Streetcar Sundays – 105

Before I begin with today’s post I just want to make you all aware of something. Yesterday I spent a lot of time rebuilding my VINTAGE SITE so that the vast archive on there is now visible to everyone. Moving forward this will mean that the Vintage site will have daily posts being made to it,  so bear with me promoting it for a few weeks to get it back to where it once was. There will be a daily picture along with snippets to cross link with this site. Click on THE FOLLOWING LINK to see my offering for today. The image today is a guy sat on a picnic table in the 1970’s with a girl on his lap getting spanked,  only she is in the diaper position on his lap,  quite unique if I say so myself. Bookmark the site for daily posts.

I hope that everyone enjoyed my latest story,  MOTHER SPANKS DAUGHTER – THE BEST FRIEND. As the feedback to the story was garnered from a single,  solitary reply,  I think that what I am going to do moving forward will be to create something that has been a goal of mine for a while now. That would be to write all of the subsequent chapters and then make it into a mini novel to put on Amazon Kindle. Right now I have around 9,000 words so far in this story and ultimately I would want to be around 50,000 words to sell the book. A lot of work goes into writing,  for example on Friday I spent roughly six to eight hours writing this chapter of the story,  and I think that if I was to put them on Kindle then it might provide me with the motivation I need to keep producing stories. I envision a scenario where I will always give the first chapter for free,  but the full novel will go to Kindle unlimited. More on that later though.

My MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS photo this week comes from Foxcroft,  ME in 1966. A little late for a Men Are Like Streetcars spanking pic, most of them happened in the early to mid 50’s,  but nonetheless there were still a few productions putting out the play.