New Years is next

**12/28/09 update** Looks like we are in luck guys. Now it is only a test page, and I have some major tinkering to do with the format, but it looks like the Universe will be up and running before you know it. You can view the test page by clicking the link below.

Spanking Universe Test Page.

Like I said, it isn’t by any means perfect, but by the time I am done it will look just like the old Universe did. The other problem I have is that I have to manually locate the RSS feed address for each site, but it can be done so it will just a little longer.

Well guys, Christmas has come and gone and now we are heading toward New Years. Have you planned on your resolutions yet? Do you know what will happen if you don’t keep those resolutions? I spent yesterday with my English friend and his family in Conneticut, a friend of nearly 20 years now. So THE SPANKING UNIVERSE has now been created, however it is going to take me a week or two to get it going. The first thing I am trying to find is a clone of Blogger’s blogroll software, however I think that task is going to be fruitless. There are possibly one or two programs I could purchase to create a rolling aggregator, but I am going to continue my search for now for a free one. I do have a few options and once I find the right one (And more importantly spend up to 24 hours messing around with website codes, lol) the Universe will be back, bigger and better.

Now then, as you all know, I always try and find unique pics to post that haven’t been posted on other sites, and hopefully I have found a group of Santa Spanking pics. Here are a couple from the set, but if you want to see all 8 of them then follow this link SANTA SPANKING PICS.


As you can tell, I have a lot of work to get done this week trying to get the Universe up and running. I’m still going to be posting of course to my other picture sites, and updates on here might also be picture updates until the Universe is going. As always, SPANKING GALLERIES is updated anywhere between every day and every three days. That is also another site that I still have about 50 brand new galleries to add to the database, which I also hope to do this week, lol. Those galleries are without the 100 or more Hot Movies pages I have to start. Here are just a few of the dozens of Hot Movie pages I have already created.


And finally, our favorite gal, AMBER ‘PIXIE’ WELLS has posted some great holiday pics over the last week, please visit her site for some great pictures and holiday prose. Here is one of those pics (One of my favorite Pixie pics ever) and a pic from when Pixie and I first knew each other. Richard ‘Houndog’ Windsor and Amber ‘Pixie’ Wells in the making 🙂


With my new version of wordpress I seem to have made the pictures unclickable, don’t worry, that will be another thing for me to work on 🙂