One To Make You FAT???

So today I am pondering why there is such a lack of diversity involvingminorities in the spanking world. Quite honestly I wanted to do a full post about it but as I am at work I will have to condense it. Now I’m not looking for the Captain Obvious comments in response to this, I know that there are spankos out there from different cultural backgrounds, in fact I have personally Spanked black girls, Asian girls, Filipino girls, yet I don’t ever believe, unless I am completely mistaken and forgot someone, that I have ever spanked a Latina girl.

Of course there are always exceptions to the rule, but going by the general population, spankos of various minorities are way underrepresented in my opinion. I take the cultural make up of New York City for instance, and in my vast experience of spanking girls, they certainly don’t show a fair reflection of the cultural make up of the city whatsoever. Like I said, I have spanked girls from various minorities, but I would take a guess that I have spanked Caucasian girls perhaps 98% of the time.

Now why is that do you suppose? Why does the spanking world appear exclusively to be a whites only sport? Again, we don’t need to be Captain Obvious about this, I know from personal experience that there are girls from different minorities in the spanking world, it is just my impression that the amount of spankos from minority groups doesn’t reflect the population by any means.

Is it a cultural thing? You can’t tell me that the same portion of each group doesn’t have the same feelings that we do, but why do we see very few minorities amongst our own population. I would really love to hear some views on this from my readers so that I can perhaps get a better understanding of it. By the way, I was also informed that this subject may be too sensitive to talk about, but I imagine that type of comment also comes from the type of individual who always has to whisper the word ‘Black’ when they talk about a minority population. Bottom line, I’m very interested in the subject and if I don’t know the answers, perhaps someone else does!!

Now for those of you who don’t like to think much, which is basically my male readers 🙂 Here is a collection of pics for you.

This first one inspired the title of this post, WHO KNEW? I guess from now on we all need to add an extra spank when we are dishing out the birthday spankings, eh? But seriously, there has to be a 21st century version of this, eh? How about ‘One to make you Phat?’ Any other ideas?

As you all know, I have started the PANTY SPANKINGS site, and being that the LADIES in my life affectionately call me ‘PUP’, I was delighted when I came across this pic. It is almost like there is a young lady out there thinking of me 😉

Don’t ask me why, but this pic has Pixie written all of it. I can’t put my finger on WHY, but the moment I saw it I thought… PIXIE 🙂

Another pic that I have had forever yet have so far been unable to find a post to put it in, is this beauty. I laughed the moment I saw it and thought “This is how a girl must REALLY feel when she gets that first cane stroke 🙂

And finally, I just love the work of this artist. He doesn’t do spanking work, but obviously he had some inspiration somewhere for this drawing.


Over on the PANTY SPANKINGS site today, I have posted the complete set of these pics featuring young Kira getting spanked on the seat of her purple panties. Just click this link to see this set of pics featuring Kira ————-> PANTY SPANKINGS


4 thoughts on “One To Make You FAT???

  1. It seems that most people have an ideal in their minds of the blonde haired, blue eyed seemingly innocent girl being taken across her man’s knee and spanked red. Possibly even the thought that darker skinned women won’t show colour as much. Individual countries have their own kink clubs, etc. which feature their own ethnicities. However, some of that never reaches our shores due to strict government regulations. I have noticed a distinct lack of Latina and even Native American people into the scene. But, it seems that it just comes down to what is “acceptable” in society based on old antiquated ideals of white on white. We are used to it and it feels safe. Exploring other territory has always been taboo. It’s not until you have people willing to come out of the closet about it that diversity is born. The minority groups might feel very safe in practicing their kink within their own small groups and communities but, too leary of exposing themselves more widely. They come from different cultures with whole hosts of stigma attached to being different. Remember elementary and high school and getting ostracised for being different, for not conforming? The same goes for our community. There are cliques here, too and people will always fall to the safe zone first.

  2. Richard, you wrote:

    “Of course there are always exceptions to the rule, but going by the general population, spankos of various minorities are way underrepresented in my opinion.”

    That may be because you are white, and are naturally attracted to white females… and they to you. I’m white too, and while most of my spankees have been white, I have spanked some black girls, several Asians, and several latinas as well.

    It may be helpful to look at the popular entertainment that these various ethnicities produce. Of course you know all about the movies and TV shows that majority-white countries produce. But do you know that in this century, there may be MORE spanking activity in Latino films and TV than anywhere else? Brazil, Mexico, and Venezuela in particular, produce spanking scenes all the time.

    As for Asians: You have seen spank scenes from Japan and Hong Kong, but I notice that in Japanese media, the scenes are almost exclusively F/F. Nevertheless, when I lived in Japan, I did spank Japanese girls, quite often, and they let me know that they liked it.

    Popular media will probably guide us best, in knowing whether spank scenes are popular. My guess is that, in Latin America and the Far East at least, they are favored by the public.


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