Texas All State Spanking Pics (Part 1)

{{I also have a work in progress that should be finished by the end of the week. I am creating a movie page where you can watch spanking movies at unbelievably good rates. This is the early page I have set up Richard Windsor’s Movies and by the end of the week it should be completely finished. That is just semantics though, you can start watching the movies right now if you wish. If you search for ‘Spanking’ there is nearly 5000 movies listed}}

There are several other blogs out there that have posted party pics already. Click on any of the following names to look through their pics.

Cookie Crawford

Zed and Ginger


Thomas III

The first two are of Santa Claus paying a visit to the Bride before he retired. Yes, sad to say, this is the last spanking that you will ever see from this Santa Claus. His old, worn out clothes were left in a corner in a Dallas hotel room. Fear not totally though, I hear that Santa is looking for a new deluxe model, preferably in black 🙂

In case you missed the video from the scene above, you can watch it right here.

Next up, here are 4 pics that I had taken with Amber Grey. Two were from the signing of her plank, even if I did perhaps swat the little minx 20 times, and a couple of pics from the spankopoly game. Sorry these pics aren’t perfect, but I had to cut everyone out whose permission I do not have to post a pic of them.

6 thoughts on “Texas All State Spanking Pics (Part 1)

  1. Yup, I loved that expression, too. I haven’t gotten around to posting the pic, either, but I’m slowly working through the party posts. On a side note, Cookie called to my attention that the link to my site is broken. It appears that there’s an extra “http://” in there.

  2. That last pic is great!! hahaha…..

    I need to send you the one of you with a bottle of beer upturned in your mouth! 😉


  3. So glad to see that you are in process of posting stories and pics of the party….

    I put up some of my tinkerbell outfit today.

    So sorry we didn’t get to play more…I did try my best….you owe me for knocking your hat off and everything else I did to pick on you ~wink~

  4. Thomas — The link is now fixed 🙂

    Ginger — Please, please do. I have a collection of about a dozen already and I want to make a themed post 😉

    Todd — Yes, all lovely ladies….. even the ones who never called us to diinner!!

    Sherie — Next time my dear 😉 This party I pretty much stayed locked up with those close to me, which you would have been a welcome part of. But what with how much you had to do and my hiding it didn’t work out. There will be other times though, I can assure you 😉

  5. A very tardy comment here on the Texas party I know. It was a blast getting to spend time with you, even though you did spank me in Spankopoly. I still say the game was rigged-I kept landing on it’s your b-day and taking trips to the woodshed. Gee. I was happy to see you show up and got my wish of getting a spanking by Mr.Windsor 😉 Although I must admit we still have some catching up to do in that department don’t we ?

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