Windsor Wednesday Classic – 219

This upcoming Sunday is my 58th birthday and as usual I will come up with something special to mark the occasion. Because my interest in the scene has waned quite a bit in recent years, I haven’t even posted a new story yet this year. So maybe that is what I will do on Sunday, post a story that none of you have seen before. There is this story that I have, and it is a birthday spanking story, that I wrote about 20 years ago that I never posted anywhere before. Now I will have to rework it a bit because 20 years ago I could barely write a lick, lol, but it actually isn’t the worst story I have written, it is certainly something that I can edit and present.

Nowadays this is all I do when it comes to my birthday. Since my brother passed away and all of my other family members have also since left me, I scrubbed my birthday from my social media accounts. Well actually I have now completely deleted all of my accounts anyway barring Facebook. So the only mention that my birthday gets is on this blog, and that is only because I can incorporate it into a post and give you guys some free stuff!! The day itself is just another day for me.

So I will come up with something for you for Sunday, but for now I will give you my weekly WINDSOR’S WEDNESDAY CLASSIC spanking post.

The image this week comes courtesy of Will at Gotham56. When a fellow spanko has done the work to bring something to the spanking community, then I am a firm believer in acknowledging that person for their efforts. That courtesy rarely gets extended to me, however, I have my own code of ethics that I abide by and I will not change from giving credit to a person who is not only making my site better, but is also providing something new to the community as a whole.

There is little information included on the pic so you get to make it up yourself. Do note however that there seems to be a rather large hole in her skirt, so it appears that at least in part she is getting the seat of her white panties warmed!! Thanks a lot for the image, Will, perhaps I will drop you a line as it has been so long, I am sure that I have some new stuff for you.

This will be added to my PLAYFUL SPANKINGS folder.

10 thoughts on “Windsor Wednesday Classic – 219

  1. Hi, I presume that you haven’t got any info for this pic.
    Surely it’s a film promo but I don’t recognise either of them, shame we can’t consult Chross anymore.
    I also don’t have anybody anymore so yes, just another day, however, I tend to buy a nice bottle of red wine, a ribeye steak and watch a goot film.
    If you haven’t seen the latest Guy Ritchie “The Gentlemen” it’s well worth a try. Also this Sunday is the Monaco Grand Prix, Lewis Hamilton can be expected to give us his usual masterclass (hoorah, up the English etc).
    See you,
    Colin Mann

  2. Colin,

    There is a reasonable chance that the image is an outtake from the play “Li’l Abner”, however, I do not know this for sure so I can’t add the play title to the image. Perhaps soon I will “Independently” find this image and provide more information. It could also be an image from a Sadie Hawkins dance!! As for the image being identified, honestly, people like me were generally the source of providing the images for others to use anyway 😉

    Sunday is also the final day of the Premier League so I will definitely be watching sport of some kind on Sunday 😉


  3. Great, now I’m having to learn who Sadie Hawkins is (it didn’t help that I 1st searched for Sally Hawkins by mistake!). Ho hum.

  4. Happiest birthday in advance, Rich! And many thanks for years of your creativity, research, and sharing! (Remember those Yahoo Groups?!) I just turned sixty-five a couple of months ago, myself!
    Aside to Colin, Al Capp did the newspaper comic strip “Li’l Abner” for decades, about the hilarious hillbilly residents of Dogpatch! “Sadie Hawkins Day” was their annual girls-chase-catch-and-marry available bachelors race! It was also the centerpiece of the Broadway play and the movie version, sporting great tunes and lots of laughs! There were also some funny and even sexy spankings Al and his crew did over the years!
    As to this picture– and thanks again, Rich!– it looks more like some kind of “stranded on a desert island” thing to me!

  5. I myself would go for Sadie Hawkins day with the pipe and her rope belt,but desert island fits the idea as well.happy birthday Richard and like Dave says thanks for all your years in sharing all of your research,posting and linking we really have enjoyed them. I really do enjoy the positioning and expressions of this spankee. Thanks again for all you do and have a great day.

  6. Colin, despite the possibilities for a Sadie Hawkins spanking, I haven’t really found any as of yet.

  7. Dave,

    Isn’t that something!! I had no idea that Sadie Hawkins and Li’l Abner were tied into each other, though it makes perfect sense. I will try my hardest to see if I can’t find out the origins of the photo. Many times when I find photos there is little or even no information to go on, it is just a spanking pic without commentary. As for the Yahoo groups, yes indeed, and also the MSN groups!! Do you remember those as well?


  8. Thank you as always, Jim!! I will continue to look for the origins of this pic to see if I can shed more light onto it. While I never feel the need to detail everything so intricately that it detracts from the image itself, it is always nice to know what we are looking at, at least.


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