Windsor Wednesday Classic – 262

Here is one of the British images that I recently discovered from the 1950s, a happy bride getting a spanking on her wedding day. This must be the ‘good old days’ that people often speak of 😉

This will be added to my WINDSOR’S SPANKING FINDS album.

This next part is specifically for Jimc, a guy who is always extremely generous in leaving comments on this blog. He had remarked that the spanking in the play LITTLE ACORNS is the only play on my blog that he doesn’t know the reason for the actual spanking.

Origins and minute details are not normally something that I care that much for, however, I was able to dig up a little synopsis just for Jim that I will share for you now. In the play the character Pandora is spanking Millie.

6 thoughts on “Windsor Wednesday Classic – 262

  1. Great find of the wedding spanking.I think that was one of the stories that I saw while growing up and it thrilled me to no end that spanking was in some marriages (it is one of the reasons I really enjoy mainstream spanking not only for a constant spanking source,but as I said in another post it is a fantasy that all women getting spanked in plays or movies are actually spanked in real life as well whether it be maternal, paternal or boyfriend and they do enjoy their otk experiences.) Thank you so much for the information about the play and the comments about commenting.I do try to let artists and bloggers how much I appreciate their talent and dedication, but it is also hard as there are so many that I cannot reply to everyone and I do feel sad about that.thanks again for all you share and research although you do not get the comments you deserve I do hope you continue for many more years.have a great day

  2. Richard, comments are very well deserved by you, and I comment when I can. But since I had a major stroke many years ago, I’m not responding very well. The stroke left me with half of my body paralyzed and on the skids. It took many years to relearn everything from eating, shitting, communicating as best I could. Wish I had something more to add but this is all I can with one finger typing this nonsence, Mick

  3. Jim,

    There is another bride spanking image that I found but I have to be honest, I find it a little creepy, lol. You see the groom helped deliver her when she was born, and that made me go “Yikes”. Don’t worry about the comments, I always appreciate yours. It is just simple math though, if people comment then I am more inspired to post frequently, but if nobody comments then I am less likely to care to post.


  4. Mick,

    Please never feel obliged to comment. As I mentioned to Jim up above, it is just human instinct, if you get encouragement for your efforts then you are more likely to do even better, but when it is silent then I am more likely to say “Whatever” and skip posting in lieu of doing something else with my time. But please my friend, never feel obliged to comment, I appreciate your support both on this blog and on my Youtube channel.


  5. Yes I saw that one and I have mixed emotions about it I am 10 years older than my wife so I do sometimes feel odd about ways they say it like I was in high school when she started school,but on the other side I married when I was 30 and she was 21 and that does not sound that bad.on the topic of the guy who delivered her it also sounded EWWW to me as well,but it is only twenty years and put that way it does not sound that bad besides she was a lovely bride and the picture with the article was outstanding. Thanks for the reply.have a good day.

  6. Jim,

    There was also a ten year age difference between my parents and they married at the same ages as you were at your wedding (my Dad was 31). When you are talking adults though I really don’t think that age has any bearing whatsoever on the relationship. When the bride is 16 (by mere days) and the groom is 38 though, and she had grown up living 5 doors down from him and was playmates with his kids, I think that is the part of the story that gives me the heebie jeebies, not necessarily the age difference.

    I’m also a massive fan of Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis, and both of them had some rather dubious love interests. Jerry Lee marrying his 13 year old cousin and Elvis started dating Priscilla when she was 14. I guess the term “Groom” can be quite appropriate in certain instances of marriage, lol 🙂


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