Category Archives: Streetcars

Streetcar Sundays – 140

My apologies for missing the weekly F/M Friday post this week, unfortunately I am busy building a website for my vanilla project as it has started to take off. To make sure that I don’t miss two posts in a row, here is my weekly MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS spanking pic. Again I haven’t had much time to search for new streetcars pics either, but I know that there is still a ton out there for me to find.

One thing that I did find was a Men Are Like Streetcars production from 1977, which would be the most recent production by three years since I found the 1974 pic, but unfortunately there was no spanking image from the play, if the spanking was even included in the production. The 1977 production was a one act play as compared to the normal three act play.

Streetcar Sundays – 139

We are back with our regular Sunday spanking feature, our weekly MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS photo of the week. This spanking was a recent find, so I am still managing to locate new streetcars spanking pics. It is a pretty good one as well, an OTK hand spanking photo as opposed to the lesser preferred newspaper spanking photos. It is also worth noting that the third party isn’t grabbing the spanking hand, which is allowing for some nice spanks to be delivered to the bottom of the girl with the look of disdain on her face, with her legs kicking and everything.

I have a little time today so I might just go and scour another hundred books or so and see if I can’t find some more spanking pics, which I am generally lucky enough to do. While I do that, please enjoy this unique Men are like Streetcars spanking pic.

Streetcar Sundays – 138

Right now I am working alongside Dana Specht’s web magician to get her spanking blog up and running. I’ve just started to add BLOG EXCHANGE links, so if you would like to exchange blog links with Dana either leave a message on this post or email me at


So far I have added 4 of the longest running spanking blogs, my own, BOTTOM SMARTS, HERMIONE’S and RONNIESOUL. Basically from here I will add the links as they come in, first come, first served. The sooner they come in then the higher on the list they will be 🙂 For the foreseeable future the blog will be updated daily, we have a backlog of posts to make and then in a couple of months time we will work with Dana and start posting new blog content. So make sure that you bookmark DANA’S SPANKING BLOG and visit every day to see what content is being added. There are going to be lots of spanking video trailers as well as pictures, etc.

The MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS pic for today is not one of the best, however, I always try to bring you something new every week. While I still have dozens of images left, ones that have not been posted online before are running in short supply, though I do have alternate versions of images that have already been seen online. The one thing about the image today is that it looks like the guy has just about worn the newspaper out on her bottom, I guess he is going to have to use his hand pretty soon 🙂

Streetcar Sundays – 137

I’m busy watching the final day of the Premier league today, while also rendering a new vanilla video on this PC which is sucking up my bandwidth. Bottom line, you aren’t getting much more than the spanking picture today 🙂 This will be added to my MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS spanking folder.

Streetcar Sundays – 136

You may have gathered from the last few weeks that my time is somewhat restricted at the moment. Obviously I am still uploading three times a week, which is kind of the minimum that I can do, but I am sticking to it and keeping up with the blog status. I don’t need to come up with a litany of excuses, right now I am sharing my spanking passion with trying to build my own brand in the vanilla world. It is working as well, I am liking the progress that I am seeing on Youtube and I think that within a year I can actually start making money from it. My goal is to be self employed and semi retired within the next two years.

However, I of course have a plethora of spanking material, much of which you won’t find anywhere else….. well, until everyone pilfers it of course 🙂

This week I am offering you what I believe to be a MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS spanking pic. The reason that I say I believe is because it is not a guaranteed streetcars spanking pic. Over the last few weeks I have spent as much time as I could devote to trying to confirm that this is indeed a Men Are Like Streetcars spanking pic, but alas it isn’t confirmed yet.

If you look at the picture though, it is pretty evident that there is a high likelihood that this is a streetcars spanking pic, it checks an awful lot of the boxes. This is a smaller version of the one that I have in my archive, the original is just way too big to post on a spanking blog. Enjoy everyone and happy Sunday. Just remember, this might not be a Men Are Like Streetcars spanking pic.

Streetcar Sundays – 135

So how are you all coping with the COVID-19? Right now I can’t really get into Manhattan as I am not an essential worker, so my video making business has been restricted to Queens and Brooklyn.

It has still been a while since I found a brand new MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS spanking pic, though at the same time my searches have been a little limited due to my vanilla projects. Don’t worry though, I always bring you something brand spanking new. I even applied a new photo editing program this week and it turned a pretty poor image into quite a decent one. In fact I might well go back through my archive and see if I can’t make some of the other pics more presentable.

So here is the pic for this week, and as usual it will be added to my vast MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS spanking folder.

Streetcar Sundays – 134

Summer has arrived here in New York, the whole of the upcoming week is going to be in the high 80s. Thankfully I am still on lockdown so I can suck up the air conditioning for the week. Yet another week has passed where I didn’t find any new MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS spanking pics, but thankfully I already have a stockpile of them on hand. I’m probably going to have to start a new state soon as the current state isn’t producing much luck. I’m logging everything I have searched so I can return at a later time without issue.

The streetcars pic this week features a young lady putting in quite a dramatic performance during her spanking. Unfortunately there are no names involved for the performers, but at least they included the spanking pic for our pleasure.

Streetcar Sundays – 133

Can you believe that we are at episode 133 of the MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS series? I still have 77 more in my archives that I have yet to post, but we will round that down to 70 as I am sure that I have duplicates amongst that number. There are a few others out there that are not in my collection, but I only post streetcars pics that I have personally found. Either way, this will still take us to over 200 as it is, and while I haven’t found any brand spanking new ones for a couple of weeks, I do believe that there is still going to be another couple of dozen or so yet to be discovered.

The image this week is a bit unique, in so far as they had a budding photoshop guy decades before photoshop existed. It is a bit of a crude cut out, and I have to be honest I always find that to be a pet peeve. I always want, and will always post, the whole image. The best example that I can think of to describe this is the picture called “Irish” that I found and named. Even though it was 13 years ago it has always been one of my favorite finds. You can find the image IN THIS POST and it is the last image of the six images, the one right at the bottom.

For whatever reason, when someone took the image they cropped it so that it only showed the spanking portion of the picture, and that is the image that circulates the Internet. I know of only one other website that constantly raids my images that left the image alone and reposted it as it was meant to be seen, they also didn’t bother to rename it to give the impression that it was an independent find. Whenever I see the image in its edited form it never fails to trigger me, lol, the image, with all of its surroundings, is nigh on perfect and it has always been a favorite picture of mine. The cropped version is appalling when seen through my eyes!!

Anyway, here is your Streetcars pic for the week.

And just so that nobody makes a mistake on the picture that I am referring to, it is this one here, a picture that has long been a favorite spanking image of mine.

Streetcar Sundays – 132

Now for our weekly MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS spanking photo.

This week hasn’t been the most productive for finding spanking pics, I was only able to come up with a smattering of inconsequential images. Thankfully I still have a nice little stockpile of unseen spanking pics, including this one from Men Are Like Streetcars. Unfortunately we can’t get to see neither the guy’s hand nor the girl’s face, but the OTK position is really good.


Streetcar Sundays – 131

Today is the day that I am going to start filming in New York again. We are still a week away from some of the lockdown being lifted, but we are allowed out for some exercise, so I will make use of that today and film some of the local area near where I live.

A big thanks to everyone who has left a comment this week. For some reason the comments seemed to have risen from 0.05% per visit to 0.06% per visitor 😉 Seriously though, I do appreciate some of you taking the time to be interactive, I enjoy conversing with you all and I hope to see the trend continue.

I love our MEN ARE LIKE STREETCARS pic this week. It is a rehearsal spanking where the understudies are watching on. The one thing that you will notice is that all four of the guys seem to be having a good old time, and I don’t know why they need a second chair there to simulate a couch, he looks to have things well under control. It is almost like he is looking at the camera and saying “Have you got the picture with the paper yet? You have, good, now where was I before you gave me the paper”? 🙂 It is a great position by the girl, very convincing.

This was a double performance where the guy on the far right got to play the spanker in one performance. Unfortunately, while there are several rehearsal pics, at no time is the character “Maudie” mentioned so I don’t know who the girl is. The other pics are just of actors with their understudies, but with no indication as to what role they play. Pretty soon I am going to purchase another subscription to a newspaper archive so that I can try and find these details for you. I will report back when I do.