New Purchase

So here we have it guys,  the new purchase that I made. I gave you a preview earlier and now here is the real thing,  enjoy.

The pic is from the 1940’s though there are little other details to it.

Now you may have noticed that I have been absent this week,  that is a conscious choice on my part. I will write more about it later,  but my desire for Fetlife has waned to a point that I only answer messages now,  I no longer read through the threads. There are many reasons for this,  for the most part though I have worn on the site. The final straw of course came a couple of weeks ago with the fly by attack,  that isn’t the sort of environment that I go to those sites for. There are other contributing factors,  but I guess the main cause of this has been the vanilla projects that I am currently working on. The vintage site has taken off like a house on fire and I have big plans in that area. Even my desire for updating blogs has waned and I even considered today ending the spanking pics blog. Everything is so positive right now that I am getting more enjoyment from the vanilla projects and operating this site.

Each night I can only get a few hours to spend online and I would rather spend that time enjoying it and taking part in positive things. Now don’t get me wrong,  I’m not saying that the site I mentioned isn’t positive,  it has just worn on me a bit and I am going to be taking an extended break from it. I still have multiple sites to keep me happy and a wonderful vintage group on Facebook that has received such great feedback. I’m not going anywhere,  I will always keep this blog and the vintage spanking one,  I’m just in the process of reevaluating where my time is best spent each night as I have so little of it. 🙂

5 thoughts on “New Purchase

  1. Rich,

    Personnally I appreciate all you do for us and yes you need to step back and take care of you but thank you for all you do.


  2. Hey Rich,

    I would advise against getting rid of any of your sites. I wax and wane too, with participation in the community at large, including discussion boards and blogs. We’ve both done it for years, yes? I happen to be in one of those wanings right now; summer seems to be a big time for it due to the increased activity in home and family life, which take precedence for me.

    But I always come back at some point, and you always have to. There have been times I have wiped things out, and then regretted it when I came back (even if that ‘coming back’ was a year or so later).

    My advice is to leave it, even if you’re not messing with it at the moment. It will continue to get traffic, and when you are ready to return to it, all of your stuff is still together.

    I totally get where you’re coming from! So glad that vanilla friendships in the scene continue despite absence from the sites in general! Had a great (vanilla) time with you in Niagara Falls last week!

    Love you, friend



  3. Just noticed the rest of your post, sorry!

    Well, I do have only one site to run, though it certainly feels like a hundred ;)…especially with all the databases, the message board and such time consuming weekly posts like the SotW. I guess I can relate to your feelings. To my mind Sarah´s advice is sound. If I don´t have time to do all the tasks at hand, I´ll try to concentrate on the things I consider most important – or I like best.
    It´s no use trying to juggle too many balls at once.


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