for a moment though,  Mrs. Ferris decided to impart some wisdom on her daughter’s friend. “If that was a surprise to you then I apologize,  Brittney,  in this house however the least you can expect is a spanking over your panties whenever you get a spanking”. Mrs. Ferris then dished out a wisecrack as well  “Lucky for you, you are wearing such cute panties today”

Brittney buried her head in embarrassment as she heard all three of them all chuckle at that comment.

One thing about Mrs. Ferris was that she was a firm believer in her daughter being responsible for her own behavior. Nobody could be assigned blame for the choices that Elaine made. With that said,  three days after that dreaded last spanking Mrs. Ferris had a meeting with her daughter and they had discussed in detail what had happened on that fateful Friday night and why she had missed her curfew. For a fleeting moment before the birthday spanking itself began,  Mrs. Ferris looked at the bubble butt staring up at her and she felt like dispensing Brittney’s share of the blame for Elaine missing curfew upon those upturned cheeks. Missing curfew was Elaine’s responsibility though,  and while both Brittney and Tim had shared in Elaine’s decision making that resulted in her missing curfew,  the responsibility was ultimately Elaine’s. Mind you,  it was just her caring maternal nature to think that both Brittney and Tim would both benefit from the same spanking that she given to her daughter for their respective roles in the event,  and she would also be more than happy to be the person delivering those sound spankings,  so she felt not an single ounce of guilt for the spanks that she had given Brittney for taking the Lord’s name in vain,  in fact there was a little catharsis to it.

Mrs. Ferris placed her hand on the thin nylon seat and asked “Are you ready”?

Tim sat there with his mouth opened and Elaine beamed from ear to ear as Brittney replied  “Yes,  Ma’am”

Tim watched the hand slowly go up and then followed it down until,  just like what he observed years before,  it came smacking down and he saw the joy of her bottom bounce and her panties ripple like it was a trip down memory lane. That was one smack,  there were eighteen to go plus one for luck and one to grow on. Tim had a problem,  he had no idea how he was going to make it through watching the entire spanking and what was worse,  even less of an idea as to how he was going to hide his own embarrassment when it was all over and they had to walk to the car. He had seen Brittney in a bikini many times but this was vastly different,  he had full view of her panties and the little ruffled ankle socks he could see kicking in the background excited him more than he could ever have imagined.

Tim hadn’t thought of spanking as something erotic up until that point,  even if he had masturbated many times over the memory of Kimberly getting the hairbrush,  he hadn’t put two and two together that the two acts were related. However,  being that he was now perhaps only five feet away and listening to the sound of a spanking up close,  and also watching that part of the female anatomy bounce and jiggle and gyrate right before his very eyes,  it was a huge turn on for him. No matter what he could do there was one thing he couldn’t do,  and that was hide the sexual excitement he was getting from watching Brittney get spanked.

Elaine didn’t seem to notice,  she had her own birds eye view of her friend’s bottom getting a spanking and it was pure delight for her. She dare not say anything,  but man did she wish her mom would spank her a bit harder. Brittney just wanted it over with,  she was praying that Mrs. Ferris would just get on with it and hurry up and finish. She had been spanked before in front of others,  indeed just like now there had been more than one occasion when visitors were watching the seat of her panties as she was spanked,  but for some reason this seemed a little different. Is it perhaps that she was older now and it was more embarrassing to get a spanking at that age,  or was it perhaps that she herself had felt some responsibility for Elaine getting a spanking and she had felt deep down that she deserved a spanking as well?

Brittney would never admit to anyone that the latter was closer to the truth than any other excuse that she could come up with,  it was something that she had ten days to think about and perhaps that was the reason why it never crossed her mind to question that her friend’s mom was going to spank her. That was a secret that she would keep to herself. It was much the same as the feeling that a lot of the older women in the small town would encounter from time to time,  and just like Brittney it was a secret that none of them would ever share with anybody. The urban legend of the Minister with a paddle in his office was an actual secret shared by a good number of women in this sleepy town,  and each of them was happy to play along that this story was just an urban legend. It was like their own little secret society. The real truth of the matter is that the feeling of repentance is something that sticks around inside of a person until it can be released,  and some of the townsfolk had personally known the most trusted man in the town for up to 30 years,  from back when their own parents would seek out the disciplinary help of the Minister,  to the secrets of today where those same people could still seek out the help of the same Minister,  only under their own terms now.

“And one for luck”

That was the pronouncement that the maternal palm had landed on the pretty blue nylon panties for the last time. A total of 29 spanks in all when you count the eight seat scorchers that started off the spanking. Luckily for Brittney the other 21 smacks were delivered at nowhere near the intensity of the first eight,  however,  the first eight did satisfy her curiosity as to how bad it could be. She wouldn’t dare confide anything that was troubling her with her father,  could she with Mrs. Ferris though?

Brittney stood and smoothed down her skirt as Mrs. Ferris reached in to hug her,  Elaine also sprang to her feet to join in the hug. Ever the opportunist,  Tim saw a window of opportunity and in a nanosecond he bolted out of his chair towards the front door,  talking as he went that he was going to start the car. He wasn’t going to respond to anything that was said to him,  he was effectively deaf,  dumb and blind at that moment. The only person who could potentially see him as he bolted from the chair was Brittney,  but he had to take the chance. If she saw the tent protruding in his shorts then he would live with it,  just as long as Mrs. Ferris didn’t see it.

When Brittney and Elaine got to the car,  Brittney made a dramatic sound of anguish as she sat down,  it was purely for comedic reasons. She loudly went into Valley girl mode and staring at her friend she stated “I am SO going to get you back for that,  just wait until your birthday”

Elaine mocked her and replied  “WHAT – EVER”

Bri turned to Tim as he began to pull away and said to him “Please spank her for me,  Tim”

Elaine laughed and put her hand on Tim’s thigh,  far too close to the problem that he was still trying to repress,  and said “You wouldn’t spank little old me,  would you sweetheart”?

Elaine left the subject right there,  she had seen more than enough as she removed her hand to know that he probably would spank her.

Part 3 of this story is now posted, click THIS LINK to read the third part in the series.