Windsor Sunday Candid’s – 143

Hit me with your rhythm stick!! I just so happen to be a big fan of Ian Dury so this is an appropriate use of the name of one of his songs. If you don’t know him, look him up. He was a man who was affected by the polio virus as a young boy and he grew up in institutions (with the support of his family). Despite this he became a successful singer. There is also a film on his life where Ian is played by Andy Serkis (Gollum from Lord of the rings).

Anyway, I realize that I have mentioned it a hundred times already, but it is a big pet peeve of mine whenever the background of a picture is cut out. So much is often missed. While there is nothing spectacular in the exterior surroundings in today’s picture, it does give a better appreciation of the aesthetic feel to the image. A good old fashioned country whooping 😉

Of course I can’t be sure what the young lady is being spanked with. A cheerleader baton perhaps?