Windsor Wednesday Classic – 136

The spanking in the film,  Mexican Spitfire’s Blessed Event,  was aborted,  however,  it doesn’t mean that we can’t have a quick study of the photo. Now this photo has been posted before,  in fact I did a quick search of the Internet to see if it had been posted on a blog and it had. What was funny though is that the image had my initials in the bottom left corner,  so the image had been lifted from my site,  lol.

After a quick search I saw that I posted a copy of this image 10 years ago as part of a MEN IN UNIFORM theme. That version of the image though was of much lower quality,  vastly different to the new and improved version that I found recently. I wonder if this copy will be lifted as well?  🙂

What I like about images like this is the public spanking audience. Now as I said the spanking in the film was aborted,  and my observations here are purely for entertainment purposes. They have nothing to do with the film and are designed to be tongue in cheek.

Let’s observe girl number 1 in the middle of the picture. Would I be mistaken to think that her hands have instinctively moved behind her to rub her own bottom? No doubt recalling her own spankings,  or perhaps spankings that she still gets. Then we see girl number 2  (Just to the left of the spankee,  Lupe Velez). If she peeking through the crowd to see the look on her own father’s face? Was she a part of what happened and fearful that she may be next? Then finally we have the tall guy in the photo looking at the woman whose head is partially obscured by the spanker,  do I detect a hidden secret being shared by the pair of them that only they know about?

Like I said,  this was just for entertainment as I do love a good audience viewing of a spanking,  I love looking at the faces of the other women. This will be added to my WINDSOR’S STAGE SPANKINGS album where you can find many of my finds from TV and movies. Click on the image for the full sized version.