Farewell my sweet Northern Rose.

It’s funny that I was trying to think of a way to tie this post into spanking, and there it was, right in front of my face, lol.

You see yesterday, I did something that I had never done before, I purchased an MP3 album from Amazon. Now the album was by The Beautiful South entitled “The BBC Sessions”. I think I pretty much have everything from The Beautiful South, with the exception of these live recordings, so I ‘treated’ myself to listening to some deep Northern accents for a good hour and a half. I must say that the album is absolutely fantastic!! Well worth every penny.

Now to top that off, I was able to find a program that allows me to watch some British TV. This morning I got to watch, for the first time in decades, the ominibus edition of Coronation Street. Yet more Northern accents đŸ™‚

So as I am on the Northern theme today, why not show a few pics from a recent Northern Spanking update, featuring the wonderful cast of Caroline Grey, Kali Redmond & Stephen Lewis. Talk about smoking hot girls, eh?

4 thoughts on “Farewell my sweet Northern Rose.

  1. oh…

    i forgot…

    ive shaken hands with johnny winter, richard thompson, loudned wainwright 3, and david bromberg. niel shulman is still the best!!!

    for “florence”,


  2. yes Richard great vid at northern spanking lovely girls big spanks ,can you receive coronation street in u.s .a .thats grand a favourite of mine ,best wishes ,tim.

  3. really marge northern spanking have great spankings on there the girls receive blushing pink botties .best wishes richard ,tim .

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