They Want Less Ads

As you know I have been running some surveys as of late and there have been hundreds of written in responses, at the bottom of this post I will quickly review the results of one of them. Before I start today, let me just tell you that this post will be a hodge podge of things and if you are here just for pics, well there are 6 of them for you as well.

One item cropped up when I ran a “Your view on this website” where several people had mentioned that they wanted to see less ads. I’m actually in agreement with you and once this post is made I am going to start trimming the ads down. There is one ad for Hot Movies that I earn pretty good money on so I would be foolish to change that at all, so that one will be staying.

It’s funny because I remember all those years ago when I first started with ads, it was a new concept and I went overboard with it. Not only that but you will find me responsible for the ads on many blogs. You see when I started I had no problem sharing my knowledge, and I can think of at least a dozen spanking blogs where I shared my knowledge and set up the owners on their way to making thousands of dollars each year. I’m not just talking telling people how to do it, but actually sitting down for hours at a time teaching people how to do it, and for those who were still unable I would host their ads on this blog and do it for them. That was something that I was more than happy to do, in fact it is a good feeling knowing that you put some food on someone else’s table.

What was my payoff? Well it is simple really, just helping someone out was good enough for me. Actually, now that I think of it, I can only think of two people who I helped to set up who I even talk to anymore. Mind you, it wasn’t like I talked to most of them before I helped them. They had heard through the grapevine that I could help them make money so I gladly did. There is one unexpected payoff though, the Hot Movies link I was fortunate enough to get on early. I think what it was, was that their payout is half of what every other site pays, but I had a sneaking suspicion about this site. There was a gut feeling that streaming videos were going to be the way to go, I totally understand the concept of instant satisfaction. So I took the plunge early and believe it or not, for the first five months I didn’t earn a penny. Money was coming in and people were signing up, but it wasn’t enough to earn a check, but when the sixth month came, bang, it started rolling in. Just to let people who advertise know, I earn as much from Hot Movies as I do from all of my other ads combined.


The bonus came from other bloggers who snaffled the idea from me. Any blogger who saw what I was doing and added the affiliate program from accessing hot movies from my site, automatically gave me a webmaster referral. What that means in a nutshell is for every $5 they make, I make a $1. It doesn’t sound much but if they sell a $100 each month I am earning $20 off them. Because I was one of the early birds who got on this right away, MANY blogs copied the idea from my blog. See where I am going with this? Let’s say that ten blogs copied me, (I don’t know the exact number who did) I get 20% of everything they earn. So if ten blogs make $1000 a month between then, I get $200. That’s my payoff, other blogs are making me money. Now it isn’t a one way street, I of course picked it up from someone and they in turn are making 20% of what I earn, so I know out there somewhere, someone is making a pretty penny off me each month 🙂

So I do understand that people want to see less ads, and I will comply with that, but I hope that you can understand why I keep hot movies, that ad alone pays for my attendance at all the parties that I go to each year. Anyway, enough of ad talk, let me move on to the survey results.

The survey with the most responses so far has been “Your favorite fantasy”. So far there have been 180 responses so this is going to take some sorting through 🙂 To start with the gender breakdown was as follows. Male 78% Female 22%. That number has pretty much been consistent in any poll or survey that I have done. Over half of the people prefer a domestic scene while a third opt for a school scene.

What were the favorite spankers though. I’m a stat whore so if this doesn’t interest you then look at the pics and move on, lol. 28 people wanted an Aunt as the spanker, a dozen wanted a boss, 11 wanted a father, 32 wanted a teacher and 13 wanted a mom. Those were the double digit answers, though of course everyone had their own favorite including “The head giant chicken at the chicken farm”. The survey is anonymous, but a little birdie told me that an impish little Pixie may have had something to do with that answer 😉

Who did people want as the spankee? There were 15 for daughter, fourten were the person responding, eleven for nephew and sixteen for niece. Ten people said wife but the biggest response was 32 for “Student”. Everything else was spread out including the Farm Girl. How the spankees were dressed though was very varied, the only double digit was for “Naked”. The reasons for the spanking was where we got the real creativity. Some had a Crime Shark fantasy and their reason for the spanking was “Boyfriend owes a lot of money and has gone underground. Enforcers bring in girlfriend to help persuade debtor to pay up.”. Someone was caught dry humping, though it didn’t specify what they were dry humping 🙂

Finally, what was the most stated implement of correction? Clearly most people had the same thing in mind, 90 people chose either the hand or the spanking started with the hand and 32 went for the hairbrush. There was one final category, any additional comments. Here are some of them 🙂 “Aunty is wearing a navy lambswool twinset; a grey tweed skirt and tan leather brogues”… “Severe cold caning delivered slowly – vivid welts, some blood etc.”… “spanked to tears and warned of weekly spankings for a month to correct behavior”… “I was thinking on a trapeze, but that might be a separate fantasy.  Over a bail of hay would do.”… I do need to have a word with a certain young lady!!

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