Windsor Wednesday Classic – 196

This image was sent to me by a reader named Dean. Unfortunately I don’t have all of the details yet, but you can see from the watermark where it came from. The movie is called L’affare si complica and I am pretty sure that the actress is Silvana Jachino. Obviously I will keep searching to update the post, but this is a head start for those of you who want to do your own research. I have no idea why the spanking is happening, who the guy is, but I do feel pretty sure that there is no spanking in the film. Enjoy! This will be added to my STAGE SPANKINGS folder.

One thought on “Windsor Wednesday Classic – 196

  1. At the alamy site it says the male is the director of the film from 1942. Hope someone knows more or can post the movie. Like you said scene probably not in movie. Probably a filming add of some type?

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