
So this is where I am at. Today I started to write about school knickers but I dropped them, you get it? Oh never mind. Then I attacked my pet peeves in the scene and I got really far with that post, in fact it is almost done. The problem I have though is that my moral conscience isn’t going to be around this week 🙂 So as I know that my post is probably going to annoy some people, I am going to put it on ice and reread it tomorrow to make sure that I am comfortable posting it.

We are not at a loss tonight though, I still have something to share with you. Last week I posted perhaps my most popular post to date, where we all discussed the merits of a spanking clip from Northern Spanking. Now to offer up some fairness, here are a couple of pics showing the other end of Northern Spanking’s style of work. These pics show the naughty Zoe showing her boyfriend her silky knickers, what is a poor fella to do? Two questions here, how do you guys feel personally about school uniforms in one of your scene play routines, and secondly, look at the first pic, can you think of a caption for that pic? 🙂

2 thoughts on “Dagnabit

  1. Hi Rich
    Don’t sweat (no pun intended) the writer’s block. I think the rain is suppose to come and cool the city down.
    Sounds like you have some great topics coming up and as a newbie I am looking forward to reading about them.
    I have no caption for the the first pic, not yet anyway, but it did make me giggle.

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