Windsor Wednesday Classic – 229

The FIFA 22 web app comes out today, I’m pretty excited about it. I need to pack as many Swindon players as I can 😉 I’m also in the process of putting together a big vanilla story on an old ballpark near to where I live that no longer exists. In fact I am probably spending far too much time on it, but so far I have discovered that John L. Sullivan was once there to defend the heavyweight championship of the world, and players such as Casey Stengel appeared there.

Anyway, I’m sure that my vanilla activities are of little interest 🙂

This week we will return to the play ACT YOUR AGE for our weekly spanking image.

4 thoughts on “Windsor Wednesday Classic – 229

  1. Dean,

    The ballpark in question is actually Ridgewood Park 🙂 It was only the Sunday home for the Dodgers organization for three years, 1887-1889, but it will make for a great story considering some of the teams that played there. Casey Stengel was playing for the Brooklyn Superbas at the time (Still the Dodgers) when he played at the park two Sunday’s in a row.


  2. A nice kicking leg, a hand held high, a pained look on the ladiy’s face and a group of witnesses enjoying every moment – what a great picture. Thanks a lot, Richard.

  3. Theo,

    I am always a big fan of an audience in pictures like this. A lot of times when people take pics that I have found they will cut the audience out, and that really grates me because I want to present the whole product, not just a select portion of it.


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