So What Happened?

You may have noticed over the weekend that all of my sites were down, there was the dreaded “Account suspended” notice on all of them.  This is what I believe happened, it was a combination of events that contributed to it.


The new site that I created received major traffic when I started it, and it wasn’t even linked into anyone other than my own blogs. The number of visitors wasn’t even that big, but the number of pages that they read was. On the very first day the page got 5,000 hits and that was just people checking out what I had done. That same day Chross had linked into my vintage spanking site for additional traffic. Now those were not the total reason for the suspension, they just merely pushed me over the edge.

All three of my sites are run through this site and they are hosted on the same domain, which is a shared server. I get a certain amount of usage to use at any given time, and for the most part it is more than adequate, but in this case my site needed a major clean up of scripts that were running that no longer existed. My hosting company restored my site and allowed me to clean it up some, which for you guys will have little impact. When you come to the site now though what you are seeing is a cached page, that reduces the memory that is pulled from the server by tenfold. I also removed a ton of widgets, something that I had long planned to do for a while now.

At the moment the site is running within the guidelines, but I still have some cleaning up to do. My three sites combined get a lot of traffic and as they are all on the same server I have to be real careful. Anyway, I’m back up and running, so enjoy the pics in this post while I tidy up in the background 🙂

One thought on “So What Happened?

  1. I can sympathise with your server woes – hope the cleaning goes smoothly! Google did the adult content warning thing to me a while back, it was what finally prompted me to migrate to WordPress and I have no regrets whatsoever.

    I’ve added the new combined pics site to my blogroll – best of luck with it.

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