A potpourri of spanking pics

{12/26/08 UPDATE: Here is the link to my ‘Christmas Spanking’ video montage. Also, for a free video of Santa (Me :-)) spanking The little Gingerbread girl (Audrey Knight), click this link and scroll to the bottom of the page. Right above the free video you will also find 60 free pics from that scene as well –Santa Richard Windsor spanks Audrey Knight– The full video is at the bottom of the page. Merry Christmas :-)}

As I never got around to writing the articles I had planned, I thought I would share some pics with you in lieu of what I have coming up this week. Also on Christmas day I will probably share with you all of the Santa spanking pics that I have collected over the years. For your amusement though, here are a bunch of random pics đŸ™‚ Be sure to click each pic for the full sized version.

Where do we begin? Do ya think this naughty little girl is enjoying herself just a little too much? đŸ˜‰

Yet another of my favorite pics, a classic F/F spanking given to a most delightfully round bottom.

It isn’t all fun and games, as this lady has just realized that she is totally pinned down.

A reminder to all you tops out there, because you know she isn’t going to behave herself anyway!!

Not what I would normally post, but it is a funny cartoon.

And finally, a set of 5 pics that I have always enjoyed. A long time ago I actually owned this video. Hmm, there are those purple panties again, that reminds me of something I still need to do.

Richard Windsor.

9 thoughts on “A potpourri of spanking pics

  1. I look forward to your future articles, but photos are always a ton of fun. And yours are some of the best finds around! Can’t wait to see your collection of Clauses.

    ~pixie~ Who is on her best behavior … at least publicly.

  2. Those secretary photos – where the hell did you find them in colour? And you say there’s a video???

    Have a great Christmas.

  3. The F/F photos are great and have been around for quite a while. If you are able to locate the video these came from it would be much appreciated. The first F/f (second pic in order) id one of my favourites. Again if this came from a video a name would be appreciated. Merry Christmas everyone.

  4. Pixie: “Who is on her best behaviour” ……….. Snort!! Oh look, I see a pink elephant flying!!

    This is a very old video, I am guessing sometime around 1990 or so. If I am not mistaken the video was a part of the ‘Spank Shoppe’ series and I believe that it was either a ‘London’ or ‘Lyndon’? production. I think it was London anyway, they were mostly known for their bondage videos anyway. It has been so long since I have seen it, in fact the video may well be buried in my video collection which hasn’t been played for about 10 years now.

    I will see if I can locate it, but to help you guys the Spanker’s name is Juliet Severe, I believe the spankee’s name is Lina (Gorgeous girl) and the girl in the background is…….. You know what I’ll be buggered if I can’t remember her name off the top of my head.

  5. Okay, I found out that the video was done by Harmony Concepts and was called ‘Office Politics’

    Here is the review of it, and you will see that I got the names wrong đŸ˜‰

    “Stunning Darla Crane is having trouble with the new employees in her office and every time they mess up it’s Darla who gets spanked by the boss, Chelsea Pfeiffer. But Darla gets her revenge and Elise diMedici and Lira Ross end up with some vibrantly pink derrieres as a result.”

  6. great little audrey that cheracter recfuved lots of spanks from her elders any more you could show sometime?love your blog you bring us so much hope you had a grand Christmas best wishes tim.

  7. Richard, Thanks for the info. I’ll do some more searching but if you find the vid in your collection please let us know.

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