Streetcar Sundays – 129

It would be easy for me to say that I have no idea why I like this picture so much, but come on, we all know that would be a lie, right? I know exactly why I like this picture 🙂 Let me just state before I go any further, while this has all of the hallmarks of a MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS spanking pic, the book does not definitively say that this play was Men Are Like Streetcars. I have the complete book on PDF and I have gone through every page, and not only that, I went through every page of the previous year’s edition as well. Quite simply there is no mention of any plays that were performed in either year, or any other indication other than this one photo.

My last hope is going to be scouring the local newspapers from that year to try and find a reference to the play. Unfortunately my subscription to the newspaper archive has currently expired so I can’t do it right now. The subscription is really pricey, and while I don’t mind investing my time into this for you guys, money is a little tight right now for frivolous spending. This image reminds me of my STREETCARS 40 pic that I shared. That is an image that I actually own having bought the original negative, and even to this day I haven’t scanned the negative. I’m told I can do it with my iPhone and iPad so I might give that a shot today. Coincidentally, another of my potential Streetcars finds this week similarly has no identification attached to it. Every indication points to it being one, but an extra girl appears in the scene which throws me off just a tad. More on that image much later though.

Anyway, I mention all of this because this is NOT a confirmed Men Are Like Streetcars spanking pic, even though every indication would point to it being one. Now what was I saying about something drawing me to this pic? It almost makes you want to put your hand up in the air and say “I’ve got next”, lol. If the spanking ‘Karen’s’ are reading this, yes, that was a joke!! What do you guys think, does this image give you a spanking vibe?

So first of all I give you the usual book image, but in this case I will follow it with the image from the actual PDF. The unusual situation in this instance is that the PDF version is no better than the online version, which is quite unusual because it normally would be better.

2 thoughts on “Streetcar Sundays – 129

  1. Wow that is an incredible picture. Wish he wasn’t smiling but her position and outfit simply amazing. Head lowered and awesome bottom. Great find. Thanks

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