Tag Archives: Slipper

Farewell my sweet Northern Rose.

It’s funny that I was trying to think of a way to tie this post into spanking, and there it was, right in front of my face, lol.

You see yesterday, I did something that I had never done before, I purchased an MP3 album from Amazon. Now the album was by The Beautiful South entitled “The BBC Sessions”. I think I pretty much have everything from The Beautiful South, with the exception of these live recordings, so I ‘treated’ myself to listening to some deep Northern accents for a good hour and a half. I must say that the album is absolutely fantastic!! Well worth every penny.

Now to top that off, I was able to find a program that allows me to watch some British TV. This morning I got to watch, for the first time in decades, the ominibus edition of Coronation Street. Yet more Northern accents πŸ™‚

So as I am on the Northern theme today, why not show a few pics from a recent Northern Spanking update, featuring the wonderful cast of Caroline Grey, Kali Redmond & Stephen Lewis. Talk about smoking hot girls, eh?

Hold the panty post!!

I had planned on writing the post about spanking and panties of the 1970’s, but unfortunately I partied a bit too hard this weekend πŸ™‚ I will try my hardest to get it up by Thursday because my friend from Miami is visiting me this weekend and I won’t be around until Sunday again. The least I can do though is post a spanking picture set courtesy of Debseddy from the Februs magazine. There is so much to love about this picture set, a cute doe eyed girl, a slipper for spanking, a hidden mystery top, white nylon panties and a happy girl when all is said and done πŸ™‚ This has always been one of my favorite picture sets and I thank Debseddy for uploading it for me. The third pic will also make an appearance on Thursday when I finally get the spanking panties of the 1970’s post up.

Richard Windsor.

A monster post — Party news, video sales and lots of personal pics!!

Sit back and enjoy as I make a super long post. Once the writing is done you will find a stack of pics that I did with the girls from Amateur Spankings, in fact I will probably insert them throughout the post to ensure that I keep your attention πŸ˜‰ Just do me a favor should you take the pics for your own use, please leave the website on them and for that special blogger in Hungary who seems to take and post everything I post, how about an occasional link there fella?

First on the agenda is the Shadowlane party!! In just two short weeks I am going to be hopping on a plane to Las Vegas for my very first Shadowlane party and I am really excited. There is an audio posted a couple of posts below this one about the upcoming party should you wish to listen to it, but it is going to be great to meet up with old friends and new alike. What am I hoping for while there?

Other hopes at the Shadowlane party… hopefully I can get to give Samantha Woodley a few swats and even a picture for prosperity. Meeting up with my new friend ‘Miss Understood’, something tells me we will get along really well. Is it too much to hope to spank Eve Howard? I imagined doing it many times in the 80’s πŸ™‚ Sharing a beer with Gary from Amateur Spankings, Ian from The London Tanners and pretty much anyone else who wants to have a drink with me. Hopefully grabbing some pics in my room as well, and pretty much having a blast of a vacation. Are you going to Vegas yourself? Drop me a line at houndog_windsor@yahoo.com if you want to.

I’m even considering taking my Santa Claus outfit with me to Vegas, that is a guarantee to get naughty girls flying over your lap in a heartbeat. Then it will be available for anyone else to use as well, lots of Mr. and Mrs. Clause fantasies could be fulfilled in one weekend. On the subject of Shadowlane as well, don’t miss out on their spanking DVD sale that they have going on right now. They have the best spanking videos on the planet and right now you can buy 1 and get 1 free!! Buy 3 and get 6…… buy 6 and get 12. You simply can’t beat the value. Oh, and their DVD’s retail at only $29.95 as it is. Being that I own about 12 Shadowlane DVD’s myself I will give you my personal guarantee that you won’t be disappointed. Spankings given just the way they should be given. Just click on the Shadowlane name wherever you see it and it will take you right to their site. Totally awesome videos and my personal favorite. Hurry up though, the sale ends at midnight PST tomorrow night so you only have today and tomorrow to take advantage of this fantastic offer!!

Now I don’t wish to short change Amateur Spankings here either. As of yet I don’t have any of Amateur Spankings products, but at the Shadowlane party I intend to purchase some and in a few weeks time I will give the company their own full post with a review of their content.

At the Texas All State party I was fortunate enough to get to do a photo shoot with two of the girls from Amateur Spankings. The adorable Amber Grey and the equally gorgeous Amie.

Before the pics though, click this link and go visit the Amateur Spankings website ——–> http://amateurspankings.com. At the very least, once you are done looking at the pics then go and pay them a visit afterwards.

So let’s begin with the pics. You can click on each one for the full sized version. Here is Amber Grey
and I getting to know each other. She seems so happy πŸ™‚

The smile didn’t last for long though. Time for some serious pouting!!

Time to summon some brat support, aided by a Sharpie.

So you like to play games huh, Amie?

I have everything under control here, honestly I do πŸ˜‰

This is one of my favorite pictures. Amie getting spanked by her own sneaker.

Okay, so maybe I didn’t really have things ALL my way πŸ˜‰

This picture will probably tell you all clearly why they call me “Noodle arm”!! Yet another pic I love.

And finally, aren’t I just about the luckiest guy in the world? Go visit Amateur Spankings right now for more of the beautiful girls, Amie and Amber.

Richard Windsor.

P.S. I would love to hear from you all, either below or in the chat box up top.

More Texas Spanking and 3 mainstream pics

The news is in, Richard Windsor is moving.

Yep, I finally decided guys, I’m going to be moving to my own webspace in the next few days. All will be revealed within the next 72 hours, but I have purchased a hosting plan and a domain name and once it has been registered on the net I will be able to start the transfer. This process can take up to 72 hours so I have to be a little patient. My goal will be to move all the blogs to one place and to also start the vintage picture one that I have talked about doing. If you are looking for a hosting plan then have a look here at AN hosting, it cost me around $100 for the year and I can add up to 20 domains on the one plan.

Until the move though, here are some pics for you to enjoy. The first two are from the Texas All State party and is part of the photo shoot I did with the girls of http://www.amateurspankings.com/. So far I have 23 pics from this set, though I know there are many more still to come. In the first pic I am spanking Amber http://spankingamber.blogspot.com/, using one of Chad’s paddles. I believe his email address is woodpaddles@hotmail.com if you want to contact him. His paddles are awesome quality and I do know that he is planning on starting a website soon, so I will let you know when that happens. (Remember to click each pic for the full sized version)

Did Amie really think that she was going to get away with drawing a smiley face on my head? Here I am spanking the little cutie with her own sneaker.

Now McClintock pics are not that hard to come by, so I stopped by my favorite movie stills store in New York yesterday and came across this one. Now I know there are a lot of prints out there, but I don’t think I have ever seen this one before. Well worth the $5 I paid for it.

My whole reason for venturing out yesterday was to buy a birthday present for a friend. She is big into biography’s and I found Maureen O’Hara’s, I quickly flipped through the pics and look what I found πŸ™‚ Two spanking pics on one page!! I quickly scanned the images at work before I gave the girl her birthday present πŸ˜‰

The next pic I found on ebay. I actually meant to go back to bid on it but I forgot to do so, but I did manage to save the pic. This is Lucille Ball spanking some young lady in a print from the movie “Panama Lady”

And lastly, taken from the photos page of one of my myspace friends http://myspace.com/richardwindsor. Here are 4 naughty girls who would be in BIG trouble if they ever walked into a spanking party πŸ˜‰

Richard Windsor.