Windsor Wednesday Classic – 73

First of all,  I could have kicked myself yesterday. There was an ultra rare spanking pic going on Ebay yesterday that I was going to purchase to share with you all,  but when I remembered I shot over there and I had missed the sale by 5 minutes. The spanking was from two American soap opera stars and the caption said that the girl got 26 spanks,  one for each year of the show. Unfortunately the preview is not worth posting,  I would rather wait for it to be sold again and get the real deal. I actually put my bid in on my phone but the app wouldn’t accept it,  maddening!!

Now next week is the annual LOVE OUR LURKERS day event and if you have followed this website for the eight years that I have been doing it then you would know that this isn’t something that I really participate in. It isn’t because I have any objection to it,  in fact I totally encourage everyone to take part,  it is just that my feelings our different to most. I simply hate asking people to comment on anything. My firm belief is that if I post something worthy enough then people are going to comment on it,  and if they do so then they are doing so on their own volition,  not because I asked them to. It’s just a hang up that I have.

This year however I am going to take part,  but with a twist. My event will be “Love My Readers” but posted under the umbrella of Love Our Lurkers. What exactly does that mean? That means that next week I am going to make a bumper post of rare and unique pics,  perhaps a free video as well from my collection,  just as a way of saying thank you to my readers. There won’t be any requirement from anyone other than to enjoy what I am sharing.

I’m strange that way,  a couple of years ago I also asked to be removed from the contest for “The best blog of the year”. Spanking has never been about being a contest to me. There are many blogs that I have come across that might only have 50 visitors a week but they are important as anyone else out there. If people like what I present then I am glad that I can bring some joy into their lives,  that’s good enough for me.

So it’s time for the Christmas grouch to give you his weekly offering in the hopes that you guys will enjoy it. This week I will share with you a new play from my collection,  one that I have numerous pics from,  and they play is Meet Me In St. Louis. The pic is from 1971.

This will be added to my VARIOUS SCHOOL PLAYS folder.

mmisl prairie heights 71