Windsor Sunday Candid’s – 129

While the book states that “Salt Water Taffy” was the ‘Almost autobiography’ of June Triplett, June is in fact Author Corey Ford (1902-1969).

I won’t bore you half to death with additional details, if you want to know them then you can look them up yourself 🙂 My goal is to show you spanking pictures, after all, that is what you are all here for, right? This image from the play “Salt Water Taffy” is from the Chicago Tribune in 1929. Your eyes I am sure can read what is written below.

This will be added to my WINDSOR’S SPANKING FINDS album.

2 thoughts on “Windsor Sunday Candid’s – 129

  1. Another good find! I remember checking out what may have been a later edition of this book around 1980 from the college library. I’m sure the Tribune photo was in it. The text describes several spankings for June, mostly from her father but one from Britches that was illustrated. Ford plainly intended all these spankings, and their sheer number, to be humorous.

    Heywood Broun (Captain Triplett) was, by the way, a well known American journalist of that era. I had never heard of him doing any acting before this, however.

  2. web-ed,

    I have seen this image before without a doubt, but I have never seen it with the correct context provided. I’m one of the only bloggers that actually posts the entire spanking image, I rarely crop out unimportant elements because let’s be honest, who gets to decide what is unimportant? One classic example was a spanking image from the play “Billy’s Goat”. The spanking image was posted a few times in various places, but until I found the original I don’t think that anyone had ever included the full image with the maid off to the side. In fact now that I have just looked I don’t even have that image on my site, I must have posted it to my defunct Vintage spanking site.


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