
Today I have been waging a battle of ‘Lord Of The Rings’  magnitude with the spam comments this site gets. On 847 posts I have received 3,241 comments,  do you have any idea how many spam comments have come here? 173,734!!!!!

Seriously,  173,734.

So today I waged a battle and here is what I have done. All posts over 30 days old will no longer be allowed to receive comments,  all pages above have had the comments turned off,  they were the worst after all,  and finally if you have never left a comment before then I’m afraid I have to moderate the first one you leave. Don’t worry,  after that first one you will be able to post un-moderated thereafter.

I still have to do something about the galleries but that can wait for now,  but after 173,000 spam comments I had to get the big guns out 🙂

Now at Shadowlane I nearly finished a story while I waited for my ride to the airport,  and this weekend I plan to finish it. It is a sorority story so I will add it to the weekly Sorority Spanking Sunday’s post.

Lately a little friend of mine and I have been joking around in regards to the lack of links back I get in regards to the unique material that I post/pay for. If you don’t know,  it stands at less than 5% credit that I get for my contributions. So we jokingly thought of ways to combat that. Here is my first one,  what do you think? 🙂 Cedar Rapids 1969.

2 thoughts on “Growling

  1. I understand your action to combat spam. On CSR’s bulletin board, I only allow members to post for that reason, and I still have about 300 spambots trying to sign up every week. They actually shut down the site once by doing too many searches – prior to that, I hadn’t realized that spambots would use any built-in search facilities – and I had to first restrict and finally remove the board’s search box.

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