This looks easy, right?

As I have mentioned before, on Wednesday I leave for our annual spanking meet in Tennessee. Here is just a little teaser of other pics I intend to share from previous years meets, once of course I have permission of anyone involved in the pics.
Now this first one I seem to have everything under control, right? Oh how deceiving a pic can be đŸ™‚ Tomorrow I will share a pic from a little while after this where I am sweating profusely and the brat, Amy, is laughing her head off as I try to teach her a lesson đŸ™‚

Now correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t it look like I’m pouting here? đŸ™‚ Stupid community living thingy.

Ah, the wonderful selection of toys. There was more but this is all we could fit on the table.

Also be sure to check for other pics from our spanking conference. There is a great one up there currently of the above seen Amy cooling her bottom off with two ice cold beers, head on over and have a look.
Richard Windsor.

One thought on “This looks easy, right?

  1. ha! I told you the Tops were slaves. And you posted a pic to prove it!!

    I will be posting more over the next coupla days! đŸ™‚ Can’t wait to see ya again, noodle arm!!


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