Windsor Sunday Candid’s – 141

In a few weeks time the renewal for this website is due. I’m not going to beat around the bush, I will be paying the $150 renewal fee and this blog will enter its 17th year.

It has been a while since I have posted but that is something that is going to happen from time to time. You still have 16 years worth of free material to peruse whenever you visit my spanking blog 🙂 Every now and then I will be taking a break though, but I still have bucket loads of unseen spanking pics that I have yet to post, and I’m determined that before my final day my wish is to share them all with you.

Also worth mentioning, I only have a couple of months to go before I turn 60 years old. Not I’m not an ageist by any stretch of the imagination, and I have played with women many times who were in their 60’s or 70’s. But I do have to admit, 60 years old just sounds so bloody old, lol.

Obviously those of you who are already there will understand, it is just a number, your mind doesn’t really change all that much and things that you found exciting when you were in your 20’s still excite you no matter what your age. Obviously if you have read this blog at any length you will know that my outlook in the spanking world has changed dramatically over the last few years, but the actual interest is still there, just maybe not as prevalent as it once was.

It is something that I have evaluated over time, and I really believe that I understand why this happened. Having been to spanking parties for the better part of the last 20 years I got to experience things that I never imagined were possible in my 20s and 30s. It is fair to say that the experience exceeded my expectations a hundred fold, and I got to experience some scenes with some very special partners over the years that I never imagined were possible. I truly feel blessed for what I got participate in.

It doesn’t mean that the journey is over, far from it in fact. It is just that my outlook on how I will achieve that going forward is different. I’m older, I quit drinking years ago, and I now spend a significant portion of my time building a vanilla Youtube channel. I just don’t party in any way, shape or form anymore. So it is just something that I have outgrown, and I have not a single regret, and that applies to both the good and bad in our world. My journey isn’t over, it is just more selective.

Anyway, it is about time that I made a spanking post, that’s what you all come here for, right?

This time we have a genuine BIRTHDAY SPANKING but one wonders, just how many spankings did she get?

 By the way, the other week I heard from Chross after all of these years. He wrote to me to ask me to plug his new bulletin board/forum on my website. Well to be honest I never removed his link from my website, it has always active. Regardless, in case you have forgotten it, you can find his new forum which is located at the same website address as his former blog by clicking RIGHT HERE.

Pretty soon I will also update all of the clips4sale sites that I promote. I’m no longer on spanking social media so I’m a bit out of touch, but I will do my best to trawl through clips4sale and see if there are new stores that I can add for your enjoyment.

Of course if you want your spanking clips site added you can always feel free to contact me here and ask me to add it. I’m always happy to use my blog to promote other sites.

And just as importantly, if you DON’T want your spanking clips store to appear on my site then just ask me to remove it, I will be just as happy to do that. I realize that not everyone wants to be associated with me being that I’m such a dick and all 😉

4 thoughts on “Windsor Sunday Candid’s – 141

  1. With that many boys, that girl looks like she’s in for a lot of spankings.

    Thank you for providing your wonderful service. It’s on my list of sites to check on a regular basis.

  2. Like you, we really enjoyed spanking parties in our 40’s and 50’s. Great memories. We passed 60 before you. Parties are no more. Our interests have changed in the last few years. But, it’s not gone.

  3. Bogey,

    Exactly!! Spanking was always the number one thing that I thought of every single day. It no longer is, but it is still in the top 5, lol.


  4. Rich,

    This comment almost passed me by, I guess because I thought it was one of my own comments being that we have the same name. Yes, I tend to think that more than one young man got to get some licks in. One can’t help but notice the distinct lack of girls in the picture, perhaps they are wiser than we think 🙂


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