Honoring The Troops

This is my latest find on Ebay,  a picture of a serviceman returning home. However,  with my observant eyes,  while the picture was titled that he is spanking his girlfriend,  I’m not so sure. In the background I can see another serviceman and there are at least two buses parked there. What is really interesting to me is that he is sitting on what appears to be an awesome looking bandstand. Does anyone recognize it? It looks like one of those old Southern country style bandstands,  so perhaps this is a day out for them all,  or perhaps the bandstand is located near a rest stop close to a major road.

I’m not sure who the girl is. Is it possible that she is also a fellow servicewoman? The high heels might go against that theory as even on a field trip high heels wouldn’t be acceptable wear. Perhaps she is one of the singers? That would appear more likely. I mean it could be his girlfriend he is with at the meet up point, but I think that there is more to the story. I would also be lying if I said that I didn’t notice she has a missing hand. What is she doing with that hand do you think?

Tonight I am probably going to add a vendors page to my website,  especially considering that I am staying up all night so that I can watch the Rugby World Cup Final between England and South Africa at 5am my time. This is going to be free promotion to all vendors as a way of giving back. I’m going to start with what I know and if you sell your own products then just let me know,  I will be happy to add your site to the list.

This will be added to my PLAYFUL SPANKINGS folder.

2 thoughts on “Honoring The Troops

  1. Great picture of two people having fun! The shadow of the person taking the picture appears to be a woman. Perhaps she is friends to the woman being spanked. All three seem to be having a good time! This is my favorite type of scene.

  2. Excellent observation, Ed, I didn’t notice that but you are correct. Perhaps there is also a second photo of the camerawoman getting spanked as well?

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