Interview Thoughts

Hey guys,  I’m going to be unavailable for 24 hours,  so I wanted to take this chance to ask you your thoughts on the current interview series. The latest one is with Ophelia De Havilland which you can listen to here,  PART 1,  PART 2,  PART 3. Starting at the party I expect to do a good number of new ones this year,  and though it is early I do have a couple set up already.

Normally I don’t ask for feedback,  but I do want to know whether or not I am wasting my time with the interviews. What I have done is create a very basic 3 question survey below,  all questions are optional so if you just want to answer the first one that is fine as well. The survey is completely anonymous. Now with that said,  I’ve been blogging for over 9 years now,  so I am fully aware that there are some people who sit behind the safety of their computer screen and talk shit about everyone every day. I’ve got thick skin though so fill your boots. I would love to hear your thoughts,  both good and bad.

We start with a simple question,  and then if you so wish you can give me your thoughts on what you want to hear. Any particular questions that you always want to know from people no matter who it is. It is open so if you suggest a person for me to interview then I will assume that the questions are for them. Or just any ideas that you think could improve the interviews,  I am more than open to your suggestions. I will post some spanking pics on my spanking PICTURE SITE today so that if this doesn’t interest you then you will at least have some spanking pics to look at.

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