Windsor Wednesday Classic – 5

It’s that time again for the Windsor Wednesday spanking classic. This time we are going back to 1973 and a Texas school production of Kiss Me Kate. If you look above I have started to sort out all of my finds over the years,  but practically speaking I can only update it on the weekends. The birthday spanking one has started to take shape and I will do the others as time goes on. That might be easier said than done though as my Brother will be here for a couple of weeks on vacation next week. Anyway,  check out the pages I am building,  there will be loads more pics to be added between now and the end of the year. Just click any of the 4 links below or on the menu bar.

Windsor’s Birthday Spankings,  Windsor’s Spanking Finds,  Windsor’s Sorority Spankings,  Windsor’s Stage Spankings.


One thought on “Windsor Wednesday Classic – 5

  1. Now that looks like a real spanking by the look on her face and thanks for the nice panty spanking

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