F/M Friday 39

In the past week I became aware of something in the community that I started to write about a few days ago. Now you have to remember that I left spanking social media a year ago so I have been completely oblivious to anything that is going on. Unless it pertains to this blog I don’t even speak with anyone in the community anymore, like literally nobody.

The one thing that I do have, which was something that I switched to when I deleted my Twitter account, was a vanilla Twitter profile that I used for non spanking related items. Because I like to promote spanking vendors, I did add a few spanking providers to my vanilla account so that I could still see what was being released so that I could promote them. It was through one of those vendors that I became enlightened as to what has been going on over the last year in the spanking scene when they retweeted a post.

Here’s the thing though, my tuppence worth means absolutely zero! As I was writing and writing and writing, I suddenly stopped myself and said “What the fuck are you doing”? Why was I even inserting myself? I mean I think I know why, I have been around the block for years, so I was seeing certain things that weren’t always the case in the past. Nevertheless, there was nothing that I could add so I don’t even know why I was writing. The majority of the post will be erased, but there are portions in relation to “Letting go” that I can still use maybe in a post next week.

It won’t be long now before I am 59 years old, and one thing that I have gotten really good at over the last few years is letting go. You get to the point where you realize that you are in the last quarter of your life and you start to rid yourself of things that you don’t need anymore. This isn’t only material things but emotional things as well, I’m at that stage in life where I know what is important and what isn’t. I have boxes and boxes of stuff that I haven’t even looked at for 20 years and I have been in the process of giving things away. Haven’t got to the spanking implements yet, but eventually they will also be given away save for perhaps a handful of items that are personal to me.

The whole process is designed to make my life easier, and it is working. Take this blog for example, you may well have noticed that I have made some changes over the last year. The whole process of posting every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday went out of the window, I let it go. I don’t want to be beholden to a schedule anymore. This post happens to be an F/M Friday post, but that was purely by coincidence. It happens to be Friday and what I wanted to share happens to be F/M.

In fact why don’t I pause here and share the item with you and then I will carry on down below.

In my latest post I spoke about SPANKING AUDIOS and wouldn’t you know, within hours of posting that, Miss Jenn posted the first part of a new audio spanking story on her Anchor profile. This is actually important to what I am going to talk about next. So here is the story and be sure to subscribe to Miss Jenn’s social media accounts from the link provided for updates. Just press the play button below. In fact instead of just posting the audio, be sure to check out Miss Jenn’s SPANKING AND ALL THINGS FEMDOM podcast. Not only will you find spanking stories, but there is a whole host of material there for you to enjoy.

It was because of this link that Miss Jenn provided me with some inspiration. When I say inspiration what I mean is that as a person who has done audio recordings for the last 15 years, her podcast gave me an idea for a host to put up all of those spanking interviews and stories that I have recorded over the years. I wanted to clarify that because like I said, I speak to nobody in the scene. Whenever I promote someone’s work, practically 99% of the time the person is never aware that I have done so.

I mean shoot, I must have a dozen interviews already and I have at least a couple of stories recorded. Making an audio recording of all of my stories is something that I have long wanted to do, and now I may have discovered a platform where I can share those stories. It would also allow me an opportunity to work with others by providing a male dominant voice in return for them providing a female submissive voice for my stories. That might be a longshot, but collaborations on this platform do seem to be frequent.

So in between my vanilla Youtube work this week I might well look to see if I can contribute to the spanking community in a positive way.

Maybe I will write about letting go next week, or maybe I will just scrap the idea. The bottom line is this, having wiped all of the negativity out of my life, believe it or not, I am actually starting to enjoy the spanking lifestyle once more. Albeit from the outside looking in rather than the inside looking out. Four years ago I was in a dreadful place where I didn’t know how long I even wanted to be a part of it all anymore. I’m much happier now!! Why is that? Because I let everything go that no longer belonged in my life đŸ™‚

Birthday’s and Christmas are still tough, as it would be for anyone with no family remaining, but I always have a virtual family to turn to during those times đŸ˜‰