Niki Flynn’s “Dances With Werewolves”

Niki Flynn — “Dances With Werewolves”

A review by Richard Windsor.

(All images courtesy of Niki Flynn – View her galleries here at )

One thing I have never done before, even though I have had requests to do so, is write a book review. Well that is about to change as I give you my first ever book review, and the subject that I am covering today is “Dances With Werewolves” by Niki Flynn. I’m not normally a reader and I don’t think I have ever even read a book review, so I don’t know how they are normally done. What I will do though is give you a review composed in the Richard Windsor style, ad hoc, with little or no structure 🙂

When I purchased the book I really had no expectations of what I was getting. I’ll be really honest with you to start with, I bought the book to primarily support someone in the scene, though I was intrigued by the subject matter herself. If someone (Niki) had taken the time and effort to endure such a project, then I felt it a responsibility to support her efforts. As Ian Head from the London Tanners had said at the recent Florida Moonshine party “Please support the people who support you”. What I got instead though was a book that I simply could not put down.

At the Florida Moonshine party Niki had signed my book “For Richard, Mr. Windsor – Sir. Welcome to my darkness. Love, Niki”

My plane ride had been delayed by a few hours for the journey home, I was bored senseless. My laptop was with me and I had a movie to watch for the journey back to New York. While waiting in the terminal I decided to pick up Niki’s book and I figured I would read a couple of chapters before the plane was ready to board. That was a mistake to think that, let me tell you!! The first brief chapter covers some of the things that happen behind the scenes at a spanking shoot. Having been on a few of them myself I was able to nod and smile at this inside information. When we get to chapter two we were really at chapter one, as the title of this chapter is called “Strange Little Girl”. This is where Niki begins with the biographical look at her life so far.

The self professed ‘Morbid Fantasies’ of a child/teenager. While everyone else played house, Niki tells us of a mind consumed with thoughts of a vast array of punishments. Every spanko has done it, and now you can sit and read about it. You will probably be like myself who has always had a fascination with spanking, you will sit there nodding your head as Niki tells us about the conflicts one suffers mentally growing up with these desires. Of course, Niki’s fantasies stretch FAR beyond just a simple spanking, lol. They are all about power and mind control and quite frankly, some of her desires are pretty shocking.

We follow Niki’s life of being hidden in the darkness right up to the awakening of Niki Flynn, the first actual mortifying spanking administered by her Sister’s boyfriend, followed by her Sister actually spanking Niki herself!! By now I am on the plane and the movie can go stuff itself, this is far more engrossing. While it may be at a different level and with different circumstances, I get a feeling that I am reading my own story here. At the very least, every uncomfortable situation I ever went through growing up as a spanko is being written about compassionately, it provides almost like a comforting blanket of reassurance that you are not alone. For a guy who never reads a book I made pretty quick work of the first three chapters. But now we have arrived at chapter 4, my face grimaces a little bit, we have now shot forward to Niki’s first foray into becoming an actress, and it is with the Czech company, Lupus. This simple spanko thinks he may have bitten off more than he could chew as we meet “The Werewolves From The East”, what I didn’t know at the time though, was that the next 100 pages would be my favorite part of the book.

This is where the real journey begins, and while the book will occasionally deviate towards other projects Niki has done, you are drawn to her work, passion, desire and commitment to putting her soul into her characters. Not only by playing them, but by becoming them. If ever a person has suffered for her art, then Niki Flynn is that person. The four films that Niki has made with Lupus are the main binds that hold this book together. The other projects, the readers letters, the fan mail, the behind the scenes look at spanking shoots are all great to read, and once you have developed a mindset as to who Niki is, then you appreciate so much more what is being written about. In my honest opinion though, the work Niki has done with Lupus and which overall, interspersed, covers about half the book, is what really defines who Niki is and what she is really about. Her passion and commitment is made even more remarkable when you consider that every time Niki goes to Prague to shoot a film, she probably doesn’t even cover the cost of her trip with what she receives in payment. It is a real labour of love to submit to not only the torture she suffers, but when you consider that she is probably out of pocket to do so makes it just that much more amazing. If my written review of Niki’s book isn’t enough for you, then that statement alone should make you want to buy a copy.

“Support the people who support you”

Niki is about more than just spanking, it is about character development. When on a film set Niki has a boyfriend with her who helps her get into character, and sometimes this makes for the most powerful reading. One time she is a hostage about to be released to her own people, this after suffering horrendous amounts of torture and brainwashing, even losing her only friend because of Niki’s characters perceived betrayal. On an abandoned railway track her boyfriend stands beside her and hisses at her, telling her that she was to blame for losing her friend and that she will never be forgiven. That her family will be shamed by her as she stands there in the bitter cold, rain soaking her disheveled form in her dirty, torn clothes, her eyes like cold stones. When she is released to her German rescuers, one Fatherly figure motions to his companion to give her his coat, this simple act of kindness is too much for Niki to bear as she has now become her character, she breaks down crying. It isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last. Just when she thinks there are no more tears left her character narrates what she has already filmed. Niki became Nikolaja, and the strange thing was, once the shoot was over, Niki didn’t want to leave Nikolaja’s headspace, there was some type of serene comfort there.

When I bought the book I had no expectations whatsoever, what I left with was one of the best autobiographical stories I have ever read. Maybe in part that is because I am a spanko and it is a sort of confirmation about my own feelings and desires, but the actual book itself holds its own merit as an extremely well written piece of literature as well. Niki is a fabulous writer!! Trust me when I say this, if you are in the scene in any way, shape or form, this book is essential reading!! Even at 45 years old and with 29 years of active spanking in my life, this book has helped me come to terms with my own acceptance of who I am and what my feelings are. It was very cathartic to read and it reminded me that while I may be ‘Different’ to the general population, it is okay to be that way and I shouldn’t compromise what it is that I want in the lifestyle. You will NOT be disappointed in buying this book, it will capture your imagination and you will more than likely appreciate your own acceptance in the lifestyle a little bit more once you have read it.

Well done Niki, you should be very proud of your efforts and I for one, absolutely LOVED reading about your life and what makes you tick. It is a fantastic read that I couldn’t put down no matter where I was, whether it be on a plane, the subway, or even on the bus ride home from work.

I urge you all guys, and I rarely shill for anything, BUY THIS BOOK!! If not for yourself, buy it for a scene friend or a partner, it would make a great gift. It gets my highest recommendation and you can purchase it from these direct links. Just click on the book title and you will be taken right there.

Dances With Werewolves

Dances With Werewolves

Richard Windsor.

4 thoughts on “Niki Flynn’s “Dances With Werewolves”

  1. Wow! What a powerful review! I can’t wait to get my hands on this one, I had already been thinking about it, but wow. Thanks Rich, excellent review!


  2. I really agree, she can be proud of her book, fantastic, please write more books dear Niki. You can be proud of yourself
    Your great fan

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