Windsor’s Sunday Candids – 29

I positively hate it when I don’t find the time to update this blog. There are times where I wish I could sit on my big fat arse all day. Unfortunately work tends to get in the way a bit. You know what is funny? I was told 16 months ago that I was being laid off,  yet there I still am. The company that I worked for is no longer and my time is split between two splinter companies,  and now I find myself busier than I have ever been,  this week especially.

Anyway,  you are not here for my gripes,  you are here to grab my spanking finds,  right? 🙂

This week I will go back to the spanking in the play  “We Dude It”. In my various school plays folder I have already posted three from this play,  including one spanking on probably the tightest Daisy Dukes you could find,  and as I have about another ten or so I might actually create a separate page for spanking pics from this play.

As always,  this will be added to my VARIOUS SCHOOL PLAYS folder where you can find a mixed collection of spankings from a number of different plays.

wedudeit oakley 62