Windsor Wednesday Classic 1

So here we have it,  the start of a brand spanking new weekly feature,  the Windsor Wednesday Classic. I’m going to start you off with a doozy with a pic from the school play,  Men Are Like Streetcars. I hope that you like it because I have 9 more spanking pics from different productions of this play. You will see my website address listed on the pic for the sole reason that I paid money to have access to this spanking pic. Now this will be added later to the Windsor Spanking Finds tab above,  that new page is something that I will not retroactively add to,  there are far too many pics that I have found over the years that are now distributed around the spanking world,  but as I put so much time and effort into finding rare spanking pics that I am going to start building my own database of finds and purchases that I make. Seriously,  I spend many hours in my effort to contribute something unique to the spanking world that I should build a database,  these pics are going to spread around the blogs anyway,  but it would be nice for folks to have a folder of stuff that I search for. The weekly disclaimer will be,  if you have posted a pic that I feature here then please let me know and I will credit you,  but to my knowledge these are first hand finds and I feel comfortable that I am going to have some new pictures for you.

As luck would have it,  in my snail mail today was a package from Mr. P containing about 50 more vintage rarities. Now some of these I might not be able to use as the copy is bad,  however,  he was kind enough to put the dates and publications on them so I have already found some of them online. Unfortunately the best one of the lot I cannot find so I will do my best to scan the copy I was provided. Oh, and before I close,  you know that picture of the sorority girls all lined up getting the paddle on some steps? Well the version online is poor to the highest degree,  not much more than a thumbnail really,  well guess who now has a copy thanks to Mr. P 🙂 That will be next Wednesday’s Windsor classic as I now have an awesome copy of it.

Mr. P,  if you are reading this then this weekend I will reciprocate your package and send you photocopies of all that I have on the subject,  I have a feeling you are going to love them. Thank you so much for sending me your copies and hopefully,  with some due diligence,  I will be able to find better copies online.

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