Party crashing – The extended version

{Part two of the video where I am spanking Caroline Grey is now posted — CLICK HERE TO SEE IT}

Before I say anything I really want to take the time to thank Ian, Headmaster Tony and Alona for the fantastic party yet again this year. Last year I said it and I will repeat myself again this year, this is my favorite party to attend. I know that there are many more people beyond the three that I listed that make this party the success that it is, and while I may not be able to name you all, you all know who you are and you should be proud of the efforts that you put in. The Florida Moonshine party and the SSC party that I attend will be on my calendar every year. Every party has its own special niche and I wouldn’t want to disrespect any other party at all, but the FMS party is played at the speed that I personally like. There are lots of organized activities for you to attend should you wish, but there is also a wealth of opportunity just to take some time out and do something different to give you a little break from the party as well. By late Sunday night I had pretty much crashed and burned, but in my mind that is because everything had been so good for the 4 days that I had been there. A very big thank you to the board of FMS, you will be seeing me at your party every year for sure.

Now then, I touched on it very briefly in my last post, and in this one I want to elaborate further with my thoughts. Last night I uploaded the first part of the video that I shot with Caroline Grey and as that will probably be posted tomorrow, please take the time to read this one now.

There are probably a great many of us out there that have social anxiety disorders and a party of this magnitude can really put that to the test. For starters, I’m really not a big party person in the first place. My ideal situation in the spanking world is pretty much done on a one to one basis, so at a party where there are upwards of 200 people you really have to be on your game. Let’s not forget that aspect of it, you really do need to put your game face on.

Now despite being an individual that is “Out there” and happily shares his little corner of the spanking world, I am surprisingly a very private person. In real life I have more friends in the spanking world than I do the vanilla one and that is mostly because I don’t stand for anyone’s shit in real life. When you go to a party you go in knowing that there are going to be a whole host of people who don’t act the same as you, don’t behave the same as you, and most importantly can be vastly different with their approach to life than you are. As I mentioned, in the vanilla world there has to be a certain set of elements for me to want to include you in my life. Generally that revolves around being what my definition is of being a decent human being. The barometer for that of course is different for every single person, and I can pretty much guarantee that my barometer was fucked up when it was given to me because my criteria for friendship rarely waivers and has very little legroom for tolerance. It isn’t anything crazy but I want and need positive people in my life, people who are caring towards others, selfless and that I am also an important part of their life. Everybody has baggage and I’m no different than anyone, but it is how you handle your baggage that is important to me.

When you take the above paragraph and apply it to a party you can probably see what I am referring to. There is going to be a very small percentage that you associate with in a vanilla sense, but of course that isn’t the primary goal anyway, and there are going to be a whole lot of people that you know that you will need to work your best with and offer more tolerance than you do in everyday life. Well, actually I should say that I am the one that needs to work on the tolerance issue. At a party though it is great, everybody there has a common goal and a common purpose so blending in to that is an easy transition.

So where am I going with all of this? Well, by the end of Sunday night my tolerance for others had reached an all time low and I was completely burnt out. Of course I realize that that is all down to me as well, but the combination of a few hours sleep each night, trying to balance myself and not appear distant, as well as dealing with things that very slowly started to drag me down, I was toast. Yet you know what, the best two events happened AFTER I had crashed and burned. Maybe there is something to that after all.

At the party I was with my little Princess who I only get to see one time a year. The balancing act that I mentioned above was due to that, I wanted to try and spread myself as much as I could and play with as many people as I had promised as I could, yet I also wanted to spend as much time with Munchkin as I could because this is the only time of the year that I get to see her. Believe me it was an emotional battle every time that we just laid on our beds and chatted. Heck, I think I only spanked the girl 3 times the whole weekend, it was more important to me to spend the time in her company than it was worrying about how many times I could spank her in one trip. It was something that I had to try and justify to myself and I have to admit that I became very selfish for a rare time. At first I was saying to myself that I get to see everyone else at various events throughout the year, but after I wore that one down I settled on my final answer, I was on vacation!! At the end of the day this trip was a vacation to me and if I wanted to spend a large portion of it with a very good friend who I don’t get to see very often, then I found that acceptable. It wasn’t like we locked ourselves in our room for the whole weekend, we certainly attended all that we could have attended, but those down times it was actually very relaxing to switch off.

There are some regrets because I made promises to so many ladies that I never got to fulfill, but at the end of the day I also need to realize where my speed is at and at a spanking party my speed isn’t always spanking as many girls as I possibly can. Dare I say that I play less than most people play at a spanking party, the most that I get from a party is from the people themselves. The camaraderie and freedom is one of the things that make a spanking party a very special event indeed. Off the top of my head I probably spanked less than 12 girls in total.

Anyway, as it is now the wee hours of Monday morning I thought my mojo was broken and that the extra day was just a little bit too much for me. Yet it is funny because when Munchkin and I got back to the room we had my favorite play session of the whole weekend. I’m going to post a whole story on that event anyway, but at 5am we were on the couch and I made the very rare toppy decision that I can make. That was to go to bed and leave the session right where it was. It was the right decision and the spanking that took place is one of those very special moments that have happened to me during my spanking life. Certainly the moment where Munchkin realized that her wiggling could work to her benefit is something that I will not easily forget. Without ruining the story, Munchkin was wearing dropseat pajamas that came down just below her bum. In her desire to avoid the wooden spoon she worked out that her wriggling was making her panties slide back up her bottom. So watching this naughty little girl do an impromptu dance on my lap trying to get her panties to slide back up was both hysterical and memorable at the same time. She has the name Munchkin for a reason so I am sure you can all picture what that must have looked like.

On the final morning I finally was able to get with Caroline Grey to shoot a video for us both to share. It was a mad rush but we managed to get ten minutes worth of footage, and as it has been five years since we had last played it made for a wonderful spanking session. While the spanking is pretty long we are having a conversation throughout and it was a bloody good experience, the first part should be up tonight and I hope that you enjoy it. It was one of the special moments of the weekend for me.

Right at the very end of the event and after I had crashed and burned, I was still able to get some extra special memories in and despite working on a few hours sleep in between those sessions and standing in the check in line, I had just about survived it all. Well, almost J There was still a little issue of someone jumping the line during checkout and I was furious. When I am in that state it is not good for me to get angry and I fought really hard not to get totally New Yorker on their ass. Thankfully though there was another New Yorker right behind me and when I heard the words “What the fuck dude” I was able to relax. I wanted to say something but I was in no state to do so rationally, but what was said needed to be said and I am really glad that someone was able to do that. I was pissed off in a major way.

The flight home was uneventful, I just rested my head against the side of the plane and slowly began to drop. The feeling has yet to subside as I sit at work and type this, I’m not feeling very motivated whatsoever, and I don’t even want to join the group for lunch today. Funnily enough I don’t even want to gloat about winning the trivia contest this year at FMS, I just don’t have the motivation to do that right now. During the weekend it was awesome sharing some smacktalk with the previous holders of the last two years, Rad and Sandy, in fact it was one of the highlights because I really like those guys. At the end of the day though it no longer seems like something that was that relevant, I’m almost pretty blasé about it now. However, as Ian made a fantastic strap for the first place winner and as I also received a trophy for winning the trivia contest, the very least I can do is give it some airplay. I’m seriously not in the mood for that right now though, despite being pretty loud and obnoxious I am actually a pretty humble fellow.

Much more to come about FMS, videos, stories, tales of enjoyment etc. Just don’t expect them in the same format that other blogs write about them, I might start at 4am on Monday morning and then write about 1pm Friday afternoon, it is going to be a hodgepodge set of postings. Anyone who has read this far down will get first dibs on watching the video that Caroline and myself did as I will post it right here the moment it is approved on spanking tube. Then once I feel that people have had a chance to read this article I will make a separate post featuring the video by itself.

Richard Windsor.

3 thoughts on “Party crashing – The extended version

  1. Thanks for the post, Richard. I appreciate your candor, especially when it comes to party burnout and social ambivalence. We(the spankos) are in a tough spot. We only get to see certain people every so often – sometimes every few years – so naturally we want to spend time with each of them. But, spending quality time with everyone we’d like is impossible, since we are limited to cramming all our activity into one weekend. Such is the life of a spanko.

    By the way, – and I say this as a fellow guy – you have the nicest, most pleasing voice. I hope you’ll narate more of your stories for audio! Thanks for posting the video. You and Caroline have good chemistry together. 🙂

  2. Richard: I’d like to take this opportunity to sincerely say that the events surrounding the trivia contest (as well as the contest itself) were among the most fun I had this year. All the trash talking and bravado were most fun for me and made all the more fun because of your enthusiasm and humor. Sandy and I loved it all.

  3. Richard very enjoyable vid what a lovely young girl Caroline is i read her blog ,i shall watch part 2 soon saw her on Northern spanking in a photo story recently look forward to her first film there soon ,best wishes,tim .

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