Everybody’s Heard About The Bird

You may read in various places that my little Princess, Munchkin, disagrees with the fact that I have put her in the corner. Now she may whine and pout and protest and claim various things, but the proof lies in the picture, and here it is, Munchkin standing in the corner under the watchful eye of yours truly!!

She is a game girl though, even under duress and clearly crying, she manages to put on a brave front and manages a ‘pose’ for the camera to try and save some face. Of course with mascara running down her face she was unable to lift her head for this shot!!

Even in public my little girl can sometimes misbehave herself, which puts me in a precarious position as I never want to be seen as a real meanie. So to allow her some dignity when she was naughty, I had this kind man take care of her for me by giving her a public flogging at my request!!

When all is said and done though, I do love my little Princess and I have been known to give her good girl spankings that go on for ages, even if she is wearing her Pittsburgh Steelers panties. You know what, after seeing these pics it is no wonder that she publicly calls me her “Daddy”, and yes, about 20 people were present when she told someone “I’m a telling my Daddy”. Further proof that she is indeed my little Princess!!

Let me add one final thing, Munchkin has a few friends of hers, kind of like a clique, who make outrageous claims distorting the actual truth, all lead by my little Princess. But take my word for it kittens, the proof is in the pictures above and I don’t think for one minute that any of you would doubt what I have just told you, you can see it all with your very own eyes. Everything above is as it seems, no words were really necessary as the pictures do tell the story on their own. Knowing that these packs of girls have been know to fib from time to time, I also wanted to make sure that you got to hear everything directly from the horse’s mouth from the get go, and of course the truth is just enhanced by the pictures capturing each moment for eternity.

I’m overjoyed to refer to Munchkin as my little Princess, and even more delighted that she calls me her Daddy, but she can be such a naughty little girl at times what with her distortions of the truth. Perhaps when she starts to fib again I will put a bar of soap in her mouth 🙂

8 thoughts on “Everybody’s Heard About The Bird

  1. O

    Wow, I can’t believe lightning hasn’t just shot out of the sky and knocked you on your ass. Interesting how you try to head off people calling you out as the obvious bullshit artist you are, by calling them liars first. That you moved this battle (which you were soundly losing) from fetlife to here. And that you wait until I’ve left for work to post this behind my back trying to keep me from defending myself. Real brave Mr. Dog.

    As several witnesses can attest (though you have now called your own friends liars trying to cover up your own lies, I’m sure they’ll appreciate it) that corner pic was taken when I generously offered to pose for it when you were whining about needing pictures for your blog when we first met. Back when I thought you actually had some integrity….you know, before I knew you very well. I was apparently naive enough to think you wouldn’t take advantage of my kindness. Silly me.

    As for crying, please. You wish noodle arm. Also, I don’t even wear makeup dumbass, so not sure how mascara would be running anywhere. I see how much attention you pay to me if you didn’t even know I hate makeup.

    Yep I did call you Daddy since I know how you love that kind of thing. I believe it was after you announced yourself as my father at a party. So I took you up on it. Where’s my allowance Daddy? 😀

    And of course wearing Pittsburgh Steelers panties leads to good girl spankings, that’s a given.

    As for soap…try it pup. But don’t be surprised if you end up choking on it 🙂

    Your ever-loving Princess,

  2. See what I mean guys, it is a conspiracy!! You all know me by now, don’t I pride myself on telling the truth?

  3. You know, I do believe that I saw what’s in the first picture for myself. In fact, I do believe that I was the photographer who snapped the photo. She *was* standing in the corner, just as the photo clearly shows.

    I must also say that I believe that the second photo has the potential to become one of our all-time classic photos ever. When all is said and done if the untold thousands of photos that you’ve been in all of your wide-spread spanking activities were gathered into one place, and only 10 of those thousands could be chosen to last into posterity – I believe that this one would make the cut. It’s nothing less than an awesome photo.

    As a small observation I must say that I find it most ironic, indeed, in fact, the pinnacle of irony, that given what you are in the process of doing to Munchkin, and given what she is doing back at the same time that what we see positioned exactly between the two of you in the background are… two PEACE signs!!!

    RG of PAS
    ZED of ZED & ginger

  4. Wow, Rich, that was some of the best fiction I’ve read in a long time. Is there some contest you could enter?

    Everything munchkin said is true…except the part about the Steelers panties equaling good girl spankings…but the rest is true.

    And, RG? Shameless. Is there nothing you Tops won’t do to support each other?

  5. cindy, I do believe it was you (correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that you were at least part of the conversation) that in the U.K. Tops seem to be very competitive with one another and that the general rule is that they cut on each other, but that in the U.S. Tops, as a general rule, seem to be much more cooperative and mutually supportive of one another, i.e. it’s the team thing.

    So I’m just stepping up to expectations. 😉

    RG of PAS
    ZED of ZED & ginger

  6. RG, I really don’t remember that conversation at all.

    But sometimes when you Tops get to talking, I tend to zone out…blah, blah, blah…mutually supportive…blah, blah, blah…cooperative…blah, blah, blah…behave…

    Now, what were we talking about, again? 😛

  7. Richard, Since I was not there,I won’t comment or take sides on those situations. I can say though that everytime Munchkin has been at the same party as me, she has always been innocent and full of goodness.

  8. cindy,

    On further thought, since you said that was not you, it was perhaps Amy, our Australian friend, who may have made this observation.

    RG of PAS
    ZED of ZED & ginger

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