Windsor Wednesday Classic – 175

Have you ever heard of the term “Idle hands are the Devil’s workshop”? I’m sure that most of you have, or at least something different, I believe in England they say “Idle hands are the cause of the Devil’s work”. Basically it means that you have more time on your hands than you normally would, and it is generally during that time that you start doing things, or acting differently to what you normally would.

That’s me this week!!

This is going to be reflected in my posting this week, and I dare say that not everyone is going to be happy with it. Now don’t worry, I’m not going to be doing anything malicious towards another person, that is one character trait that I am blessed enough not to possess. However, for purists of vintage spanking photos I am going to be the scourge of society, lol.

During this COVID-19 break that most people are being enforced to take part in, I was messing around with a vintage photo colorization program. At first I was just using old black and white family photos and adding color to them, and while the program isn’t perfect by any means, I was able to come up with some stunning family photos. In particular one of my dad from 1961. Then of course the “Idle hands” took hold and I started colorizing old spanking pics as well.

Now don’t worry, this is more of a hobby for me, this isn’t something that I will be doing on a frequent basis. Just as an example for you though, I thought that I would colorize this week’s Wednesday Classic to give you an idea of what they look like. As I said, the program isn’t perfect, but it does give you an idea of what an old spanking pic may have looked like. This particular example I would probably rate around 4 out of 10, but as I also said, sometimes the pictures come out stunning. Perhaps these old Yearbook photos will never colorize right because the quality is poor to begin with, but if I did create one that looks awesome then I will definitely post it for you.

So here is the Wednesday classic this week which I will add to my SENIOR SUPERLATIVES spanking album, and I think you will all agree that this is a top notch spanking pic in its own right. I almost fell over myself when I found it last week.

Then to give you an idea as to what the photo may have looked like in color, here is the generic colorized version of the photo. I believe that if I pay for a subscription then I may be able to choose outfit colors. You might call me crazy, but the option is certainly one that I am considering for my old family photos. What do you think guys? What are your thoughts on colorizing old pics? I’m pretty sure that most of you will be against it, and I will be honest in that this particular example is poor, but if I do create one that is as stunning as the pic of my father is then I will definitely share it.

P.S. If I find these photos being posted as a genuine article, found in a local neighborhood magazine with a circulation of 4 copies, I’m going to call you out 😉 I also cropped out the watermark just so that I don’t get in trouble for using this program for spanking related material. I hope that you all understand why I did that. Here is an update to show you just how good the program can be when it has a good image to work with. Click on the images for the full sized version.

7 thoughts on “Windsor Wednesday Classic – 175

  1. Yes you are correct it is truly a wonderful picture as is. I am actually for coloration as any thing that improves a image esp. Spanking related i am all for.I am not a purist in that regard.I think it is wonderful to bring old pictures up with color as sometimes you can do it with a memory when the picture was taken and remember how it was. Great job. Thanks for sharing this and also good luck in bringing your family pictures up. Have a great day.

  2. I probably prefer the black and white ones, but I have to say that I do think it is interesting to at least see the colorized ones. This is a generic transfer as well, I didn’t get to choose any colors. The second image in particular I think shows how good the program could be, and from a personal standpoint to use it to colorize old family photos certainly brings some of them to life. If anyone wants the name of the program then just shoot me an email.

  3. Well done sir. Very fond of the second one the ladies are having fun. I agree while they look cool in color the black and white just brings it back to the old day.

    Stay safe


  4. I agree, Ron, it is fun to have a look at the colorized versions, but I also prefer the black and white ones.


  5. That is a great shot with the exception of the guy looking into the camera. Colorization doesn’t bother me any as long as the colors look right.

  6. ChardT, yeah, it is so hard to find photos where at least one, if not both are looking at the camera. Sometimes it enhances the image when it is the bottom looking at the camera, but it never works when it is the top.

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