Windsor Wednesday Classic – 76

A little bit of extra stress occurred today when I got a call from my landlady telling me that they are selling the house. She did give me an option of renting from another of their locations,  which I will probably take them up on,  but I will still have the hassle of packing after having lived in the same place for 17 years. Let’s hope that when I move in a few months I have a quieter living space where I can have visitors for some spanking fun 🙂

This was a tough call this week. Two days ago I promised you a rehearsal spanking pic from Kiss Me Kate,  and after I posted that I found a new rehearsal pic so I was torn between two options. So what I am going to go with today is the second option simply because it features a double spanking.

This version of the play is from 1970 and featured TWO performances,  each with a different cast. So for their promo pick they decided that both Kate’s should deserve an extra spanking together.

As always,  this will go in my special collection of KISS ME KATE SPANKING PICS.

alameda ca 70

5 thoughts on “Windsor Wednesday Classic – 76

  1. Nice one and quite probably unique in feature a double-Kate spanking! and they look like two very spankable Kates indeed.

  2. Web-Ed, the pic was from 1970 on the button.

    Luther, if they could have just presented their fannies a little more to the camera I think it would have been perfect.

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