What’s Another Year?

Yep,  that time has come around again,  yet another year has come and gone and I turn 54 years old today. Fifty bloody four,  holy snot,  where did all those years go? It isn’t all doom and gloom though,  the older I get the easier it is to let go of things. I’m very content where I am right now,  the people who I am important to mean a lot to me,  as do the people who are important to me. There is no hate in my heart. Que sera,  sera. Time has taught me with the loss of various family members of the last few years,  that there will always be people there for you. You don’t even know it until it is there,  but they were there all along.

It has been said to me before that by repeating the same thing it is like you are trying to convince yourself it is true. So let me say once and for all,  as I posted on TWITTER today. My life is blessed,  every day I am thankful for what I have. I grew up on a council estate in England and now,  every single day,  I see the New York skyline. It never gets old and as pompous as it may sound,  I’m reminded each day that I made it,  I bettered my life!!

So no more preaching,  much love to you all,  and now in celebration of my 54th birthday,  here are some birthday spanking pics done in the famous vintage style of Richard Windsor. They will be added to my WINDSOR’S BIRTHDAY SPANKINGS folder.

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