Windsor Wednesday Classic – 33

I’m back from the spanking party and I will have lots to share,  videos,  pics you name it. It is going to take a little while to sort everything out but thankfully I have a lot of features to maintain in the meantime.

This weeks Wednesday Classic is from 1947 and the school play “A MIND OF HER OWN“,  just click on the highlighted name for the folder containing all pics from the play A Mind Of Her Own.

yne 47


2 thoughts on “Windsor Wednesday Classic – 33

  1. Let me guess where RW gets this great stuff.
    I suspect that around 60 years ago some long dead spsnkophile instructed a Press Cuttings Service to send him all Press photos of spankings in amateur dramatic productions.
    In due course he bequeathed this to RW – a shrewd move from which we are all benefitting.

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