Five Hundred Thousand Views!!!

As you all know, I plan on making a big post this weekend on costumes. Now unfortunately I have to wait until the weekend because I need to have access to my external hard drive to cull the pics for you, but it should be fun.

Until the weekend though, and to keep on the theme of costumes, here is for like the tenth time, the video that I shot with the gorgeous Audrey Knight about 18 months ago. Not only does it keep to the theme of costumes, but I am also proud of the fact that this little video has been watched over half a million times over on spanking tube. It has been a long time since I last spanked Audrey, hopefully she will be at Crimson Moon this year đŸ˜‰

And just for sticks and giggles, this video that I did with Caroline Grey where she dresses as a 1950’s girl has been watched 350,000 times already. Enjoy đŸ™‚


Watch out this weekend for a bumper post on costumes in the spanking world.

3 thoughts on “Five Hundred Thousand Views!!!

  1. Richard, your video with Caroline Grey is one of the greatest spank vids I’ve ever seen. It’s been in my personal collection for some time now.

    I love these things about it: First, it is M/F… always a plus. Second, it is OTK. And third, the spankee (Caroline) seems to be enjoying herself as much as her spanker. Maybe she enjoys it MORE!

    Dunno why, but to me handspankings are always preferable to implement spankings. Maybe it’s the idea of shared pain that gets me.


  2. Dan,

    Thank you very much for your kind words, that is such a high compliment!!

    Cheers indeed.

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